Coriolis II vessel
The Institut des sciences de la mer of the Université du Québec à Rimouski (ISMER-UQAR) boasts an ultramodern 50-metre oceanographic research vessel equipped with the latest technological innovations.
A true floating laboratory, the Coriolis II has spaces dedicated exclusively to research work. Its laboratories can accommodate multidisciplinary research teams of up to 14 scientists in addition to the ship’s regular crew. It meets the highest maritime certification standards and can sail anywhere in the world.
Oceanography and marine sciences require the use of research vessels, which are essential for taking samples to understand the oceanographic phenomena that govern coastal and offshore ecosystems. The ship is becoming a vital tool for all oceanographic disciplines.
The Université du Québec à Rimouski, in partnership with Université Laval, McGill University, and the Université du Québec à Montréal, acquired and converted the CCGS John Jacobson in 2011 using a CFI/MEQ grant of over $10 million. The vessel was launched in the fall of 2012, giving researchers access to the coastal waters off eastern Canada.