André Rochon
Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski
Campus de Rimouski
Téléphone sans frais
- Océanographie
- Géologie marine
- Palynologie marine du Quaternaire
- Paléoenvironnements marins des hautes latitudes
- Reconstitution paléoenvironnementale des conditions marines de surface
- Paléoécologie
- Paléocéanographie du Quaternaire
- Relations thèque-kyste chez les dinoflagellés
- Distribution actuelle et fossile des kystes de dinoflagellés
- Espèces envahissantes
- Distribution actuelle du plancton dans l’Arctique canadien
- PhD Sciences de l’environnement, UQAM – 1997
- Postdoctorat : Université de Westminster, Londres, Royaume-Uni – 1997 à 1999
- Postdoctorat : Institut océanographique de Bedford, Commission géologique du Canada – 1999 à 2001
Étudiants gradués/ Graduate students
- Aguilar Ramos, Iliana (MSc) janvier 2017 à juin 2020
« Empreintes du forçage climatique et anthropique sur la variabilité temporelle de la productivité primaire des estuaires du Nouveau Brunswick au cours du XXe siècle. » - Barris, Elissa (MSc) septembre 2011 à mai 2014
« Propriétés physiques et magnétiques des sédiments de la fosse du Mackenzie. » - Bringué, Manuel (MSc) mai 2007 à décembre 2009
« Paléocéanographie et variabilité climatique sur le talus du Mackenzie (Mer de Beaufort, Arctique canadien) au cours de l’Holocène récent. » - Caron, Myriam (PhD) janvier 2015 à juin 2019
« Paléocéanographie holocène dans le nord de la baie de Baffin » - Casas-Monroy, Oscar-Gabriel (MSc) septembre 2005 à septembre 2007
« Pression d’invasion des dinoflagellés (formes végétatives et enkystés) non indigènes dans les réservoirs de lest de navires visitant les côtes canadiennes. » - Casas-Monroy, Oscar-Gabriel (PhD) septembre 2007 à juin 2012
« Espèces envahissantes : l’importance des réservoirs de lest des navires dans l’introduction des dinoflagellés dans les écosystèmes aquatiques canadiens. » - Chéniti Radhia (PhD) septembre 2013 à juillet 2018
« Implication du transport maritime dans l’introduction des espèces invasives (ca su port d’Annaba) ». Université Badji Mokhtar, Annaba, Algérie - Cormier, Marc-André (MSc) mai 2009 à janvier 2013
« Étude du paléoclimat et de la production primaire dans la baie de Baffin à partir de biomarqueurs et des kystes de dinoflagellés. » - Dhifallah, Fatma (MSc) décembre 2016 à novembre 2019
« Communautés de dinoflagellés dans les ports de Churchill, Deception Bay et Iqaluit, Arctique canadien » - Dionne, Kaven (PDF) avril 2019 à octobre 2019
« Diversity of pelagic primary producers in coastal habitats and the potential for harmful blooms in eastern Canadian Arctic, with a focus near Iqaluit, Nunavut, » - Durantou, Lise (MSc) septembre 2010 à mai 2012
« Utilisation des kystes de dinoflagellés comme indicateurs indirects dans l’étude de l’évolution paléocéanographique post-industrielle des environnements marins arctiques, Mer de Beaufort (Canada). » - Faye, Simon (PhD) mai 2016 à
« Évolution des conditions océaniques de surface dans le golfe de San jorge, Argentine, au cours de l’Holocène. » - Koerner, Kelsey (PhD) septembre 2020 à
« Évolution des conditions océaniques et de la production primaire dans le nord de la Baie de Baffin en relation avec 2000 ans de changements climatiques. » - Kutos yrisa, Omnain (MSc) mai 2016 à août 2019
« Changements climatiques récents, Mer de Beaufort (Canada). » - Lacasse, Olivia (MSc) septembre 2007 à septembre 2011
« Identification des assemblages de kystes de dinoflagellés dans les ports de la côte Est canadienne : Analyse de l’influence du transport maritime et du déversement d’eau et de sédiments contenus dans les ballasts. » - Laget, Frédéric (MSc) septembre 2014 à septembre 2017
« Dinoflagellés dans les eaux de ballasts d’un cargo assurant la liaison entre la ville de Québec, et Deception Bay, Nunavut » - Ledu, David (PhD) septembre 2005 à septembre 2009
« Reconstitutions de la variabilité climatique dans l’axe principal du passage du Nord-Ouest au cours de l’Holocène. » - Piot, Adeline (MSc) septembre 2004 à décembre 2005
« Étude expérimentale de l’influence de la bioturbation exercée par les annélides Nephtys Caeca (Fabricius) et Nereis virens(Sars) sur la répartition des kystes de dinoflagellés dans le sédiment. » - Potvin, Éric (MSc) janvier 2007 à mars 2010
« Relation thèque-kyste et phylogénie (ADN codant pour l’ARN de la petite sous-unité ribosomale) du kyste de dinoflagellé arctique Islandinium minutum (Head et al., 2001). » - Richerol, Thomas (PDF) janvier 2017 à décembre 2017
« Comparaison de reconstitutions de l’évolution du couvert de glace de mer faites à partir d’assemblages de kystes de dinoflagellés et du biomarqueur IP25. » - Richerol, Thomas (MSc) septembre 2004 à septembre 2007
« Distribution spatiale des assemblages de dinokystes dans les sédiments de surface et évolution des conditions paléocéanographiques récentes dans la fosse du Mackenzie, mer de Beaufort (Canada). » - Richerol, Thomas (PhD, U. Laval) septembre 2007 à août 2014
« Étude paléocéanographique et paléolimnologique de l’impact des perturbations naturelles et anthropiques dans les fjords et lacs du Labrador (Canada). » - Schiffrine, Nicolas (PDF) octobre 2020 à
« Diversity of pelagic primary producers in coastal habitats and the potential for harmful blooms in eastern Canadian Arctic, with a focus near Iqaluit, Nunavut, » - Tremblay, Pascal (MSc) novembre 2014 à avril 2017
« Les eaux de ballast de navires comme un vecteur d’introduction d’espèces zooplanctoniques non-indigènes dans l’Arctique canadien » - Waqas, Atif (MSc) septembre 2016 à
« Spatial and temporal variations of sediment dynamics in a subarctic intertidal zone »
Articles publiés / Published articles
- Dhifallah F, Rochon A, Howland K, Simard N et Gosselin M. Dinoflagellate communities in high risk Canadian arctic ports. En préparation pour soumission à Journal of Plankton Research (octobre 2020).
- Laget F, Rochon A, Howland K et Simard N. Ballast water from a domestic vessel as a vector for transport of potential nonindigenous dinoflagellate species in the eastern Canadian Arctic. En préparation pour soumission dans Marine Pollution Bulletin.
- Rais L, Amarouayach M et Rochon A. Resting eggs bank and their hatching pattern in two co-occuring anostracans Phallocryptus spinosa (Milne-Edwards, 1840) and Branchinectella media (Schmankewitsch, 1873) (Crustacea) from saline lakes of the Aures region (Northeastern Algeria). En preparation.
- Richerol T, de Vernal A, Rochon A, Pienitz R, Massé G, Guilemette C, Galindo V, Barber D et Rysgaard S. Mid- to late-Holocene sea-ice history of Nachvak Fjord (Nunatsiavut, Canada) reconstructed from fossil dinoflagellate cyst assemblages and IP25. En préparation pour soumission dans The Holocene.
- Richerol T, Rochon A, de Vernal A, Syrdey N, St-Onge M-P et St-Onge G. The database of modern dinoflagellate cysts assemblages: from 1990’s to 2015. En preparation pour soumission dans Marine Micropaleontology.
- Rochon A, Doiron K et Lemarchand K. Cyst-theca relationship and molecular data of three cysts from the Gulf of St. Lawrence (Canada). En préparation pour soumission dans Journal of Phycology.
- Massicotte P, Amon R, Antoine D, Archambault P, Balzano S, Bélanger S, Benner R, Boeuf D, Bricaud A, Bruyant F, Chaillou G, Chami M, Charrière B, Chen J, Claustre H, Coupel P, Delsaut N, Doxaran D, Ehn J, Fichot C, Forget M-H, Fu P, Gagnon J, Garcia N, Gasser B, Ghiglione J-F, Gorsky G, Gosselin M, Gourvil P, Gratton Y, Guillot P, Heipieper HJ, Heussner S, Hooker SB, Huot Y, Jeanthon C, Jeffrey W, Joux F, Kawamura K, Lansard B, Leymarie E, Link H, Lovejoy C, Marec C, Marie D, Martin J, Massé G, Matsuoka A, McKague V, Mignot A, Miller WL, Miquel J-C, Mucci A, Ono K, Ortega E, Panagiotopoulos C, Papakyriakou T, Picheral M, Piepenburg D, Prieur L, Raimbault P, Ras J, Reynolds RA, Rochon A, Rontani J-F, Schmechtig C, Schmidt S, Sempéré R, Shen Y, SongG, Stramski D, Stroud DG, Tachibana E, Thirouard E, Tolosa I, Tremblay J-E, Vaïtilingom M, Vaulot D, Vaultier F, Volkman JK, Vonk JE, Xie H, Zheng G et Babin M. The Malina oceanographic expedition: How do changes in ice cover, permafrost and UV radiation impact biodiversity and biogeochemical fluxes in the Arctic Ocean? Accepté dans Earth System Science Data.
- Kutos O, Rochon A et Montero-Serrano JC. 2020. Evolution of paleo sea-surface conditions and sediment dynamics over the last 2500 years on the Mackenzie slope, Beaufort Sea (Canadian Arctic). Soumis à Boreas, octobre 2020.
- McKenzie CH, Bates SS, Martin JL, Haigh N, Howland KL, Lewis NI, Locke A, Peña A, Poulin M, Rochon A, Rourke WA, Scarratt MG, Starr M et Wells T. 2020. Three decades of Canadian marine harmful algal events: Phytoplankton and phycotoxins of concern to human and ecosystem health. Sous Presse dans Harmful Algae, Juin 2020.
- Allan E, Moros M, Seidenkrantz M-S, Rochon A, Zaragosi S, de Vernal A, Radi T et Krawczyk D. 2020. Distribution of dinocyst assemblages in surface sediment samples from the West Greenland margin. Marine Micropaleontology, Volume 159, 101818, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marmicro.2019.101818
- Caron M, Montero-Serrano JC, St-Onge G et Rochon A. 2020. Quantifying provenance and transport pathways of Holocene sediments from the northwestern Greenland margin. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, Volume 35, Issue 5, 1 May 2020, Article 2019PA003809.
- de Vernal A, Allan E, Penaud A, Londeix L, Zaragosi S, Van Nieuwenhove N, Matthiessen J, Limoges A, Richerol T, Rochon A, Marret-Davies F, Head MJ, De Schepper S, Radi T, Pospelova V, Price A et Eynaud F. 2020. Distribution of common modern dinocyst taxa in surface sediment of the Northern Hemisphere in relation to environmental parameters: the updated n=1968 database. Marine Micropaleontology, Volume 159, 101796, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marmicro.2019.101796.
- Faye S, Rochon A, St-Onge G et Vilanova I. 2020. Pollen dispersal patterns in marine surface sediments from the San Jorge Gulf, SE Patagonia (Argentina). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 556 109869.
- Limoges A, Van Nieuwenhove N, Mertens KN, Head MJ, Pospelova V et Rochon A. 2020. A review of rare or poorly known and endemic extant marine organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst taxa of the orders Gonyaulacales and Suessiales from the Northern Hemisphere. Marine Micropaleontology, Volume 159, 101801, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marmicro.2019.101801
- Marret F, Bradley L, de Vernal A, Hardy W, Kim S-Y, Mudie P, Penaud A, Pospelova V, Price AM, Radi T et Rochon A. 2020. From bi-polar to regional distribution of modern dinoflagellate cysts, an overview of their biogeography. Marine Micropaleontology, Volume 159, 101753, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marmicro.2019.101753
- Mudie PJ, Fensome RA, Rochon A et Bakrač K. 2020. Thalassiphora subreticulata n.sp. from Scotian Shelf Eocene compared with Thalassiphora balcanica Balteş 1971, a Pliocene Ponto-Caspian endemic dinoflagellate cyst. Palynology, 44(2), pp. 237-269.
- Van Nieuwenhove N, Pospelova V, de Vernal A et Rochon A. 2020. Preface: A historical perspective on the development of the Northern Hemisphere modern dinoflagellate cyst database. Marine Micropaleontology, Volume 159, 101824, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marmicro.2020.101824
- Van Nieuwenhove N, Head MJ, Limoges A, Pospelova V, Mertens KN, Mathiessen J, De Schepper S, de Vernal A, Eynaud, F, Londeix L, Marret F, Penaud A, Radi T et Rochon A. 2020. An overview and brief description of common marine organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst taxa occurring in surface sediments of the Northern Hemisphere. Marine Micropaleontology, Volume 159, 101814, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marmicro.2019.101814
- Waqas A, Neumeier U et Rochon A. 2019. Spatial and annual patterns of erosion threshold and biofilms in an intertidal area, St. Lawrence Estuary, Canada, in: Coastal Sediments 2019. World Scientific, pp. 1808–1820. doi:10.1142/9789811204487_0156
- Waqas A Neumeier U et Rochon A. 2020. Seasonal changes in sediment erodibility associated with biostabilization in subarctic intertidal environment, St. Lawrence Estuary, Canada. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Volume 245, 106935, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2020.106935
- Caron M, Rochon A, Montero-Serrano J-C et St-Onge G. 2019. Evolution of sea surface conditions on the northwestern Greenland margin during the Holocene. Journal of Quaternary Science, 34(7), 564-580.
- Caron M, St-Onge G, Montero-Serrano J-C, Rochon A, Georgiadis E, Giraudeau J et Massé G. 2019. Holocene chronostratigraphy of northeastern Baffin Bay based on radiocarbon and paleomagnetic data. Boreas, 48(1), 147-165.
- Faye S, Rochon A et St-Onge G. 2019. Distribution of Modern Dinoflagellate cyst assemblages in surface sediments of San Jorge Gulf (Patagonia, Argentina). Oceanography, 122-131.
- Cheniti R, Rochon A et Frehi H. 2018. The role of ship traffic in the introduction of aquatic invasive species (propagule pressure) in the Mediterranean Sea : Port of Annaba, Algeria. Journal of Sea Research, 133, 154-165.
- de Vernal A, Eynaud F, Henry M, Limoges A, Londeix L, Matthiessen J, Marret F, Pospelova V, Rochon A et Van Nieuwenhove N. 2018. Distribution and (paleo)ecological affinities of the main Spiniferites taxa in the Northern Hemisphere. Palynology, 42(S1), 182-202.
- Limoges A, Londeix , Rochon A, Mertens K, Pospelova V, de Vernal A et Cuéllar T. 2018. Telling the common from the uncommon − a functional key to Quaternary Spiniferites with intergonal processes based on observations from estuarine and coastal environments. Palynology, 42(S1), 72-88.
- Mertens KN, Carbonell-Moore MC, Pospelova V, Head MJ, Highfield A, Schroeder D, Gu H, Andree KB, Fernandez M, Yamaguchi A, Takano Y, Matsuoka K, Nézan E, Bilien G, Okolodkov Y, Koike K, Hoppenrath M, Pfaff O, Pitcher G, Al-Muftah A, Rochon A, Teen Lim P, Leaw CP, Lim ZF et Ellegaard M. 2018. Pentaplacodinium saltonense gen. et sp. nov. (Dinophyceae) and its relationship to the cyst-defined genus Operculodinium and yessotoxin-producing Protoceratium reticulatum. Harmful Algae, 71, 57-77.
- Mertens KN, Van Nieuwenhove N, Gurdebeke PR, Aydin H, Bogus K, Bringué M, Dale B, De Schepper S, de Vernal A, Ellegaard M, Grothe A, Gu H, Head MJ, Heikkilä M, Limoges A, Londeix L, Louwye S, Marret F, Masure E, Matsuoka K, Mudie PJ, Penaud A, Pospelova V, Price AM, Ribeiro S, Rochon A, Sangiorgi F, Schreck M, Torres-Torres V, Uzar S, Versteegh GJM, Warny S et Zonneveld K. 2018. Summary of round table discussions about Spiniferites and Achomosphaera occurring in Pliocene to modern sediments. Palynology, 42(S1), 10-44.
- Mudie P, Rochon A, Richards K, Ferguson S et Warny S. 2018. Spiniferites cruciformis, Pterocysta cruciformis and Galeacysta etrusca: morphology and paleoecology. Palynology, 42(S1), 135-161.
- Gamboa A, Montero-Serrano J-C, St-Onge G, Rochon A et Desiage P-A. 2017. Mineralogical, geochemical and magnetic signatures of surface sediments from the Canadian Beaufort Shelf and Amundsen Gulf (Canadian Arctic). Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 18, 488–512, doi:10.1002/2016GC006477.
- Johansson ML, Rao Chaganti S, Simard N, Howland K, Winkler G, Rochon A, Laget F, Tremblay P, Heath DD and MacIsaac HJ. 2017. Attenuation and modification of the ballast water microbial community during voyages into the Canadian Arctic. Diversity and Distributions, 23, 567–576.
- Richards K, Mudie P, Rochon A, Athersuch J, Bolikhovskaya NS, Hoogendoorn RM, Verlinden V. 2017. Late Pleistocene to Holocene vegetation, climate and depositional change in the Emba Delta, Kazakhstan, north-eastern Caspian Sea : evidence from sediment, ostracods, pollen and dinoflagellate cysts. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 468, 427-452.
- Casas-Monroy O, Parenteau M, Drake DAR, Roy S et Rochon A. 2016. Absolute estimates of the propagule pressure of viable dinoflagellates across Canadian coasts : the variable influence of ballast water exchange. Marine Biology, 163 : 174.
- Cormier MA, Rochon A, de Vernal A et Gélinas Y. 2016. IP25 as a proxy for primary productivity close to sea-ice in a paleoclimate study in northern Baffin Bay, Canada. Marine Micropaleontology, 127, 1-10.
- Richerol T, Fréchette B, Rochon A et Pienitz R. 2016. Holocene climate history of the Nunatsiavut (northern Labrador, Canada) established from pollen and dinoflagellate cyst assemblages covering the past 7,000 years. The Holocene, 26(1), 44-60.
- de Vernal A, Rochon A, Radi T et Henry M. 2014. Dinocysts as proxies of sea ice cover in Arctic and subarctic environments. Dans J.M. Lewis, F. Marret et L.R. Bradley (éds.), Biological and Geological Perspectives of Dinoflagellates, The Micropaleontological Society Special Publications, Geological Society, London, pp. 65-69.
- Richerol T, Pienitz R et Rochon A. 2014. Recent climatic history of the Nunatsiavut as inferred from fossil pollen and dinocyst assemblages recovered from the sediments of three fjords (Labrador, Canada). Paleoceanography, 9(9), 869-892.
- Rochon A, Harland R et de Vernal A. 2014. Dinoflagellates and their cysts : key foci for future research. Dans J.M. Lewis, F. Marret et L.R. Bradley (éds.), Biological and Geological Perspectives of Dinoflagellates, The Micropaleontological Society Special Publications, Geological Society, London, pp. 89-95.
- Rochon A, Mudie PJ, Ledu D et Blasco S. 2014. Paleoceanographic evidence of climate change in the Canadian Arctic : the past 10,000 years. Dans Nettleship, DN, Gordon, DC, Lewis CFM et Latremouille MP, éds., Voyage of Discovery : Fifty Years of Marine Research at Canada’s Bedford Institute of Oceanography, pp. 69-73.
- Briski, E, Bailey S, Casas-Monroy O, DiBacco C, Kaczmarska I, Lawrence J, Leichsenring J, Levings C, MacGillivary M, Mckindsey C, Nasmith L, Parenteau M, Piercey G, Rivkin R, Rochon A, Roy S, Simard N, Sun B, Villac N, Way C, Weise A et MacIsaac H. 2013. Differential scales and vector characteristics alter propagule pressure and colonization pressure in invasion ecology. Limnology and Oceanography 58(4), 1361-1372.
- Casas-Monroy O, Parenteau M, Roy S et Rochon A. 2013. Dinoflagellate cysts in ballast sediments : differences between Canada’s east coast, west coast and the Great Lakes. Aquatic Conservation : Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 23(2), 254-276.
- de Vernal A, Rochon A et Radi T. 2013. Dinoflagellates. Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science, 2, 800-815.
- de Vernal A, Rochon A, Fréchette B, Henry M, Radi T et Solignac S. 2013. Reconstructing past sea ice cover of the Northern Hemisphere from dinocyst assemblages : status of the approach. Quaternary Science Reviews, 79, 122-134.
- de Vernal A, Hillaire-Marcel C, Rochon A, Fréchette B, Henry M, Solignac S et Bonnet S. 2013. Dinocyst-based reconstructions of sea ice cover concentration during the Holocene in the Arctic Ocean, the northern North Atlantic Ocean and its adjacent seas. Quaternary Science Reviews, 79, 111-121.
- Lacasse O, Rochon A et Roy S. 2013. High cyst concentrations of the potentially toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense species complex in Bedford Basin, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 66, 230-233.
- Mertens KN, Bringué M, Van Nieuwenhove N, Takano Y, Pospelova V, Rochon A, de Vernal A, Radi T, Dale B, Patterson T, Weckström K, Andrén E, Louwye S et Matsuoka K. 2013. Process length variation of the cyst Operculodinium centrocarpum in the North Pacific and Baltic-Skagerrak region : calibration as an annual density proxy and first evidence of pseudo-cryptic speciation. Sous presse dans Journal of Quaternary Science, 27, 734-744.
- Potvin E, Rochon A et Lovejoy C. 2013. Cyst-theca relationship of the Arctic dinoflagellate cyst Islandinium minutum(Dynophyceae) and phylogenetic position based on SSU rDNA and LSU rDNA. Journal of Phycology, 49, 848-866.
- Radi T, Bonnet S, Cormier M-A, de Vernal A, Durantou L, Faubert E, Head MJ, Henry M, Pospelova V, Rochon A et Van Nieuwenhove N. 2013. Operational taxonomy for round, brown, spiny dinocysts from high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. Marine Micropaleontology, 98, 41-57.
- Zonneveld KAF, Marret F, Versteegh G, Bonnet S, Bouimetarhan I, Crouch E, de Vernal A, Elshanawany R, Edwards L, Esper O, Forke S, Grøsfjeld K, Henry M, Holzwarth U, Kielt J-F, Kim S-Y, Ladouceur S, Ledu D, Liang C, Limoges A, Londeix L, Lu S.-H, Mahmoud MS, Marino G, Matsuoka K, Matthiessen J, Mildenhal DC, Mudie P, Neil HL, Pospelova V, Qi Y, Radi T, Richerol T, Rochon A, Sangiorgi F, Solignac S, Turon J-L, Verleye T, Wang Y, Wang Z et Young M. 2013. Atlas of modern dinoflagellate cyst distribution based on 2435 datapoints. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 191, 1-197.
Article le plus téléchargé de la revue Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology : juillet-septembre 2013 - Bringué M et Rochon A. 2012. Late Holocene paleoceanography and climate variability over the Mackenzie Slope (Beaufort Sea, Canadian Arctic). Marine Geology, 291-294, 83-96.
- Briski E, Bailey SA, Casas-Monroy O, DiBacco C, Kaczmarska I, Levings C, MacGillivary ML, Mckindsey CW, Nasmith LE, Parenteau M, Piercey GE, Rochon A, Roy S, Simard S, Villac MC, Weise AM and MacIsaac HJ. 2012. Relationship between propagule pressure and colonization pressure in invasion ecology. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Biological Sciences, 279, 1740 2990-2997. doi:10.1098/rspb.2011.2671
- Durantou L, Rochon A, Ledu D, Massé G, Schmidt S et Babin M. 2012. Quantitative reconstruction of sea-surface conditions over the last 150 years in the Beaufort Sea based on dinoflagellate cyst assemblages : the role of large-scale atmospheric circulation. Biogeosciences, 9, 5391-5406.
- Melling H, Francois R, Myers PG, Perrie W, Rochon A and Taylor RL. 2012. The Arctic Ocean – A Canadian Perspective (from the IPY). Climatic Change, 115, 89-113.
- Mertens KN, Bringué M, Van Nieuwenhove N, Takano Y, Pospelova V, Rochon A, de Vernal A, Radi T, Dale B, Patterson T, Weckström K, Andrén E, Louwye S et Matsuoka K. 2012. Process length variation of Protoceratium reticulatum in the North Pacific Baltic-Skagerrak region : calibration as annual density proxy and first evidence of pseudo-cryptic speciation. Journal of Quaternary Science, 27(7), 734-744.
- Richerol T, Pienitz R et Rochon A. 2012. Modern dinoflagellate cyst assemblages in surface sediments of Nunatsiavut fjords (Labrador, Canada). Marine Micropaleontology, 88-89, 54-64.
- Roy S, Parenteau M, Casas-Monroy O, Rochon A et Smith R. 2012. Coastal ship traffic : a significant introduction vector for potentially harmful dinoflagellates in Eastern Canada. Journal canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques, 69, 627-644.
- Versteegh G, Blokker,P, Bogus K, Harding I, Lewis J, Oltmanns S, Rochon A et Zonneveld K. 2012. Infra red spectroscopy, flash pyrolysis, thermally assisted hydrolysis and methylation (THM) in the presence of tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) of cultured and sediment-derived Lingulodinium polyedrum (Dinoflagellata) cyst walls. Organic Geochemistry, 43, 92-102.
- Casas-Monroy O, Suzanne Roy S et Rochon A. 2011. Ballast sediment-mediated transport of non-indigenous species of dinoflagellates on the East Coast of Canada. Aquatic Invasions, 6(3), 331-348.
- de Vernal A et Rochon A. 2011. Dinocysts as tracers of sea-surface conditions and sea-ice cover in polar and subpolar environments. IOP Conf. Series : Earth and Environmental Science 14 (2011) 012007 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/14/1/012007
- Barletta F, St-Onge G, Channell JET et Rochon, A. 2010. Paleomagnetic dating of Holocene Western Canadian Arctic sediments : combined use of the paleomagnetic secular variation and global spherical harmonic model of the geomagnetic field. Quaternary Science Reviews, 29 (17-18), 2315-2324.
- Ledu D, Rochon A, de Vernal A, Barletta F et St-Onge G. 2010. Holocene sea-ice history and climate variability along the main axis of the Northwest Passage, Canadian Arctic, Paleoceanography, 25, PA2213. doi:10.1029/2009PA001817.
- Ledu D, Rochon A, de Vernal A, Barletta F et St-Onge G. 2010. Holocene paleoceanography of the Northwest Passage, Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Quaternary Science Reviews, 29 (25-26), 3468-3488.
- Mudie PJ, Marret F, Rochon A et Aksu AE. 2010. Non-pollen palynomorphs in the Black Sea corridor. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 19, 531-544.
- de Vernal, A., Hillaire-Marcel C, Solignac S, Radi T et Rochon, A. 2009. Reconstructing sea-ice conditions in the Arctic and subarctic prior to human observations. In : E.T. Deweaver, C.M. Bitz and L.B. Tremblay (Eds.), Arctic Sea ice Decline : Observations, Projections, Mechanisms, and Implications. Geophysical Monographs, 180, 27-45.
- Mertens KN, Verhoeven K, Verleye T, Louwye S, Amorim A, Ribeiro S, Deaf AS, Harding IC, De Schepper S, González C, Kodrans-Nsiah M, de Vernal A, Henry M, Radi T, Dybkjaer K, Poulsen NE, Feist-Burkhardt S, Chitolie J, Heilmann-Clausen C, Londeix L, Turon JL, Marret F, Matthiessen J, McCarthy FMG, Prasad V, Pospelova V, Kyffin Hughes JE, Riding JB, Rochon A, Sangiorgi F, Welters N, Sinclair N, Thun C, Soliman A, Van Nieuwenhove N, Vink A et Young M. 2009. Determining the absolute abundance of dinoflagellate cysts in recent marine sediments : the Lycopodium marker-grain method put to the test. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 157, 238-252.
- Rochon A. 2009. The ecology and biological affinity of Arctic dinoflagellates and their paleoceanographical significance in the Canadian High Arctic. In : Veiga-Pires, C. and St-Onge, G. (Eds.), From deep-sea to coastal zones : Methods and techniques for studying paleoenvironments. Open access IOP Conference Series : Earth and Environmental Science (EES), 5.
- Rochon A, Lewis J, Ellegaard M et Harding IC. 2009. The Gonyaulax spinifera (Dinophyceae) “complex” : perpetuating the paradox ? Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 155, 52-60. Sixth most downloaded paper in the ScienceDirect TOP25 Hottest Articles April – June 2009
- Scott DB, Schell TM, St-Onge G, Rochon A et Blasco S. 2009. Foraminiferal assemblage changes over the last 15,000 years on the Mackenzie/ Beaufort sea slope and Amundsen Gulf, Canada : implications for past sea-ice conditions. Paleoceanography, 24, PA2219, doi:10.1029/2007PA001575.
- Waelbroeck, PA, Kucera M, … Rochon, A., et al. (MARGO Project Members). 2009. Constraints on the magnitude and patterns of ocean cooling at the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature Geoscience, 2, 127-132. doi : 10.1038/NGEO41
- Barletta F, St-Onge G, Channell JET, Rochon A, Polyak L et Darby DA. 2008. High-resolution paleomagnetic secular variation and relative paleointensity records from the western Canadian Arctic : implication for Holocene stratigraphy and geomagnetic field behaviour. Revue canadienne des sciences de la Terre, 45, 1265-1281.
- Bourgeois M, Simard N, Cartier S, Hamel D, Roy S et Rochon A. 2008. Test of PERACLEAN® Ocean biocide as a shipboard treatment technology for ballast waters on transatlantic voyages from the North Sea (Europe) to the marine St. Lawrence System (North America). Rapport présenté à Technologie et développement durable Canada, 53 p.
- Hamel D, Simard N et Rochon A. 2008. Test of the Ever-ClearTM Filtration System as a pre-treatment technology for ballast waters : The biological effectiveness. Rapport présenté à Technologie et développement durable Canada, 15 p.
- Ledu D, Rochon A, de Vernal A et St-Onge G. 2008. Palynological Evidence of Holocene Climate Oscillations in the Eastern Arctic : a possible shift in the Arctic Oscillation at millennial time scale. Revue canadienne des sciences de la Terre, 45, 1363-1375.
- Piot A, Rochon A, Stora G et Desrosiers G. 2008. Experimental study on the influence of bioturbation performed by Nephtys caeca (Fabricius) and Nereis virens (Sars) annelidae on the distribution of dinoflagellate cysts in the sediment. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 359, 92-101.
- Richerol T, Rochon A, Blasco S, Scott DB, Schell TM et Bennett R. 2008. Evolution of sea surface conditions in the Mackenzie Trough (Beaufort Sea, Canada) over the last 600 years. Marine Micropaleontology, 68(1-2), 6-20.
- Richerol T, Rochon A, Blasco S, Scott DB, Schell TM et Bennett RJ. 2008. Distribution of dinoflagellate cysts in surface sediments of the Mackenzie Shelf and Amundsen Gulf, Beaufort Sea (Canada). Journal of Marine Systems, 74(3-4), 825-839.
- Rochon A, Eynaud F et de Vernal A. 2008. Dinocysts as tracers of hydrographical conditions and productivity along the ocean margins : Introduction. Marine micropaleontology, 68(1-2), 1-5.
- Schell TM, Moss TJ, Scott DB et Rochon A. 2008. Paleo-sea ice conditions of the Amundsen Gulf, Canadian Arctic Archipelago : Implications from the foraminiferal record of the la 200 years. Journal of Geophysical Research 113 : C03S02 doi : 1029/2007JC004202
- Schell TM, Scott DB, Rochon A et Blasco S. 2008. Holocene paleoceanography and paleo-sea ice conditions in the Mackenzie Trough and Canyon, Beaufort Sea. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 45, 1399-1415.
- Scott DB, Schell T, Rochon A et Blasco S. 2008. Benthic foraminifera in the surface sediments of the Beaufort Shelf and Slope, Beaufort Sea, Canada : Applications and implications for past sea-ice conditions. Journal of Marine Systems, 74(3-4), 840-863.
- Scott DB, Schell TM, Rochon A et Blasco S. 2008. Modern benthic foraminifera in the surface sediments of the Beaufort Shelf, slope and Mackenzie Trough, Beaufort Sea, Canada : Taxonomy and summary of surficial distribution. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, v. 38, no. 3, 228-250.
- Scott DB, Rochon A, Schell TM, St-Onge G, Blasco S et Bennett R. 2008. Historical variability-Paleoclimates. In : L. Fortier, D.G. Barber et J. Michaud (Éds.), On Thin Ice : A synthesis of the Canadian Arctic Shelf Exchange Study (CASES). Aboriginal Issues Press. Chapter 8.
- St-Onge G, Chapron E, Guyard H, Rochon A, Lajeunesse P, Scott D, Locat J, Stoner JS, Hillaire-Marcel C. 2008. High-resolution physical and magnetic properties of rapidly deposited layers associated with landslides, earthquakes and floods. In : J. Locat et al (Éds.). Comptes rendus de la 4e Conférence canadienne sur les géorisques : des causes à la gestion. Presse de l’Université Laval, Québec, pp. 219-228.
- de Vernal A, Rochon A et Radi T. 2007. Dinoflagellates. In : Elias, SA (Ed) Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science, Paleoceanography, biological proxies, Vol. 3, 1652-1667.
- Hiscott RN, Aksu AE, Mudie PJ, Kaminski MA, Abrajano T, Yaşar D et Rochon A. 2007. The Marmara Sea Gateway since 16 ky BP : non-catastrophic causes of paleoceanographic events in the Black Sea at 8.4 and 7.15 ky BP. In : Yanko-Hombach, V., Gilbert, A.S., Panin, N. and Dolukhanov, P. (eds.), The Black Sea flood question : changes in coastline, climate and human settlement. NATO Science Series IV, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Springer Publishers, XXXVII, 89-118 Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
- Fisher D, Dyke A, Koerner R, Bourgeois J, Kinnard C, Zdanowicz C, de Vernal A, Hillaire-Marcel C, Savelle J et Rochon A. 2006. Natural variability of Arctic sea ice over the Holocene. EOS Transactions, 87(28).
- Mudie PJ, Rochon A, Prins MA, Soenarjo D, Troelstra SR, Levac E, Scott DB, Roncaglia L et Kuijpers A. 2006. Late Pleistocene-Holocene marine geology of Nares Strait region : palaeoceanography from foraminifera and dinoflagellate cysts, sedimentology and stable isotopes. Chapter 11 in : Results of the 2001 Nares Strait Expedition ; Tessensohn, F., Jackson, H.R., and Reid, I. (eds.) Polarforschung 74(1-3), 169-183.
- de Vernal A, Eynaud F, Henry M, Hillaire-Marcel C, Londeix L, Mangin S, Matthiessen J, Marret F, Radi T, Rochon A, Solignac S et Turon J-L. 2005. Reconstruction of sea-surface conditions at middle to high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) based on dinoflagellate cyst assemblages. Quaternary Science Reviews, 24(7-9), 897-924.
- Mudie PJ, Rochon A et Levac E. 2005. Arctic catastrophes : rapid sea ice changes in the Canadian Arctic and the impact on humans. Environmental Archaeology. The Journal of Human Palaeoecology, 10(2), 125-134.
- Mudie PJ, Rochon A, Aksu AE et Gillespie H. 2004. Late glacial, Holocene and modern dinoflagellate cyst assemblages in the Aegean-Marmara-Black Sea corridor : statistical analysis and re-interpretation of the early Holocene Noah’s Flood hypothesis. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 128, 143-167.
- Rochon A et Marret F 2004. Middle latitude dinoflagellates and their cysts : increasing our understanding on their distribution. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 128, 1-5.
- Ellegaard M, Daugbjerg N, Rochon A, Lewis J et Harding IC. 2003. Morphologic and genetic (LSU rDNA) variation within Spiniferites/Gonyaulax (Dinophyceae), including the cyst-theca relationship of Spiniferites elongatus and phylogenetic analysis of the position of Spiniferites and Bitectatodinium within the Gonyaulacales. Phycologia, 42, 151-164.
- Marret F, Zonneveld KAF, Edwards LE, Rochon A et Targarona J. 2003. Oceanographic context. In : Marret, F. and Zonneveld, K.A.F. (eds.), Atlas of modern global organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst distribution. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 125, 1-200.
- Rochon A, Blasco S et Travaglini P. 2003. Cruise MR02-K05 on board the RV Mirai : Joint Western Arctic Climate Study (JWACS) 2002 Geoscience Program – LEG 2 – Tuktoyaktuk (Northwest Territories) to Dutch Harbor (Alaska) September 20 – October 10, 2003. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 1781 ; 1 CD-ROM, doi:10.4095/214520.
- Aksu AE, Hiscott RN, Mudie PJ, Rochon A, Kaminski MA, Abrajano T et Yaşar D. 2002. Persistent Holocene Outflow from the Black Sea to the Eastern Mediterranean Contradicts Noah’s Flood Hypothesis. GSA Today Special Publication, 12, 4-10.
- Mudie PJ, Rochon A, Aksu AE et Gillespie H. 2002. Dinoflagellate cysts, freshwater algae and fungal spores as salinity indicators in Late Quaternary cores from Marmara and Black Seas. Marine Geology, 190, 203-231.
- Mudie PJ, Rochon A et Aksu AE. 2002. Pollen stratigraphy of Late Quaternary cores from Marmara Sea : Land-sea correlation and paleoclimate history. Marine Geology, 190, 233-260.
- Mudie PJ, Rochon A et Levac E. 2002. Palynological records of red-tide producing species in Canada : Past trends and implications for the future. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology and Palaeoecology, 180, 159-186.
- Rochon A et Mudie PJ. 2002. Pterocysta Gen. Nov. : A new dinoflagellate cyst from Pleistocene glacial-stage sediments of the Black and Marmara Seas. Palynology, 26, 95-105.
- de Vernal A, Henry M, Matthiessen J, Mudie PJ, Rochon A, Boessenkool KP, Eynaud F, Grøsfjeld K, Guiot J, Hamel D, Harland R, Head MJ, Kunz-Pirrung M, Levac E, Loucheur V, Peyron O, Pospelova V, Radi T, Turon J-L et Voronina E. 2001. Dinoflagellate cyst assemblages as tracers of sea-surface conditions in the northern North Atlantic, Arctic and sub-Arctic seas : the new “n=677” data base and its application for quantitative palaeoceanographic reconstruction. Journal of Quaternary Science, 16, 681-698.
- Lewis J, Rochon A, Ellegaard M, Mudie PJ and Harding IC. 2001. The cyst-theca relationship of Bitectatodinium tepikiense(Dinophyceae). European Journal of Phycology, 36, 137-146.
- Mudie PJ et Rochon A. 2001. Distribution of dinoflagellate cysts in the Canadian Arctic marine region. Journal of Quaternary Science, 16, 603-620.
- Lewis J, Rochon A et Harding IC. 1999. Preliminary observations of cyst-theca relationships in Spiniferites ramosus and Spiniferites mebranaceus (Dinophyceae). Grana, 38, 113-124.
- Rochon A, de Vernal A, Turon J-L, Matthiessen J et Head MJ. 1999. Distribution of recent dinoflagellate cysts in surface sediments from the North Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas in relation to sea-surface parameters. Contribution Series Number 35, American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Foundation, 152 pp.
- Rochon A et de Vernal A. 1998. Palynological evidence of climatic and oceanographic changes in the North Sea during the Last Deglaciation. Quaternary Research, 49, 197-207.
- de Vernal A, Rochon A, Turon J-L et Matthiessen J. 1997. Organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts : Palynological tracers of sea-surface conditions in middle to high latitude marine environments. GEOBIOS, 30, 905-920.
- Hillaire-Marcel C, de Vernal A, Lucotte M, Mucci A, Bilodeau G, Rochon A, Vallières S et Wu G. 1994. Productivité et flux de carbone dans la mer du Labrador au cours des derniers 40 000 ans. Revue canadienne des sciences de la Terre, 31, 139-158.
- Rochon A et de Vernal A. 1994. Palynomorph distribution in Recent sediments from the Labrador Sea. Canadian journal of Earth Sciences, 31, 115-127.
- de Vernal A, Rochon A, Hillaire-Marcel C, Turon J-L et Guiot J. 1993. Quantitative reconstruction of sea-surface conditions, seasonal extent of sea-ice cover and meltwater discharges in high latitude marine environments from dinoflagellate cyst assemblages. In : W.R. Peltier (Ed.), Ice in the climate system, NATO ASI Series, Vol. I 12, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 611-621.