
Jacopo Profili

Département de biologie, chimie et géographie
Campus de Rimouski
Téléphone sans frais

  • Procédé de synthèse chimique par plasma froid à la pression atmosphérique
  • Etude de la réactivité et de la cinétique chimique de molécules dans un milieu ionisé
  • Revêtement fonctionnels (barrières, catalytiques, électro-actifs, filtrants, optiques)
  • Fragmentation de molécules chimiques, polymérisation de revêtements nanométriques et fonctionnalisation chimiques de surfaces par plasma
  • Caractérisation physique et chimique de matériaux : techniques avancées de caractérisation des surfaces et des interfaces multifonctionnelles et/ou nanocomposites (AFM, SEM, XPS, etc.)
  • Caractérisation physique et chimique de procèdes chimiques de synthèse : décharges à la pression atmosphériques (analyse des modes de claquage homogène/filamentaires, émission optique, analyse électriques, etc.)

Avec une approche multidisciplinaire et collaborative en chimie des plasmas (gaz ionisées) et en science des matériaux, notre équipe offre une opportunité unique pour travailler sur le développement de nouveaux procédés chimiques écoresponsables. Nos recherches portent sur la caractérisation chimique et le développement de procédés plasma à pression atmosphérique. Notre groupe de recherche travaille sur l’étude des interactions entre plasma et surfaces/interfaces pour créer de nouveaux matériaux aux propriétés nano- et macroscopiques adaptées aux applications énergétiques et environnementales. L’étude de procèdes à pression atmosphérique permettra la création de procédés industriels innovants pour l’industrie de demain (système roll-to-roll, procédés automatisés 3D, etc.). Notre approche physicochimique vise également au développement de stratégies de synthèses avancées pour la chimie verte en utilisant moins de solvants.

Les motivations qui alimentent notre travail sont :

– Le besoin de concevoir de procédés plasma à pression atmosphérique adaptés à l’industrie.

– Les besoins de faire progresser la compréhension des phénomènes chimiques impliqués dans les procédés plasma à pression atmosphérique lors de la synthèse/traitement de matériaux.

– Les besoins émergents pour le développement de nouveaux matériaux durables fabriqués à partir ou directement sur des matériaux biosourcés ainsi que de nouveaux procédés industriels respectueux de l’environnement.

– La demande croissante en matériaux pour les applications énergétiques (photovoltaïque, catalyse, stockage, conversion d’énergie, etc.) et environnementales (filtration, assainissement de l’environnement, etc.).

Notre objectif à long terme est de fournir un meilleur niveau de compréhension des phénomènes chimiques complexes créer lors de l’utilisation de plasmas à la pression atmosphérique.

  • Chercheur postdoctoral en science des matériaux (recherche), Université Laval [2022-2024]
  • Professionnel de recherche en procède plasma (recherche), Centre de recherche Chu de Québec [2020-2022]
  • Stagiaire postdoctoral en procédés plasma pour matériaux biosourcés (recherche), Universidade Federal do Paraná [2022-6 mois]
  • Stagiaire postdoctoral en physique des plasma (recherche), Université de Montréal [2018-2020]
  • Doctorat en physique spécialisation : matériaux et procédés plasma, Université de Montréal [2012-2017]
  • Doctorat en génie électrique, électronique et télécommunications spécialisation en ingénierie des plasmas, Université de Toulouse III (Paul Sabatier) [2011-2016]
  • Maîtrise avec spécialité Chimie : chimie et physico-chimie des matériaux, Université de Paris IV (Paris-Sorbonne) [2009-2011]
  • Licence, Physico-chimie, Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée [2006-2009]
  • Certificat, Programme de formation du Réseau des jeunes leaders – Édition 2021, Jeune Chambre de commerce de Montréal [2021-4 mois]
  • Certificat, Programme pour entrepreneurs scientifiques, Axelys [2019-2021]
  • Certificat, Bootcamp en entrepreneuriat (session d’été PROTO10), Université Laval [2021-3 mois]
  • Certificat, Programme d’entrepreneuriat scientifique et technologique (initiation), Université Laval [2019-4 mois]
  • Certificat, Tissue 101_Properties and Processes, Association technique de l’industrie des pâtes et papiers [2021-2 mois]

En cours

  • Développement d’optiques fonctionnelles antibuée adapté à l’exploitation minière en milieu nordique [2023-2026]
    • Chercheur principal : Laroche Gaétan (ULAVAL)
    • Co-chercheur : Grenon Martin (ULAVAL), Profili Jacopo (UQAR)
    • Sources de financement : Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies (FRQNT) Programme de recherche en partenariat / Développement durable du secteur minier-III


  • Contrôle de la germination de semences arctiques et subarctiques nordiques par un traitement plasma à la pression atmosphérique [2022-2024]
    • Chercheur principal : Profili Jacopo
    • Sources de financement : Université Laval (Sentinelle Nord)
  • Génération d’espèces réactives d’azote dans l’eau par plasma à pression atmosphérique,
    • Chercheur principal : Profili Jacopo
    • Sources de financement : Mitacs
  • Jeremy Pothier (en cours). Titre : optimisation d’optiques antibuée par plasma pour le milieu nordique. Maitrise en génie des matériaux (codirection avec l’université Laval)
  • Membre du groupe de recherche sur les environnements nordiques BORÉAS
  • Membre de l’équipe en biotechnologies et chimie de l’environnement (CRABE)
  • Membre régulier du centre québécois sur les matériaux fonctionnels (CQMF)
  • Membre régulier du réseau québécois sur l’énergie intelligente (RQEI)
  • Co-fondateur et directeur du développement technologique d’une startup en cleantech/medtech, Kalego Solutions Inc. [2021…]
  • Professionnel de recherche, Dép. génie des mines, de la métallurgie et des matériaux., science, Centre de recherche CHU QC, Canada [2020-2022]
  • Chargé d’enseignement et de recherche (FR: ATER), Dép. électronique, énergie électrique, automatique, Faculté sciences et ingénierie, Université de Toulouse III, France [2014-2015]
  • Assistant d’enseignement (FR: Moniteur à l’enseignement supérieur), Dép. génie électrique, sciences, Université de Toulouse III, France [2013-2014]
  • Co-fondateur et membre de l’organisation non gouvernementale (ONG) : Collectif des entrepreneur(e)s scientifiques et innovant(e)s du Québec (CESIQc) [2021-2023]
  • Mentor pour le programme d’entrepreneuriat QcSE (V1studio, Montréal) [2023]
  • Chairman, 245th Electrochemical Society conference (ECS) D05-Plasma Materials, Processing & Synthesis 1 Pacific C, 4th Floor (San Francisco) [2024]
  • Membre comité d’organisation, XXI B-MRS Meeting, Maceió-AL Symposium O « Recent advances in cold plasma and related applications » [2023]
  • Conférencier invite pour le worshop « Engineering science for energy » Graduation course in Science of Material, Universidade Federal do Paraná (Brazil) [2022]
  • Membre comité d’organisation, XX B-MRS Meeting, Foz do Iguaçu-PR Symposium X « Recent advances in plasma and related applications » [2022]
  • Membre comité d’organisation, Comité CERMA-CRMR EDI Le Comité EDI du CRMR et du CERMA a pour mandat d’intégrer les principes de l’EDI dans le fonctionnement des centres [2019-2020]
  • Organisateur principal du workshop « nouvelles méthodes de communication, Réseau MRQ, Université Laval [2022]
  • Conférencier invite pour le worshop « Plasma and materials in the society » Graduation course in Science and Technology of Material, Universidade Estadual Paulista (BZ) [2022]
  • Conférencier invite pour le worshop « Advanced plasma process at atmospheric pressure: scientific challenges and opportunities » (ECMA7041 – Tópicos especiais em engenharia e ciência dos materiais I), Universidade Federal do Paraná (BZ) [2022]

Publications avec arbitrage

  • R. Cadieux-Lynch, E. Leroux, A. Hermann, S. Pellerin, A. Keralta, M. Blouin, J. Larouche, J. Profili et al. (2024) From waste to building material: How whey ultrafiltration permeate can increase wood stability. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 29: 1911-1922 [link]
  • A. Destrieux, W. Caceres Ferreira, Z. Costantino, J. Profili et al. (2024). Optical emission characterization of an atmospheric pressure dielectric barrier discharge in nitrogen: Evolution of CN emissions during PTFE etching. Plasma Processes and Polymers. e2400036 [link]
  • M. Rahman, J Profili, et al. (2024). Surface preparation of aluminum by atmospheric pressure plasma jet for suspension plasma sprayed ceramic coatings. Surface and Coatings Technology. 476 (January): 130175 [link]
  • W. Caceres, A. Destrieux, J. Profili et al. (2024) Enhancing adhesion of fluorinated ethylene propylene through atmospheric pressure nitrogen plasma treatment: a comprehensive adhesive selection approach for optimal peel strength characterization. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. 38(14): 2497-2516 [link]
  • W. Caceres, A. Destrieux, J.  Profili et al. (2024). Homogeneity study of fluoropolymer films modified by atmospheric pressure nitrogen plasma discharges. Polymer-Plastics Technology and Materials. 63(2): 120-133 [link]
  • G. Moradkhani, J. Profili et al. (2024) Plasma-Enhanced Alginate Pre-Treatment of Short Flax Fibers for Improved Thermo-Mechanical Properties of PLA Composites. Journal of Composites Science. 8(3): 106 [link]
  • A. Gélinas, J. Profili et al. (2024). Toward a better interpretation of the partial least squares regression models for fluoropolymers treated by dielectric barrier discharges at atmospheric pressure. Plasma Processes and Polymers. 21(2): 2300098 [link]
  • F. Fotouhiardakani, A. Destrieux, J. Profili et al. (2024) Investigating the Behavior of Thin-Film Formation over Time as a Function of Precursor Concentration and Gas Residence Time in Nitrogen Dielectric Barrier Discharge. Materials. 17(4): 875 [link]
  • G. Moradkhani, J. Profili et al. (2024). Surface Modification of Flax Fibers with TMCTS-Based PECVD for Improved Thermo-Mechanical Properties of PLA/Flax Fiber Composites. Polymers. 16(3): 360.
  • J. Profili et al. (2023) Plasma-Deposited Organosilicon Hydrophobic Coatings on Cellulosic Materials for Wet Packaging Applications. Coatings 13 (5) [link]
  • A. Hamdan, TC. Liu, J. Profili et al. (2023) Interaction of a Pulsed Nanosecond Discharge in Air in Contact with a Suspension of Crystalline Nanocellulose (CNC). Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 43 (4), 849-865 [link]
  • G. Moradkhani, J. Profili et al. (2023) Effects of Wet and Dry Treatments on Surface Functional Groups and Mechanical Properties of Flax Fiber Composites. Coatings 13 (6), 1036 [link]
  • J. Trahan, J. Profili et al (2023) Optical response of plasmonic silver nanoparticles after treatment by a warm microwave plasma jet. Nanotechnology 34 (19), 195701 [link]
  • F. Fotouhiardakani, M. Laurent, J. Profili et al. (2023) Fragmentation Mechanism in a Nitrogen Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma on Fluoropolymer Polymer Films. Materials 16 (3), 942 [link]
  • A. Destrieux, J. Profili et al. (2023). Evolution of the electrical characteristics of an atmospheric pressure dielectric barrier discharge system over one-hour operation. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 57(5): 055201 [link]
  • S. Rousselot, J. Profili et al. (2023). Plasma-Modified Cellulose-Based Li-Ion Electrodes for Rechargeable Aqueous Li-Ion Batteries. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 11(48): 17098-17110 [link]
  • M. Rahman, J. Profili et al. (2022) Formation of self-organized patterns on aluminum substrates by atmospheric pressure plasma jet for surface engineering applications. Surface and Coatings Technology 448, 128919 [link]
  • M. Soula, J. Profili et al. (2022)Effect of a thin organosilicon layer prepared by atmospheric pressure plasma on wood flame retardancy. Plasma Processes and Polymers 19 (11), 2200051 [link]
  • L.F. Meunier, J. Profili et al. (2021) Characterization of non-thermal dielectric barrier discharges at atmospheric pressure in presence of microfibrillated cellulosic foams, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 30 (9), 095019 [link]
  • J. Profili et al. (2021) Use of 3D printed connectors to redesign full face snorkeling masks in the COVID-19 era: a preliminary technical case-study, Annals of 3D Printed Medicine 3, 100023 [link]
  • J. Profili et al. (2021) Overview of the user experience for snorkeling mask designs during the COVID-19 pandemic, Healthcare 9 (2), 204 [link]
  • IR. Durán, J. Profili et al. (2021) Response surface methodology as a predictive tool for the fabrication of coatings with optimal anti-fogging performance, Thin Solid Films 718, 138482 [link]
  • L.F. Meunier, J. Profili et al. (2021) Modification of microfibrillated cellulosic foams in a dielectric barrier discharge at atmospheric pressure, Plasma Processes and Polymers, e2000158 [link]
  • S. Babaei, J. Profili et al. (2020) Analysis of transport phenomena during plasma deposition of hydrophobic coatings on porous cellulosic substrates in plane‐to‐plane dielectric barrier discharges at atmospheric pressure, Plasma Processes and Polymers 17 (12), 2000091 [link]
  • A. Hamdan, C. Gagnon, M. Aykul, J. Profili (2020) Characterization of a microwave plasma jet (TIAGO) in‐contact with water: Application in degradation of methylene blue dye. Plasma Processes and Polymers 17 (3), 1900157 [link]
  • M. Mitronika, J. Profili et al (2020) TiO2/SiO2 Nanocomposite thin films deposited by direct liquid injection of colloidal solution in an O2 /HMDSO low pressure plasma, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 54 (8), 085206 [link]
  • N. De Mejanes, J. Profili et al. (2020) Refined analysis of current–voltage characteristics in Townsend dielectric barrier discharges in nitrogen at atmospheric pressure, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 54 (9), 095204 [link]
  • S. Asadollahi, J. Profili et al. (2020) Multi-pass deposition of organosilicon-based superhydrophobic coatings in atmospheric pressure plasma jets, Thin Solid Films, 138369 [link]
  • M. Mitronika, J. Profili et al. (2020) Modification of the optical properties and nano-crystallinity of anatase TiO2 nanoparticles thin film using low pressure O2 plasma treatment, Thin Solid Films 709, 138212 [link]
  • J. Profili et al. (2020) Recent progress on organosilicon coatings deposited on bleached unrefined Kraft paper by non-thermal plasma process at atmospheric pressure, Progress in Organic Coatings, 2020 [link]
  • J. Profili et al. (2020) Toward More Sustainable Rechargeable Aqueous Batteries Using Plasma-Treated Cellulose-Based Li-Ion Electrodes. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 8 (12), 4728-4733 [link]
  • S. Babaei, J. Profili et al. (2020) Permeation properties of a plasma-processed organosilicon–carboxymethylcellulose bilayer on fibrillated cellulosic films for sustainable packaging applications, Cellulose 30, 7889–7904 (2023) [link]
  • J. Diamond, A. Hamdan, J. Profili et al. (2020) Time and space-resolved imaging of an AC air discharge in-contact with water. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics [link]
  • X. Glad, J. Profili et al. (2020) Synthesis of copper and copper oxide nanomaterials by electrical discharges in water with various electrical conductivities. Journal of Applied Physics 127 (2), 023302 [link]
  • IR. Durán, J. Profili et al. (2019) Unveiling the origin of the anti-fogging performance of plasma-coated glass: Role of the structure and the chemistry of siloxane precursors. Progress in Organic Coatings 141, 105401 [link]
  • IR. Durán, J. Profili et al. (2019) Beyond microelectronics with 1, 3, 5, 7-tetramethylcyclotetrasiloxane: A promising molecule for anti-fogging coatings.Materials Chemistry and Physics 242, 122508 [link]
  • A. Hamdan, J. Profili et al. (2019) Microwave plasma jet in water: effect of water electrical conductivity on plasma characteristics. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 40 (1), 169-185 [link]
  • IR. Durán, A. Durocher‐Jean, J. Profili et al. (2019) Atmospheric pressure Townsend discharges as a promising tool for the one‐step deposition of antifogging coatings from N2O/TMCTS mixtures. Plasma Processes and Polymers, e1900186 [link]
  • J. Diamond, J. Profili et al. (2019) Characterization of Various Air Plasma Discharge Modes in Contact with Water and Their Effect on the Degradation of Reactive Dyes. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 1-16, 2019 [link]
  • S. Asadollahi, J. Profili et al. (2019) Development of organosilicon-based superhydrophobic coatings through atmospheric pressure plasma polymerization of HMDSO in nitrogen plasma. Materials 12 (2) [link]  
  • J. Profili et al. (2017) Interaction of atomized colloid with an A.C. electric field: Application for a dielectric barrier discharge plasma process Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 50, 07521, 2017 [link]
  • J. Profili et al. (2017) Deposition of nanocomposite coating on wood surface using cold atmospheric pressure discharge, Surface and Coatings Technology, vol. 309, 729-737, 2017 [link]
  • O. Levasseur, R.Gangwar, J. Profili et al. (2016) Influence of substrate outgassing on the plasma properties during wood treatment in He dielectric barrier discharges at atmospheric pressure. Plasma Processes and Polymers, vol. 14, issue 8, 2017 [link]
  • O. Levasseur, M. Vlad, J. Profili et al. (2017) Deposition of fluorocarbon groups on wood surfaces using the jet of an atmospheric-pressure dielectric barrier discharge, Wood Science and Technology, vol. 51, issue 6, 1339–1352, 2017 [link]
  • J. Profili et al. (2016) Nebulization of Nanocolloidal Suspensions for the Growth of Nanocomposite Coatings in Dielectric Barrier Discharges Plasma Processes and Polymers, vol. 13, issue 10, 981-989, 2016 [link]
  • J. Profili et al. (2016) Influence of the voltage waveform during nanocomposite layer deposition by aerosol-assisted atmospheric pressure Townsend discharge. Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 120, issue 5, 2016 [link]
  • O. Levasseur, J. Profili et al. (2014) Experimental and modeling study of organization phenomena in dielectric barrier discharges with structurally-inhomogeneous wood substrates. Plasma Sources Science and Technolog. vol. 23, 2014 [link]
  • A. Kilicaslan, O. Levasseur, V. Garofano, J. Profili et al. (2014) Optical emission spectroscopy of microwave plasmas at atmospheric pressure applied to the growth of organosilicon and organotitanium nanopowders. Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 115, 201 [link]

Articles de vulgarisation

  • En cours

Publications dans les actes de congrès

  • A, Destrieux, L. Svandova, J. Kelar, J, Profili (2024)Electrical and Optical Characterization of Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas for the Treatment of OPV Materials 245th ECS Meeting [link]
  • L. Svandova, A. Groleau, A. Dorval, A. Hamdan, J. Kelar, J. Profili (2024) Surface Tuning of Transparent Electrodes with Atmospheric Pressure Plasma for Third Generation Photovoltaics 245th ECS Meeting [link]
  • M. Saget, C. Umeileka, L. Svandova, N. Lavoine, J. Profili (2024) Surface Modification of Cellulose Films By Dielectric Barrier Discharge for Organic Photovoltaics Encapsulation 245th ECS Meeting [link]
  • J. Kelar, A. Destrieux, L. Svandova, G. Laroche, J. Profili (2024) 245th ECS Meeting [link]
  • J. Profili et al. (2021) Greener Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Plasma Processes at Atmospheric Pressure, ECS Meeting Abstracts, 853 [link]
  • J. Profili et al. (2019) Water Stability of Hydrophobic Organosilicon Coatings Deposited on Cellulosic Materials by Atmospheric Pressure Dielectric Barrier Discharge, International Symposium on High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry, Italy [link]
  • M. Beauchemin, J. Profili et al. (2019) Synthesis of Silica thin films on glass substrate: A comparison between Atmospheric and Low-Pressure plasma processes International Symposium on High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry, Italy [link]
  • L-F. Meunier, J. Profili et al. Eco-responsible plasma modifications of nanoporous cellulose microfibril foams in order to improve their chemical compatibility, International Symposium on High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry, Italy [link]
  • N. De Mejanes, J. Profili et al. (2019) Spatially-resolved electrical and optical study of Townsend Dielectric Barrier Discharges in nitrogen at atmospheric pressure International Symposium on High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry, Italy [link]
  • K. Guemmache, J. Profili et al. (2019) Local characterization of homogeneous dielectric barrier discharges in presence of hexamethyldisiloxane and nitrous oxide used for plasma deposition, International Symposium on High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry, Italy [link]
  • J. Diamond, J. Profili et al. (2019) AC air plasma in contact with water: fundamental investigation and application in water treatment International Symposium on High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry, Italy [link]
  • A. Hamdan, J. Profili et al. (2019) Is a submerged microwave plasma jet efficient for water treatment? International Symposium on High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry, Italy [link]
  • S. Asadollahi, J. Profili et al. (2019) Precursor fragmentation dynamics in atmospheric pressure plasma polymerization of HMDSO in nitrogen plasma International Symposium on High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry, Italy [link]
  • J. Profili et al. (2017) The role of the atmospheric-pressure dielectric barrier discharge regime on the fragmentation of a cyclic siloxane precursor International Symposium on High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry, Canada [link]
  • J. Profili et al. (2016) Deposition of TiO2-SiO2 nanocomposite coatings using atmospheric-pressure plasmas Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference IEEE (NMDC), France [link]
  • N. Gherardi, J. Profili et al. (2015) Synthesis of silica-like coatings containing metal-oxide nanoparticles by nitrogen-based dielectric barrier discharge 22nd International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Belgium [link]
  • N. Gherardi, J. Profili et al. (2014) Deposition of nanocomposite thin films in homogeneous dielectric barrier discharge, Symposium on High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry (Hakone), Germany [link]

Chapitres de livres

  • En cours

Monographies et rapports

  • J. Profili (2023). Rapport SN 2023. 5. Sentinelle Nord | Sentinel North.
  • AA. Guay-Bégin, J. Profili (2023). Rapport annuel : Optimisation d’un procédé écoresponsable de fertigation décentralisée pour la fixation d’azote dans l’eau par plasma à pression atmosphérique. Dissident Technology Consulting.
  • M. Laurent, J. Profili et al. (2022). Laval University 2022 progress on adhesion by atmospheric pressure plasma of PET films with Durite AL 3029-FENTAK resin. 12. Saint-Gobain Research North America.
  • M. Laurent, J. Profili et al. (2022). Title Laval University 2022 progress on electrical measurements for an atmospheric pressure plasma system. Saint-Gobain Research North America.
  • M. Laurent, J. Profili et al. (2022). Laval University 2022 progress on surface modification of PTFE by atmospheric pressure plasma Saint-Gobain Research North America.
  • M. Laurent, J. Profili et al. (2021). Laval University 2021 progress on characterization of the C-treatment to treat fluoropolymers. Saint-Gobain Research North America.
  • M. Laurent, J. Profili et al. (2020). Laval University 2020 progress on characterization of the C-treatment to treat fluoropolymers. Saint-Gobain Research North America.
  • M. Laurent, J. Profili et al. (2019). Laval University progress on characterization of an industrial plasma process to treat fluoropolymers and polyethylene terephthalate. Saint-Gobain Research North America.


  • Procédé de dépôt par plasma de revêtements antibuée. Canada. WO2020227828. 19/11/2020. Statut : En attente. Inventeurs : Laroche, G ; Rodriguez Duran, I ; Stafford, L ; Vallade, J ; Durocher-Jean, A ; Profili, J ; Gherardi, N ; Cozzolino, R. La présente invention concerne des revêtements antibuée, un substrat revêtu comprenant un revêtement antibuée et un procédé de préparation de tels revêtements.
  • Eco-électrode, dispositif de stockage d’énergie électrique et procédé de fabrication de ceux-ci. Japon. JP2022536072, France. EP3748745, Canada. CA3140025, Korea, South. KR1020220034737S, China. CN114342123. Statut: Accordé/Délivré. Inventeurs : Ayme-Perrot, D ; Profili, J ; Rousselot, S ; Stafford, L ; Dollé, M. Eco-électrode, dispositif de stockage d’énergie électrique et procédé de fabrication de ceux-ci. La présente invention concerne une électrode composite pour un dispositif de stockage d’énergie électrique. La présente invention concerne également un dispositif de stockage d’énergie électrique comprenant l’électrode composite, et un procédé de fabrication de l’électrode composite

Communications invitées

  • Profili, J. (2024). Organosilicon coatings made by a cold plasma processes at atmospheric pressure for electrochemical applications. 245th Electrochemical Society (ECS), San Francisco, United States of America
  • Profili, J. (2024). Organosilicon coatings made by a dielectric barrier discharge at atmospheric pressure: toward a better understanding of the fragmentation processes. Innovation Lectures – INNOLEC (guest lecture), Brno, Czechia
  • Profili, J. (2024). Atmospheric pressure plasma modifications and complex substrates. Research Seminar for the UK Innovation and Knowledge Centre SPECIFIC (guest lecture), Swansea, United Kingdom
  • Profili, J. (2023). Plasma Processes at Atmospheric Pressure for greener applications. 7th Annual Meeting (2023) – Quebec Center for Advanced Materials (QCAM), Victoriaville, Canada
  • Profili, J. (2023). Atmospheric pressure plasma modification and complex surfaces. Conférences du CQMF – Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (guest lecture), Trois-Rivières, Canada
  • Profili, J; (2023). Exploring the potential for plasma-assisted coating at atmospheric pressure for wood protection. IRG54 (International Research Group on Wood Protection) meeting, Cairns, Australia
  • Profili, J. (2023). Advanced plasma modification at atmospheric pressure: A technological entrepreneurial approach. Seminar for the department of Forest Biomaterials, College of Natural Resources at NC State University (guest lecture), Raleigh, United States of America
  • Profili, J. (2023). Atmospheric Plasma processes as potential alternative to the conventional anodization of aluminum alloys. 15th International Aluminium Conference | INALCO 2023, Quebec, Canada
  • Profili, J. (2022). Plasma Applications in the Environment: What’s New. XLIII Congresso Brasileiro de Aplicações de Vácuo na Indústria e na Ciência (CBrAVIC), Parque Tecnológico de Sorocaba, Brazil
  • Profili, J. (2022). Advanced plasma deposition of organosilicon thin films at atmospheric pressure for innovative eco-friendly devices: tuning the physical mode for different applications. Canadian Association of Physicists Congress, Hamilton, Canada

Communications internationales avec arbitrage

  • J. Profiliet al. (2023) Exploring the potential for plasma-assisted coating at atmospheric pressure for wood protection IRG54 (International Research Group on Wood Protection) meeting Cairns, Australia
  • A. Destrieux, J. Profili et al. (2023) Influence of temperature on the evolution of the capacitance in an atmospheric pressure dielectric barrier discharge ISPC 25, Poster presentation, Kyoto, Japan, May
  • W.M. Caceres Ferreira, J. Profili et al. (2023) Stable surface modification of fluoropolymers by nitrogen discharge at atmospheric pressure ISPC 25, Poster presentation, Kyoto, Japan
  • I.C. Barcelar, T.L. Naide, J. Profili et al. (2022) Nanocellulose-tannin membranes treated by atmospheric pressure discharge in air, XX Brazil MRS meeting, Iguaçu Falls
  • A. Scarabelot Baesso, J. Profili et al. (2022) Synthesis of gold nanoparticles obtained with an atmospheric discharge in air, XX Brazil MRS meeting, Iguaçu Falls
  • B. da Cruz Chiochetta, T. Canabarra, J. Profili et al. (2022) Surface modification of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) by atmospheric pressure plasma jet, XX Brazil MRS meeting, Iguaçu Falls
  • B. da Cruz Chiochetta, J. Profili et al. (2022) Atmospheric pressure plasma modifications induced on wooden substrates, XX Brazil MRS meeting, Iguaçu Falls
  • W. Caceres, J. Profili et al. (2022) Alternative dry process to treat fluoropolymers by atmospheric pressure plasma and enhance their adhesion 5th international conference on Applied surface science, ICASS (ELS), Oral presentation, Mallorca, Spain
  • F. Fotouhi, J. Profili et al. (2022) Functionalization of fluoropolymers by using atmospheric pressure dielectric discharges 5th international conference on Applied surface science, ICASS (ELS), Oral presentation, Mallorca, Spain
  • F. Fotouhi, J. Profili et al. (2022) Défluoration de surface de fluoropolymères pour assamblage de matériaux composites sur le marché industriel 89e Congrès de l’ACFAS, Online Poster
  • W. Caceres, J. Profili et al. (2022) Modification de surface par plasma d’azote à pression atmosphérique pour traiter les films de fluoropolymères afin d’améliorer leur adhésion 89e  Congrès de l’ACFAS, Online Poster
  • M. Soula, J. Profili et al. (2022) Protection du bois d’intérieur contre le feu : potentiel de la technologie plasma à la pression atmosphérique 89e Congrès de l’ACFAS, Oral presentation
  • A. Destrieux, J. Profili et al. (2022) Une méthode innovante pour le suivi de température par mesures électriques dans une décharge à barrière diélectrique 89e Congrès de l’ACFAS, Oral presentation
  • M. Rahman, J. Profili, et al. Surface Preparation for Suspension Plasma Spray (SPS) Coatings on Metallic Substrates, ITSC 2022, Vienna, Austria
  • J. Profili et al. (2021) Advanced plasma processes at atmospheric pressure for innovative bio-based materials used into flexible organic solar cells XIX Brazil MRS meeting, Virtual Conference
  • J. Profili et al. (2021) Exploring the potential for plasma assisted coating for wood fire retardancy FCSE, Virtual symposium, Oral Presentation, 14th-17th June
  • J. Profili et al. (2021) Design of organosilicon nano-membrane at atmospheric pressure with a glow discharge and new applications for electrochemical devices American Vacuum Society (AVS 67), Virtual Symposium
  • J. Profili et al. (2021) Plasma processes at atmospheric pressure to assist the manufacturing of greener aqueous rechargeable lithium-ion batteries IUPAC-CCCE, Virtual Symposium
  • F. Fotouhi, J. Profili et al. (2021) Coating of fluoropolymers by atmospheric pressure plasma: A strategy to improve adhesion Materials research society (MRS) Fall 2021 exhibition, Oral presentation, Boston, USA
  • W. Caceres, J. Profili et al. (2021) Atmospheric pressure plasma surface modification as an alternative to treat fluoropolymer films to enhance their adhesion Virtual MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit-A Hybrid, Online Poster, USA
  • A. Destrieux, J. Profili et al. (2021) Optical emission spectroscopy of an atmospheric pressure dielectric barrier discharge for surface modification MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Online Poster, USA
  • W. Caceres, A. Destrieux, J. Profili et al. (2021) Effect of N2 plasma surface modification over the adhesion of FEP films 5th QCAM Annual Symposium, Online Poster, Canada
  • F. Fotouhi, J. Profili et al. (2021) Defluorination of the fluoropolymer surfaces for composite materials in the industrial market 5th QCAM Annual Symposium, Online Poster, Canada
  • M. Rahman, J. Profili et al. (2021) Surface Preparation for Suspension Plasma Spray (SPS) Coatings on Metallic Substrates, ITSC 2021, Quebec City
  • M. Rahman, J. Profili et al (2021) Surface Preparation for Suspension Plasma Spray (SPS) Coatings on Metallic Substrates, ITSC 2020, Vienna, Austria
  • M. Nicolas, L. Hadidi, S. Rousselot, J. Profili (2019) Surface Preparation for Suspension Plasma Spray (SPS) Coatings on Metallic Substrates The 2 Global Forum on Advanced Materials and Technologies for Sustainable Development (GFMAT-2), Toronto
  • A. Granier, M. Mitronika, A. Goullet, N. Gautier, J. Profili et al. (2020) Hybrid PECVD / direct liquid injection of a colloidal solution for SiO2:TiO2 nanocomposite thin film deposition 17th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, GERMANY
  • M. Rahman, J. Profili et al. (2020) Surface Preparation for Suspension Plasma Spray (SPS) Coatings on Metallic Substrates ASM international conference IMAT, USA
  • M. Beauchemin, J. Profili et al. (2020) Tribological analysis of organosilicon coatings: a comparison between atmospheric and low-pressure plasma processes 9th Symposium on Functional Coatings and Surface Engineering CANADA 2020 (postponed 2021)
  • J. Profili et al. (2019) Synthesis of stable bio-based aqueous rechargeable lithium ion batteries by atmospheric plasma process
  • MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, USA, 2019
  • L. Hadidi, S. Rousselot, J. Profili et al. (2019) Greener process for greener batteries: Application of Use of water processable binders in aqueous lithium ion batteries MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, USA
  • L. Hadidi, S. Rousselot, J. Profili et al. (2019) Application of water processable binders in aqueous rechargeable lithium ion batteries 102nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, CANADA
  • E. Tomassi, J. Profili et al. (2019) Water processable binders for aqueous rechargeable lithium ion battery 4th International Conference on Innovations in Biomaterials, Biomanufacturing and Biotechnologies, CANADA
  • A. Hamdan, X. Glad, J. Profili et al. (2019) Synthesis of copper and copper oxyde nanoparticles by pulsed spark discharges in water with various electrical conductivities Plasma Thin Film International Union Meeting, FRANCE
  • L. Stafford, J. Profili et al. (2019) Evidence of in-depth transport phenomena during deposition of hydrophobic organosilicon coatings on porous cellulosic materials in atmospheric pressure dielectric barrier discharges. Plasma Thin Film International Union Meeting, FRANCE
  • J. Trahan, J. Profili et al. (2019) Physicochemical modification of spin-coated silver nanoparticle thin film by atmospheric surface-wave microwave post-discharge Plasma Thin Film International Union Meeting, FRANCE
  • M. Mitronika, J. Profili et al. (2019) Physicochemical modification of spin-coated TiO2 nanoparticle thin film by ICP low pressure oxygen plasma Plasma Thin Film International Union Meeting, FRANCE
  • M. Mitronika, J. Profili et al. (2019) A novel one-step approach for Nanocomposite Thin Films coupling PECVD and colloidal solutions Plasma Thin Film International Union Meeting, FRANCE
  • L. Stafford, S. Babei, J. Profili et al. (2019) Water stability of organosilicon coatings prepared by atmospheric pressure plane-to-plane dielectric barrier discharge Plasma Thin film International Union Meeting, FRANCE
  • J. Profili et al. (2018) Nanocomposite thin films obtained with cold atmospheric pressure plasma processes MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, USA
  • M. Mitronika, J. Profili et al. (2018) Association of PECVD process and chemical synthesis for the development of TiO2/SiO2 nanocomposite material: a new approach,16th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering
  • J. Mertens, S. Asadollahi, J. Profili et al. (2018) Coupling of Atmospheric Plasma Jet and Plasma Electrolytic Oxydation as potential alternative for the classical anodization of 3000 aluminum alloys, 16th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering
  • J. Diamond, J. Profili et al. (2018) Anode vs. cathode driven air plasma in contact with water for methylene blue degradation, 2nd International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processes for Environment, Energy and Health (iCAMP)
  • J. Boisvert, F. Montpetit, P.Rozon, J. Profili et al. (2017) Discharge physics of an helium nanopulse discharge at atmospheric pressure, 70th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference
  • J. Profili et al. (2017) Challenges and opportunities around the synthesis of nanocomposite thin film by cold dielectric barrier discharge at atmospheric pressure, 8th Symposium on Functional Coatings and Surface Engineering (FCSE)
  • N. Gherardi and J. Profili (2014) Deposition of TiO2 -based nanostructured coatings in atmospheric-pressure DBDs using TTIP precursor, Gordon Research Conference (GRC)
  • N. Gherardi and J. Profili (2014) Nanocomposite thin films deposited by dielectric barrier discharge, Gordon Research Conference (GRC)
  • J. Profili et al. (2014) Synthesis of homogeneous nanocomposite thin films by dielectric barrier discharge at atmospheric pressure, High-tech Plasma Processes European Plasma Conference (HTPP)
  • J. Profili et al. (2014) Characterisation and properties of nano-composite thin film deposited by atmospheric pressure Townsend discharge, International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE)
  • A. Koronai, J. Profili et al. (2014) Multifunctional thin films deposited in an atmospheric pressure Townsend discharge for protecting wood, International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE)
  • O. Levasseur, J. Profili et al. (2014) Plasma deposition of multifunctional, nanostructured coatings on wood surfaces using cold, dielectric barrier discharges, The Seventh European Conference on Wood Modification (ECWM7)
  • J. Profili et al. (2013) Growth of Multifunctional Coatings on Heat-Sensitive Polymers using Cold Dielectric Barrier Discharges at Atmospheric Pressure, AVC
  • J. Profili et al. (2013) Deposition of inorganic nanocomposite thin films by dielectric barrier discharge, CESCP
  • J. Profili et al. (2013) SixOyHz thin film deposited from colloids solutions at Atmospheric Pressure Discharge, IVC
  • J. Profili Deposition (2013) of SiO2 /TiO2 nanocomposite thin films by Atmospheric Pressure Discharge, ACP

Communications nationales avec arbitrage

  • Evolution of the electrical properties of a plasma for polymer surface treatment (Colloque annuel du CERMA : Du public au privé, poster presentation, Quebec, 2023)
  • Surface preparation of aluminum for suspension plasma sprayed ceramic coatings (Green SEAM Annual networking meeting 2022, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
  • Surface preparation of Aluminum for suspension plasma spray coatings (REGAL 2022, Chicoutimi, Quebec, Canada)
  • Functionalization of flax fibers using wet and dry methods for the development of bio-based composites (CERMA, 2022)
  • Surface Preparation for Suspension Plasma Spray Coatings on Metallic Substrate (Green SEAM Annual networking meeting 2021, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
  • Atmospheric pressure plasma treatment as a green alternative to treat fluoropolymer to enhance their adhesion (AEGSEG Journées de la Recherche en Sciences et Génie, 2021)
  • Diagnostics électrique et spectroscopique d’une décharge à barrière diélectrique à pression atmosphérique pour la modification de surface de fluoropolymères (AEGSEG Journées de la Recherche en Sciences et Génie, 2021)
  • Diagnostic spectroscopique d’un plasma pour la modification de surface (Colloque étudiant du CERMA – 10e édition, 2021)
  • Functionalization of flax fibers for the development of bio-based and biodegradable composite (Annual Colloquium CREPEC, 2021)
  • Surface Preparation for Suspension Plasma Spray Coatings on Metallic Substrate (Green SEAM Annual networking meeting 2020, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
  • What if batteries were made greener? Synthesis of Stable Bio-Based Aqueous Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Batteries by Atmospheric Plasma Process (CQMF, 2019)
  • Etude de l’effet de l’injection pulsée de nanoparticules de TiO2 dans un plasma basse pression de O2 /HMDSO par diagnostics optiques et électriques résolus en temps (SFP, 2019)
  • Synthesis of SiOx thin films on glass substrate: a comparison between atmospheric and low-pressure plasma processes (NSERC Green-SEAM, 2019)
  • A one-step approach for TiO2-SiO2 Nanocomposite Thin Films by coupling PECVD and colloidal solutions (GDRI, 2019)
  • Development of barrier coatings on porous cellulosic materials derived from the wood biomass using non-thermal plasmas at atmospheric pressure (GDRI, 2019)
  • Nanocomposite TiO2 / SiO2 thin films : A new approach by coupling PECVD process and chemical synthesis, 5e Atelier du GdRI sur les nanomatériaux multifonctionnels contrôlés (GDRI, 2018)
  • Interaction of colloidal suspension in atmospheric pressure discharge for the growth of nanocomposite coatings, Grande conférence sur les matériaux de pointe (RQMP, 2017)
  • Transport dynamics of TiO2 nanoparticles in Townsend dielectric barrier discharges at atmospheric pressure: application to the growth of TiO2-SiO2 nanocomposite coatings (Plasma Québec, 2017)
  • Interaction of colloidal suspension in atmospheric pressure discharge for the growth of nanocomposite coatings, 4e Atelier du GdRI sur les nanomatériaux multifonctionnels contrôlés (GDRI, 2017)
  • Synthèse de couches minces nano-composites homogènes par décharge à barrière diélectrique à la pression atmosphérique (Société française de Physique – Division Plasma, 2014)
  • Diagnostic d’une DBD en présence d’Hexadimethylesiloxane (Plasma Froid, 2012)

Interviews diffusées

  • 2023/09/02. Need for energy [Topics plasma and applications for batteries], Félix-Antoine Tremblay hits the road to better understand the world he lives in and discuss scientific issues! We question energy storage and discover new advances in the field. How can we store it in the most environmentally friendly way? Radio-canada (emission Curium) [link]
  • 2022/11/14. Les plasmas, recherches appliquées, avec Jacopo Profili [topics chemical Physics and plasma], Jacopo Profili, researcher at Université Laval, and entrepreneur, co-founder of Kalego, demystifies the nature of plasma and talks about applied plasma research, Futur Simple, CKRL (RADIO) [link]
  • 2022/09/01. From researcher to innovation leader: How to level-up your research potential [topics scientific entrepreneurship], Many researchers aspire for their work to have a tangible impact in the world. There are so many options to choose from. How does one start? This event will feature an interactive panel with experts, scientific entrepreneurs and key ecosystem players, [link]
  • 2021/03/05. 20 minutes de science – Jacopo Profili [EN: 20 minutes of science – Jacopo Profili], Jacopo Profili brings science, chemistry and plasmas to the public arena with a discussion around wood and plasma [link]

Articles de presse

  • 2022/04/22 10 idées plus vertes pour la planète [EN: 10 greener ideas for the planet], Le Devoir (by Sarah R. Champagne) [link]
  • 2021/05/27 Améliorer les propriétés du bois grâce au plasma [EN: Improving wood properties with plasma], Actualités CecoBois [link]
  • 2021/03/31 Des batteries plus vertes grâce… au bois [EN: Greener batteries thanks to… wood], Actualités Cecobois [link] 2021/03/17 Dévoilement du prix du public Découverte de l’année 2020 [EN: Unveiling of the 2020 Discovery of the Year Audience Award!], Quebec Science [link]
  • 2021/03/17 Une batterie fabriquée avec de l’eau et du bois est désignée découverte scientifique de l’année 2020 par les lecteurs de «Québec Science» [EN: A battery made with water and wood is named scientific discovery of 2020 by readers of “Québec Science »], Nouvelles umontreal [link]
  • 2020/12/12 Souligner l’excellence des chercheurs d’ici (par Catherine Couturier) [EN: Highlighting the excellence of local researchers (by Catherine Couturier)], Le Devoir [link]
  • 2020/11/29 La preuve par l’image : le prix du jury à Jacopo Profili [EN: Proof by image: the jury prize goes to Jacopo Profili], Nouvelles ulaval [link]
  • 2020/09/11 Jacopo Profili, 1st prize at the Acfas 2020 Génie en affaires competition [FR: Jacopo Profili, 1st prize at the Acfas 2020 Business Engineering competition], Quebec Centre for Advanced Materials Newsletter [link]
  • 2020/04/07 COVID-19: des imprimantes 3D arrivent en renfort. Elles pourraient servir pour des pièces de respirateurs (par Nicolas Lachance) [FR: COVID-19: 3D printers arrive as reinforcements. They could be used for respirator parts (by Nicolas Lachance)], Journal de Quebec [link]

Premier cycle :

  • CEB12109 Techniques générales de laboratoire I
  • CEB29812 Stage en milieu de pratique II
  • CEB35507 Chimie des environnements aquatiques
  • CHI10118 Chimie générale