Stephanie Kusch
Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski
Campus de Rimouski
Téléphone sans frais
- Océanographie chimique / Chemical Oceanography
- Géochimie organique marine / Marine Organic Geochemistry
- Biogéochimie isotopique moléculaire / Molecular Isotope Biogeochemistry
- Radiocarbone / Radiocarbon
- Paléocéanographie & Paléoclimat / Paleoceanography & Paleoclimate
- Staff researcher, University of Cologne Centre for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Germany, 2014-2022
- Visiting scholar, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ), The Netherlands, 2021
- Visiting scholar, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR), University of Colorado Boulder, USA, 2019
- Postdoc, Harvard University, USA, 2011-2014
- Postdoc, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Germany, 2010-2011
- Research fellow, Institute for Research on Earth Evolution at Japan Agency for Marine Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Japan, 2008
- PhD student, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research/University of Bremen, Germany, 2006-2010
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- Kusch S & Rush D (2022) Revisiting the precursors of the most abundant natural products on Earth: a look back at 30+ years of bacteriohopanepolyol (BHP) research and ahead to new frontiers. Organic Geochemistry, doi: 10.1016/j.orggeochem.2022.104469.
- Kusch S, Wakeham SG & Sepúlveda J (2022) Bacteriohopanepolyols across the Black Sea redoxcline trace diverse bacterial metabolisms. Organic Geochemistry, 104462. doi: 10.1016/j.orggeochem.2022.104462.
- Francke A, Lacey JH, Marchegiano M, Wagner B, Ariztegui D, Zanchetta G, Kusch S, Ufer K, Baneschi I & Knödgen K (2022) Last Glacial central Mediterranean hydrology inferred from Lake Trasimeno’s (Italy) calcium carbonate geochemistry. Boreas 51, 219-237. doi: 1111/bor.12552.
- Berg S, Jivcov S, Kusch S, Kuhn G, White D, Bohrmann G, Melles M & Rethemeyer J (2021) Increased petrogenic and biospheric organic carbon burial in sub-Antarctic fjord sediments in response to recent glacier retreat. Limnology & Oceanography 66, 4347-4362. doi: 1002/lno.11965.
- Kusch S, Mollenhauer G, Willmes C, Hefter J, Eglinton TI & Galy V (2021) Controls on the age of plant waxes in marine sediments – a global synthesis (invited review article). Organic Geochemistry 157, 104259. doi: 10.1016/j.orggeochem.2021.104259.
- Kusch S, Wakeham SG, Dildar N, Zhu C & Sepúlveda J (2021) Bacterial and archaeal lipids trace chemo(auto)trophy along the redoxcline in Vancouver Island fjords. Geobiology 19, 521-541. doi: 10.1111/gbi.12446.
- Wei B, Mollenhauer G, Hefter J, Kusch S, Grotheer H, Schefuß E & Jia G (2021) The nature, timescale and efficiency of riverine export of terrestrial organic carbon in the (sub)tropics: insights at the molecular level from the Pearl River and adjacent coastal sea. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 565, 116934. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2021.116934.
- Kusch S, Rethemeyer J, Ransby D & Mollenhauer G (2021b) Permafrost organic carbon turnover and export into a high-Arctic fjord: a case study from Svalbard using compound-specific 14C analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 126, e2020JG006008. doi: 1029/2020JG006008.
- Dummann W, Steinig S, Hofmann P, Lenz M, Kusch S, Flögel S, Herrle JO, Hallmann C, Rethemeyer J, Kasper HU & Wagner T (2021) Driving mechanisms of organic carbon sequestration in the Early Cretaceous South Atlantic Cape Basin (DSDP Site 361). Climate of the Past 17, 469–490. doi: 5194/cp-17-469-2021.
- Scheidt S, Berg S, Hambach U, Klasen N, Pötter S, Stolz A, Veres D, Zeeden D, Brill D, Brückner H, Kusch S, Laag C, Lehmkuhl F, Melles M, Monnens F, Oppermann L, Rethemeyer J & Nett JJ (2021) Multi-method chronological assessment of the Balta Alba Kurgan loess-paleosol section (Romania) – a comparative study on dating methods for a robust and precise age model. Frontiers in Earth Science 8, 568. doi: 3389/feart.2020.598448.
- Kusch S, Wakeham SG & Sepúlveda J (2021a) Diverse origins of “soil marker” bacteriohopanepolyols in marine oxygen deficient zones. Organic Geochemistry 151, 104150. doi: 1016/j.orggeochem.2020.104150.
- Berg S, Jivcov S, Kusch S, Kuhn G, Wacker L & Rethemeyer J (2020) Compound-specific radiocarbon analysis of (Sub-)Antarctic coastal marine sediments – potential and challenges for chronologies. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 35, e2020PA003890. doi: 1029/2020PA003890.
- Steen AD, Kusch S, Abdulla H, Cakić N, Coffinet S, Dittmar T, Fulton J, Galy V, Hinrichs K-U, Ingalls A, Koch B, Kujawinski E, Liu Z, Osterholz H, Rush D, Seidel M, Sepúlveda J & Wakeham SG (2020) Analytical and computational advances, opportunities, and challenges in marine organic biogeochemistry in an era of “omics”. Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 718. doi: 3389/fmars.2020.00718.
- Steinig S, Dummann W, Park W, Latif M, Kusch S, Hofmann P & Flögel S (2020) Evidence for a regional warm bias in the Early Cretaceous TEX86 Earth and Planetary Science Letters 539, 116184. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116184.
- Kusch S, Jaeschke A, Mörchen R & Rethemeyer J (2020) Tracing life at the dry limit using phospholipid fatty acids – does sampling matter? Soil Biology and Biochemistry 141, 107661. doi: 1016/j.soilbio.2019.107661.
- Knief C, Bol R, Amelung W, Kusch S, Frindte K, Eckmeier E, Jaeschke A, Dunai T, Fuentes B, Mörchen R, Schütte T, Lücke A, Klumpp E, Kaiser K & Rethemeyer J (2020) Tracing elevational changes in microbial life and organic carbon sources in soils of the Atacama Desert. Global and Planetary Change 184, 103078. doi: 1016/j.gloplacha.2019.103078.
- Kusch S, Benthien A, Richter KU, Rost B & Mollenhauer G (2019d) Dead in the water: the vicious cycle of blanks during natural level 14C manipulation of marine algal cultures. Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 780. doi: 3389/fmars.2019.00780.
- Kusch S, Sepúlveda J & Wakeham SG (2019c) Origin of sedimentary BHPs along a Mississippi River–Gulf of Mexico export transect: Insights from spatial and density distributions. Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 729. doi: 3389/fmars.2019.00729.
- Elling FJ, Gottschalk J, Doeana KD, Kusch S, Hurley SJ & Pearson A (2019) Archaeal lipid biomarker constraints on the Paleocene-Eocene carbon isotope excursion. Nature Communications 10: 4519. doi: 1038/s41467-019-12553-3.
- Mollenhauer G, Kusch S, Eglinton TI & Pearson A (2019) Compound-specific Radiocarbon Measurements. Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences – Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, Third Edition. Eds Cochran JK, Bokuniewicz H, & Yager P. Academic Press. Vol 1, 235-244. doi: 1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.11432-0.
- Jaeschke A, Böhm C, Merklinger F, Bernasconi S, Reyers M, Kusch S & Rethemeyer J (2019) Variation in foliar d15N of fog-dependent Tillandsia ecosystems reflect water availability across climate gradients in the hyperarid Atacama Desert. Global and Planetary Change 183, 103029. doi: 1016/j.gloplacha.2019.103029.
- Kusch S, Winterfeld M, Mollenhauer G, Höfle ST, Schirrmeister L, Schwamborn G & Rethemeyer J (2019b) Glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) in high latitude Siberian permafrost: Diversity, environmental controls, and implications for proxy applications. Organic Geochemistry, 103888. doi: 1016/j.orggeochem.2019.06.009.
- Kusch S, Bennike O, Wagner B, Lenz M, Steffen I & Rethemeyer J (2019a) Holocene environmental history in high-Arctic North Greenland revealed by a combined biomarker and macrofossil approach. Boreas 48, 273-286. doi: 1111/bor.12377.
- Thienemann M, Kusch S, Vogel H, Ritter B, Schefuß E & Rethemeyer J (2019) Neoglacial transition of atmospheric circulation patterns over Fennoscandia recorded in Holocene Lake Torneträsk sediments. Boreas 48, 287-298. doi: 1111/bor.12365.
- Kusch S, Shah Walter SR, Hemingway JD & Pearson A (2018) Improved chromatography reveals multiple new bacteriohopanepolyol isomers in marine sediments. Organic Geochemistry 124, 12-21. doi: 1016/j.orggeochem.2018.07.010.
- Hemingway JD, Kusch S, Shah Walter SR, Polik CA, Elling FJ & Pearson A (2018) A novel method to measure the 13C composition of intact bacteriohopanepolyols. Organic Geochemistry 123, 144-147. doi: 1016/j.orggeochem.2018.07.002.
- Thienemann M, Masi A, Kusch S, Sadori L, John S, Francke A, Wagner B, Rethemeyer J (2017) Organic geochemical and palynological evidence for Holocene natural and anthropogenic environmental change at Lake Dojran (Macedonia/Greece). The Holocene 27 (8), 1103-1114. doi: 101177/0959683616683261.
- Kusch S, Rethemeyer J, Hopmans EC, Wacker L & Mollenhauer G (2016) Factors influencing 14C concentrations of algal and archaeal lipids and their associated sea surface temperature proxies in the Black Sea. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 188, 35-57. doi: 1016/j.gca.2016.05.025.
- Pearson A, Hurley SJ, Shah Walter SR, Kusch S, Lichtin S, Zhang YG (2016) Stable carbon isotope ratios of intact GDGTs indicate heterogeneous sources to marine sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 181, 18-35. doi: 1016/j.gca.2016.02.034.
- Höfle ST, Kusch S, Talbot HM, Mollenhauer G, Zubrzycki S, Burghardt S & Rethemeyer J (2015) Characterisation of bacterial populations in Arctic permafrost soils using bacteriohopanepolyols. Organic Geochemistry 88, 1-16. doi: 1016/j.orggeochem.2015.08.002.
- Kusch S, Kashiyama Y, Ogawa NO, Altabet M, Butzin M, Friedrich J, Ohkouchi N & Mollenhauer G (2010c) Implications for chloro- and pheopigment synthesis and preservation from combined compound-specific d13C, d15N, and Δ14C analysis. Biogeosciences 7, 4105-4118. doi: 5194/bg-7-4105-2010.
- Kusch S, Rethemeyer J, Schefuß E & Mollenhauer G (2010b) Controls on the age of vascular plant biomarkers in Black Sea sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74, 7031-7047. doi: 1016/j.gca.2010.09.005.
- Kusch S, Eglinton TI, Mix AC & Mollenhauer G (2010a) Timescales of lateral sediment transport in the Panama Basin as revealed by compound-specific radiocarbon ages of alkenones, total organic carbon and foraminifera. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 290, 340-350. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2009.12.030