Louis-Philippe Nadeau
Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski
Campus de Rimouski
Téléphone sans frais
- Océanographie physique
- Dynamique de l’océan
- Modélisation numérique de l’océan
- Courant circumpolaire Antarctique
- Dynamique du plateau continental
- ISMER (2015- ) Professeur
- McGill (2017- ) Professeur adjoint
- MIT (2013-2014) Postdoc (with R. Ferrari)
- NYU (2010-2012) Postdoc (with D. M. Holland)
- McGill (2010) PhD in Physical Oceanography (with D. N. Straub)
- Université Laval (2002) M.Sc. in Physics (with H. Kröger)
En cours/In progress
- 2018- Charles-Edouard Lizotte (Masters, ISMER)
Thesis : Surface wave modulation of wind-driven ocean flows - 2018- Xavier Chartran (Masters, ISMER)
Thesis : Periodicity disruption of a model quasi-biennial oscillation - 2017- Sandy Gregorio (Postdoc, ISMER)
Topic : The role of Arctic sea ice cover on the variability of the meridional overturning circulation - 2017- Kevin Duquette (Masters, ISMER) Co-Advisor : D. Straub,
Thesis : Potential roles for buoyancy and mechanical forcing in rapid decline of Arctic sea ice - 2017- Alexandre Théberge (Masters, ISMER) Co-Advisor : Simon Bélanger
Thesis : Restratification turbulente et production primaire dans la Mer du Labrador à partir de d’observations satellitaires et ARGO - 2015- Jean Clary (PhD, ISMER) Co-Advisor : Cédric Chavanne
Thesis : Estimating spectral energy fluxes from High Frequency Radar observations
- 2016-2018 Karine Robert (Masters, ISMER)
Thesis : The delayed warming and cooling of the North Atlantic under transient climate change. - 2016-2018 Jean-Francois Beaudoin (Masters, ISMER)
Thesis : The impact of a large scale circumpolar current meander on the Meridional Overturning Circulation. - 2016-2018 Yanxu Chen (Masters, McGill) Co-Advisor : David Straub.
Thesis : Surface velocity modifications of Ekman transport and how they impact balanced and unbalanced wind-driven flow. - 2015-2017 Matthieu Gavelle (Masters, ISMER)
Thesis : The role of Antarctic sea-ice on the ocean overturning circulation - 2016 Grégoire Morin (Internship, ISMER)
- 2016 Charles-Edouard Lizotte (Internship, ISMER)
- 2010-14 Alon Stern (PhD, NYU) Co-Supervisor : David M. Holland,
Thesis : Instability and mixing of ocean jets along an idealized Antarctic continental shelf break.
Articles / Publications
- Renaud, A., Nadeau, L.-P. and Venaille, A. (Submitted). Periodicity disruption of a model quasi-biennial oscillation. Physical Review Letters.
- Clary J., Nadeau, L.-P. and Chavanne, C. (Submitted). The effect of measurement limitations on high frequency radar derived spectral energy fluxes. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology.
- Nadeau, L.-P., Ferrari, R. and Jansen, M.F. (2019). Antarctic Sea Ice Control on the Depth of the North Atlantic Deep Water. Accepted in Journal of Climate.
- Jansen, M. and Nadeau, L.-P. (2019). A toy model for the response of the residual overturning circulation to surface warming. Accepted in Journal of Physical Oceanography.
- Jansen, M.F., Nadeau, L.-P. and Merlis. (2018). Transient versus Equilibrium Response of the Ocean’s Overturning Circulation to Warming. Journal of Climate. 31 : 5147-5163.
- Ferrari, R. Nadeau, L.-P., Marshall, D., Allison, L. and Jonhson, H. (2017). A Model of the Ocean Overturning Circulation with Two Closed Basins and a Reentrant Channel. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 47, 12
- Grooms, I. and Nadeau, L.-P. (2016). The effects of mesoscale ocean-atmosphere coupling on the quasigeostrophic double gyre. Fluids 1 (4), 34.
- Jansen, M.F. and Nadeau, L.-P. (2016). The Effect of Southern Ocean Buoyancy Loss on the Deep Ocean Circulation and Stratification. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 46, 3455–3470
- Stern, A., Nadeau, L.-P. and Holland, D.M. (2015). Instability and mixing of ocean jets along an idealized Antarctic continental shelf break. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 45, 2315–2338.
- Nadeau, L.-P. and Ferrari, R. (2015). The role of closed gyres in setting the zonal transport of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 45, 1491–1509.
- Venaille, A., Nadeau, L.-P. and Vallis, G.K. (2014) : Ribbon turbulence. Physics of Fluids.
- Stern, A., Nadeau, L.-P. and Holland, D. (2014) : Instability and mixing of ocean jets along an idealized Antarctic continental shelf break. In revision in J. Phys. Oceanogr.
- Nadeau, L.-P., Straub, D and Holland, D. (2013) : Comparing Idealized and Complex Topographies in Quasigeostrophic Simulations of an Antarctic Circumpolar Current. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 43, 1821-1837.
- Grooms, I, Nadeau, L.-P. Smith, K.S. (2013) : Mesoscale Eddy Energy Locality in an Idealized Ocean Model. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 43, 1911-1923.
- Nadeau, L.-P. and Straub, D. (2012) Influence of wind stress, wind stress curl, and bottom friction on the transport of a model Antarctic Circumpolar Current, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 42, 207-222. <br /
- Nadeau, L.-P. and D.N. Straub, (2009), Basin and Channel Contributions to a Model Antarctic Circumpolar Current, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 39, 986-1002.
- Caron, L., D. Huard, H. Kroger, G. Melkonyan, K. Moriarty and L.P. Nadeau (2004), Comparison of classical chaos with quantum chaos, J. Phys. A, A37, 6251–6265.
- Caron, L., D. Huard, H. Kroger, G. Melkonyan, K. Moriarty and L.P. Nadeau (2004), Is quantum chaos weaker than classical chaos ?, Phys.Lett. A, 322, 60–66.
- Huard, D., H. Kroger, G. Melkonyan, K. Moriarty and L.P. Nadeau (2003), Test of quantum action for inverse square potential, Phys.Rev. A, 68, 034,101.