Postdoctoral Positions
The Institut des sciences de la mer of UQAR (ISMER-UQAR) annually hosts about ten postdoctoral fellows in all fields of oceanography.
Candidates who wish to apply for a position should contact a professor whose research corresponds to their interests.
The positions are open to students from Quebec as well as international students. See also: Admission to a postdoctoral position (UQAR)
See also : Admission à un stage postdoctoral (UQAR)
The list of projects presented on this page is not exhaustive. It is recommended to communicate directly with professors to verify supervisory and funding possibilities.
The applicant who wishes to undertake a postdoctoral position must find a professor who would be able to supervise them. They must therefore choose a research topic and then communicate with professors whose research fields correspond to their interests. See also : Directory of researchers and expertise..
It is preferable to submit a complete application file including the following documents:
- description of the objectives of the postdoctoral position;
- curriculum vitae;
- information on the applicant’s academic background (e.g., transcript, recommendations).
Once an agreement is reached, the applicant must submit an admission application (paper format) and complete the section related to the position. The duly completed and signed form must then be sent to the attention of UQAR’s Registrar’s Office.
Postdoctoral fellows are not required to submit the same documents generally required for admission to graduate studies. Nevertheless, two documents must accompany the admission application form: proof of completion of the doctoral degree and a birth certificate.