Research Themes
The Institut des sciences de la mer of the Université du Québec à Rimouski (ISMER-UQAR) objectives align with current major challenges, specifically the effects of climate change and modifications in ecosystem productivity and biodiversity caused by human activities.
ISMER-UQAR’s scientific program is thus structured around three main complementary research themes.

The maritime environment is increasingly coveted for its food and energy resources as well as other uses, including aquaculture and maritime transport.
Sustainable exploitation poses new scientific and societal challenges that researchers at ISMER-UQAR actively investigate. To conduct their research, scientists develop new conceptual approaches, techniques, and tools, which themselves constitute essential contributions to advancing knowledge and driving innovation.
Health and Dynamics of Marine Environments
Researchers at ISMER-UQAR seek to better understand the evolution of marine environments and predict future changes in their functioning.

Responsible Resource Use
Researchers at ISMER-UQAR can establish diagnostics on the state of ecosystems with the aim of protecting them while allowing for the use and valorization of natural resources.
Innovation in Support of Oceans
Research conducted at ISMER-UQAR leads to the development of tools to better identify uses of marine ecosystems and better protect against environmental impacts affecting this use.