David Deslauriers
- Éco-physiologie des poissons
- Modélisation éco-physiologique
- Bioénergétique
- Conservation des espèces aquatiques en péril
- Aquaculture
- Pêche commerciale
Site Web : Laboratoire Avancé en Bioénergétique
- Chercheur scientifique, Freshwater Institute, Pêches et Océans Canada, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 2017-2019
- Stage postdoctoral, Département des sciences biologiques, Université du Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 2015-2017
- PhD en sciences halieutiques, Département des ressources naturelles, South Dakota State University, Brookings, Dakota du sud, États-Unis, 2011-2015
- MSc en biologie, Département de biologie, Université du Nouveau-Brunswick, Saint John, Nouveau-Brunswick, Canada, 2008-2011
- Diplôme avancé en aquaculture, Marine Institute, St. John’s, Terre-Neuve, Canada, 2007-2008
- BSc en biologie, Département de biologie, Université Laval, Québec, Québec, Canada, 2003-2006
À venir
- Christina Schaefer (University of Manitoba, co-direction avec Ken Jeffries), Short and Long-Term Anthropogenic Implications on the Growth and Acclimatization of Mya truncata in Frobisher Bay, Nunavu
Macnaughton, C.J., Deslauriers, D., Ipsen, E.L., Corey, E., & Enders, E.C. 2019. Using meta-analysis to derive a respiration model for Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) to assess bioenergetics requirements of juveniles in two Canadian rivers. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Just In, doi:10.1139/cjfas-2018-0436.
Yoon, G.R., Deslauriers, D., Enders, E.C., Treberg, J.R., & Anderson, W.G. 2019. Effects of temperature, dissolved oxygen and substrate on the development of metabolic phenotypes in age-0 lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens : Implications for overwintering survival. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, e-First Article, doi: 10.1139/cjfas-2018-0399.
Deslauriers, D., Svendsen, J.C., Genz, J., Wall, A.J., Baktoft, H., Enders, E.C., & Anderson, W.G. 2018. Environmental calcium and variation in yolk sac size influence swimming performance in larval lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens). Journal of Experimental Biology, accepted manuscript, doi: 10.1242/jeb.164533.
Deslauriers, D., Yoon, G.R., Earhart, M.L., Long, C., Klassen, C.N., & Anderson, W.G. 2018. Over-wintering physiology of age-0 lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) and its implications for conservation stocking programs. Environmental Biology of Fishes 101(4), 623-637.
Deslauriers, D., Heironimus, L., Rapp, T., Graeb, B.D.S., Klumb, R.A. & Chipps, S.R. 2018. Growth potential and habitat requirements of endangered age-0 pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) in the Missouri River, USA, determined using a individual-based model framework. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 27(1), 198-208.
Deslauriers, D., Chipps, S.R., Breck, J.E., Rice, J.A., Madenjian, C.P. 2017. Fish bioenergetics 4.0: An R-based modeling application. Fisheries 42(11), 586-596.
Deslauriers, D., Rosburg, A.J., & Chipps, S.R. 2017. Development of a foraging model framework to reliably estimate daily food consumption by young fishes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 74(10), 1668-1681.
Mochnacz, N.J., Kissinger, B., Deslauriers, D., Guzzo, M.M., Enders, E.C., Anderson, W.G., Docker, M.F., Isaak, D., & Treberg, J.R. 2017. Development and testing of a simple field-based intermittent-flow respirometry system for riverine fishes. Conservation Physiology 5(1), 1-13.
Schumann, D.A., Deslauriers, D., Wagner, M.D., Bertrand, K.N. & Graeb, B.D.S. 2017. Effects of passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags on survival, growth, and swimming performance of age-0 sturgeon. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 146(2), 230-239.
Deslauriers, D., 2017. How to incorporate experiential learning in the classroom to address complex problems in ecology. Fisheries 42(3), 157-162.
Deslauriers, D., Heironimus, L., & Chipps, S.R., 2016. Test of a foraging-bioenergetics model to evaluate growth dynamics of age-0 Pallid Sturgeon. Ecological Modelling 336, 1-12.
Deslauriers, D., Heironimus, L., & Chipps, S.R., 2016. Lethal thermal maxima for age-0 pallid and Shovelnose Sturgeon: Implications for shallow water habitat. River Research and Applications 32(9), 1872-1878.
Deslauriers, D., Johnston, R., & Chipps, S.R., 2016. Effect of morphological fin-curl on the swimming performance and station-holding ability of juvenile Shovelnose Sturgeon. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 7(1), 198-204.
Hayer, C.-A., Kaemingk, M., Breeggemann, J., Dembkowski, D., Deslauriers, D., & Rapp, T., 2013. Pressures to publish: catalysts for the loss of scientific integrity? Fisheries 38 (8), 352-355
Deslauriers, D. & Kieffer, J.D., 2012. Swimming performance and behavior of young-of-the-year Shortnose Sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) under fixed and increased velocity swimming tests. Canadian Journal of Zoology 90(3), 345-351
Deslauriers, D. & Kieffer, J.D., 2012. The effects of temperature on swimming performance of juvenile Shortnose Sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum). Journal of Applied Ichthyology 28(2), 176-181
Deslauriers, D. & Kieffer, J.D., 2011. The influence of flume length and group size on swimming performance in Shortnose Sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum Lesueur). Journal of Fish Biology 79(5), 1146-1155
Premier cycle :
Deuxième cycle :
- OCE62020 Océanographie expérimentale
- OCE71401 Analyse et modélisation du milieu marin
- OCE74501 Écophysiologie
- OCE74520 Écophysiologie
- OCE75120 Dynamique des ressources halieutiques
- OCE75401 Écologie numérique
- OCE75518 Travaux dirigés en évaluation des stocks exploités
- OCE77020 Sujet spécial en océanographie
Troisième cycle :