Oceanography Disciplines
The Institut des sciences de la mer of the Université du Québec à Rimouski (ISMER-UQAR) brings together a community of researchers from different disciplinary backgrounds: biology, chemistry, physics, and geology.

Biological oceanography researchers at ISMER-UQAR focus on organisms and microorganisms living in marine environments, such as plankton, algae, crustaceans, mollusks, fishes, and mammals. Their research includes:
- Trophic relationships between these organisms and factors that can disrupt these relationships, such as climate change and pollution;
- Species interactions and changes based on the physical, chemical, and geological parameters of the environment;
- Influence of anthropogenic and natural disturbances on biodiversity;
- Aquaculture (e.g., physiology, genetics, development);
- Fisheries exploitation techniques.
Chemical oceanography researchers at ISMER-UQAR focus on chemical processes in the water and marine sediments. Their research includes:
- The origins and fates of chemical constituents in marine waters;
- Chemical reactions occurring in marine environments;
- Effects of contaminants (organic or inorganic) and their distribution;
- Gas exchanges between the atmosphere and ocean.

Marine geology researchers at ISMER-UQAR focus on seafloor evolution, including the kinds of sediments, deposition mechanisms, and accumulation history. Their research includes:
- Formation of ocean basins, mountain ranges, trenches, and submarine volcanoes;
- How sediments are transported, lifted, and distributed to form islands and continents;
- Paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental reconstruction using mineralogical, geochemical, and/or magnetic properties of the sediments.
Physical oceanography researchers at ISMER-UQAR focus on water movements influenced by different factors including tides, winds, fluctuations in freshwater discharge, and spatio-temporal variations. Their research includes:
- Wave formation;
- Salinity and density gradients;
- Temperature variations;
- Sea–Air energy exchanges;
- Formation of turbulence zones;
- Interconnected ocean–temperature phenomena (global climate change, El Niño, hurricanes, and typhoons).