Dominique Arseneault
Département de biologie, chimie et géographie
Campus de Rimouski
Téléphone sans frais
- Biologie
- Dendrochronologie
- Écologie historique
- Impact des perturbations naturelles et anthropiques et des changements climatiques sur les écosystèmes forestiers des zones tempérées – boréales et subarctiques
- Baccalauréat Foresterie, Université Laval. CANADA en 1987.
- Maîtrise ès science, Biologie végétale, Université Laval. CANADA en 1990.
- Doctorat, Biologie, Université Laval. CANADA en 1996.
S’intéresse aux interactions entre les perturbations (feux, coupes) et les changements climatiques et à leurs impacts à long terme sur la forêt boréale. Mène actuellement des recherches sur le régime de chevauchement des feux dans la taïga, sur la dynamique millénaire des forêts riveraines, sur le transfert de débris ligneux à travers les interfaces riveraines et sur la dynamique du réservoir de débris ligneux aquatiques. Il développe des séries dendrochronologiques millénaires dans la zone boréale. Il travaille à reconstituer l’historique de transformation des forêts de l’Est du Québec sous l’influence des coupes depuis le début du XIXe siècle.
- André deRomer. (Superviseur: D. Arseneault; Co-superviseur: Y. Bégin). Reconstitution de la composition de la forêt préindustrielle dans Chaudière-Appalaches
- Raphaële Terrail. (Superviseur: D. Arseneault; Co-superviseur: M.-J. Fortin). Impact de la colonisation sur la transformation des forêts du Bas-Saint-Laurent
- Marie Leroyer. (Superviseur: D. Arseneault; Co-superviseur: M.-J. Fortin). Reconstitution de la composition préindustrielle de la forêt feuillue du Québec
- Gabriel Fortin. (Superviseur: D. Arseneault). Transformation de la forêt préindustrielle en Gaspésie.
- Fabio Gennaretti. (Superviseur: D. Arseneault; Co-superviseur: Y. Bégin). Analyses dendroécologique et dendroclimatique millénaires des débris ligneux des lacs de la taïga.
- Tasneem Elzein. (Superviseur: D. Arseneault; Co-superviseur: L. Sirois). Analyses rétrospectives et prospectives de la structure et de la composition des forêts du Bas-Saint-Laurent
- Louis Meulien. (Superviseur: D. Arseneault; Co-superviseur: L. Sirois). Simulation de l’impact de l’aménagement et du climat sur la composition et la structure des paysages du Bas-Saint-Laurent
- Célia Ventura-Giroux. (Superviseur: D. Pothier; Co-superviseur: D. Arseneault). Évolution de la présence du pin blanc et du chêne rouge en Outaouais.
- Sandy Erni. (Superviseur: Y Bégin; Co-superviseur: D. Arseneault). Impact des sécheresses sévères sur la récurrence des grands feux dans la taïga
- Maud Naulier. (Superviseur: C. Bégin; Co-superviseur: M. Savard et D. Arseneault). Reconstitution dendroisotopique du climat à partir des subfossiles des lacs de la taïga.
- Victor Danneyrolles. (Superviseur: Y Bergeron; Co-superviseur: D. Arseneault). Évolution séculaire et millénaire de la composition des forêts au Témiscamingue
- Julia Autin. (Superviseur: D. Arseneault; Co-superviseur: Y. Bégin). Comment peut-on combiner des échantillons vivants et subfossiles pour construire de longues séries dendrochonologiques non biaisées?
- Yves Bouthillier: (Superviseur: Y Bégin; Co-superviseur: D. Arseneault). Influence des niveaux d’eau sur la croissance des arbres riverains dans la taïga.
- Berguet C., M. Martin, D. Arseneault et H. Morin, 2021
Spatiotemporal dynamics of 20th-century spruce budworm Outbreaks in Eastern Canada: Three distinct patterns of outbreak severity
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8 : Article number 544088. - Boucher Y., I. Auger, D. Arseneault, T. Elzein et L. Sirois, 2021
Long-term (1925–2015) forest structure reorganization in an actively managed temperate-boreal forest region of eastern North America
Forest Ecology and Management Forest Ecology and Management 481 : Article no 118744. - Buntgen U., K. Allen, K. J. Anchukaitis, D. Arseneault, É. Boucher. A. Brauning S. Chatterjee, P. Cherubini, O. V. Churakova (Sidorova), C. Corona, F. Gennaretti et J. Griessinger, 2021
The influence of decision-making in tree ring-based climate reconstructions
Nature Communications 12 : Article number 3411. - Danneyrolles, M. Vellend, S. Dupuis, Y. Boucher, J. Laflamme, Y. Bergeron, G. Fortin, Marie Leroyer, A. de Römer, R. Terrail et D. Arseneault, 2021
Scale-dependent changes in tree diversity over more than a century in eastern Canada: Landscape diversification and regional homogenization
Journal of Ecology 109:273–283. - Büntgen U., D. Arseneault, É Boucher, O. V. Churakova (Sidorova), F. Gennaretti, A. Crivellaro, M. K. Hughes, A. V. Kirdyanov, L. Klippel, P. J. Krusic, H. W. Linderholm, F. C. Ljungqvist, J. Ludescher, M. McCormick, V. S. Myglan, K. Nicolussi, A. Piermattei, C. Oppenheimer, F. Reinig et M. Sigl, 2020
Prominent role of volcanism in Common Era climate variability and human history
Dendrochronologia 64 : Article number 125757.
Dupuis S., V. Danneyrolles, J. Laflamme, Y. Boucher et D. Arseneault, 2020
Forest transformation following European settlement in the Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean Valley in Eastern Québec, Canada
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8 : Article 257. - Elzein T., D. Arseneault, L. Sirois et Y. Boucher, 2020
The changing disturbance regime in eastern canadian mixed forests during the 20th century
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8 : Article number 156. - Elzein, T., G. R. Larocque, L. Sirois et D. Arseneault, 2020
Comparing the predictions of gap model with vegetation and disturbance data in south-eastern Canadian mixed forests
Forest Ecology and Management 455 : 117649. - Johnston L. M., X. Wang, S. Erni, S. W. Taylor, C. B. McFayden, J. A. Oliver, C. Stockdale, A. Christianson, Y. Boulanger, S. Gauthier, D. Arseneault, B. M. Wotton, M.-A. Parisien et M. D. Flannigan, 2020
Wildland fire risk research in Canada
Environmental Reviews 28 (2) : 164-186. - Marchais M., D. Arseneault, Y. Bergeron, 2020
Composition changes in the boreal mixedwood forest of western quebec since euro-Canadian settlement
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8 : Article number 126. - Nasri B. R, É. Boucher, L. Perreault, B. N. Rémillard, D., Huard, A. Nicault, D. Arseneault, C. Bégin, M. M. Savard, Y. Bégin, P. Francus et P. Lajeunesse, 2020
Modeling hydrological inflow persistence using paleoclimate reconstructions on the Québec-Labrador (Canada) Peninsula
Water Resources Research 56 (5) : Article number e2019WR025122 - Parisien M., Q. E. Barber, K. G. Hirsch, C. A. Stockdale, S. Erni, X. Wang, D. Arseneault et S, A. Parks, 2020
Fire deficit increases wildfire risk for many communities in the Canadian boreal forest. Nature Communications 11, 2121 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-15961-y - Stralberg D., D. Arseneault, J. L Baltzer, Q. E. Barber, E. M. Bayne, Y. Boulanger, C. D. Brown, H. A Cooke, K. Devito, J. Edwards, C. A. Estevo, N. Flynn, L. E. Frelich, E. H. Hogg, M. Johnston, T. Logan, S. M Matsuoka, P. Moore, T. L. Morelli, J. L. Morissette, E. A. Nelson, H. Nenzén, S. E. Nielsen, M.‐A. Parisien, J. H. Pedlar, D. T. Price, F. K. A. Schmiegelow, S. M. Slattery, O. Sonnentag, D. K. Thompson et E. Whitman, 2020
Climate‐change refugia in boreal North America: what, where, and for how long?
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 18 (5) Special Issue: Climate‐Change Refugia : 261-270. - Terrail R., J. Morin‐Rivat, G. de Lafontaine, M.‐J. Fortin et D. Arseneault, 2020
Effects of 20th‐century settlement fires on landscape structure and forest composition in eastern Quebec, Canada.
Journal of Vegetation Science 31 (1) : 40-52. - Wang F., D. Arseneault, É. Boucher, G. Galipaud Gloaguen, A. Deharte, S. Yu et N. Trou-kechout, 2020
Temperature sensitivity of blue intensity, maximum latewood density, and ring width data of living black spruce trees in the eastern Canadian taiga
Dendrochronologia 64 : Article number 125771. - Wang F., D. Arseneault, É. Boucher, S. Yu, S. Ouellet, G. Chaillou, A. Delwaide, et L. Wang, 2020
Chemical destaining and the delta correction for blue intensity measurements of stained lake subfossil trees
Biogeosciences 17 (18) : 4559-4570. - Boulanger Y., D. Arseneault, Y. Boucher, S. Gauthier, D. Cyr, A. R. Taylor, D. T. Price, et S. Dupuis, 2019
Climate change will affect the ability of forest management to reduce gaps between current and presettlement forest composition in southeastern Canada
Landscape Ecology 4 (1) : 159-174. - Danneyrolles V., S.. Dupuis, G. Fortin, M. Leroyer, A. de Romer, R. Terrail, M. Vellend, Y. Boucher, J. Laflamme, Y. Bergeron et D. Arseneault, 2019
Stronger influence of anthropogenic disturbance than climate change on century-scale compositional changes in northern forests
Nature Communications 10 : Article Number: 1265., DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-09265-z - Terrail R.., S. Dupuis, V. Danneyrolles, M-J. Fortin, Y. Boucher, et D. Arseneault, 2019
Reorganization of tree assemblages over the last century in the northern hardwoods of eastern Canada
Applied Vegetation Science 22 (4) : 474-483. - Wang F., D. Arseneault, B. Pan, Q. Liao et J. Sugiyama, 2019
Pre-1930 unstable relationship between climate and tree-ring width of Pinus taiwanensis hayata in southeastern China
Dendrochronologia 57 : Article number 125629 - Barber Q. E., M.‐A. Parisien, E. Whitman, D. Stralberg, C. J. Johnson, M.‐H. St‐Laurent, E. R. DeLancey, D. T. Price, D. Arseneault, X. Wang, M. D. Flannigan, 2018
Potential impacts of climate change on the habitat of boreal woodland caribou
Ecosphere 9 (10) : e02472. - Boivin M., T. Buffin-Bélanger et D. Arseneault, 2018
Using tree-rings to determine large wood residence time and transport pulses in a gravel-bed river (Conference Paper)
E3S Web of Conferences 40 : Article number 02008. - Buntgen U., L. Wacker, J. D. Galvan, S. Arnold, D. Arseneault, M. Baillie, J. Beer, M. Bernabei, N. Bleicher, G. Boswijk, A. Brauning, M. Carrer, F. C. Ljungqvist, F. Charpentier, P. Cherubini, M. Christl, D. A. Christie, P. W. Clark, E. R. Cook, R. D’Arrigo, N. Davi, O. Eggertsson, J. Esper, A. M. Fowler, Z. Gedalof, F. Gennaretti, J. Griessinger, H. Grissino-Mayer, H. Grudd, B. E. Gunnarson, R. Hantemirov, F. Herzig, A. Hessl, K. U. Heussner, A. J. T. Jull, V. Kukarskih, A. Kirdyanov, T. Kolar, P. J Krusic, T. Kyncl, A. Lara, C. LeQuesne, H .W. Linderholm, N. J. Loader, B. Luckman, F. Miyake, V. S. Myglan, K. Nicolussi, C. Oppenheimer, J. Palmer, I. Panyushkina, N. Pederson, M. Rybnicek, F. H. Schweingruber, A. Seim, M. Sigl, O. Sidorova, J. H. Speer, H. A. Synal, W. Tegel, K. Treydte, R. Villalba, G. Wiles, R. Wilson, L. J. Winship, J. Wunder, B. Yang, G. H. F. Young, 2018
Tree rings reveal globally coherent signature of cosmogenic radiocarbon events in 774 and 993 CE
Nature Communications 9 : Article Number: 3605, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-06036-0 - Danneyrolles V., D. Arseneault Y. Bergeron, 2018
Anthropogenic disturbances strengthened tree community-environment relationships at the temperate-boreal interface
Landscape Ecology 33 (2) : 213-224. - D’Orangeville L., J. Maxwell, D. Kneeshaw, N. Pederson, L. Duchesne, T. Logan, D. Houle, D. Arseneault, C. M. Beier, D. A. Bishop, D. Druckenbrod, S. Fraver, F. Girard, J. Halman, C. Hansen, J. L. Hart, H. Hartmann, M. Kaye, D. Leblanc, S. Manzoni, R. Ouimet, S. Rayback, C. R. Rollinson et R. P. Phillips, 2018
Drought timing and local climate determine the sensitivity of eastern temperate forests to drought
Global Change Biology 24 (6) : 2339-2351. - Erni S., D. Arseneault et M.-A. Parisien, 2018
Stand age influence on potential wildfire ignition and spread in the boreal forest of Northeastern Canada
Ecosystems 21 (7) : 1471-1486. - Gennaretti F., É. Boucher, A. Nicault, G. Gea-Izquierdo, D. Arseneault, F. Berninger, M. M. Savard, C. Bégin et J. Guiot, 2018
Underestimation of the Tambora effects in North American taiga ecosystems
Environmental Research Letters 13 (3) : article Number: 034017. - Lemus-Lauzon I., N. Bhiry, D. Arseneault, J. Woollett, A.,Delwaide, 2018
Tree-Ring evidence of changes in the subarctic forest cover linked to human disturbance in Northern Labrador (Canada)
Ecoscience 25 (2) : 135-151. - Gennaretti F., G. Gea-Izquierdo, E. Boucher, F. Berninger, D. Arseneault et J. Guiot, 2017
Ecophysiological modeling of photosynthesis and carbon allocation to the tree stem in the boreal forest
Biogeosciences 14 (21) : 4851-4866. - Gennaretti F., D. Huard, M. Naulier, M. Savard, C. Bégin, D. Arseneault et J. Guiot, 2017
Bayesian multiproxy temperature reconstruction with black spruce ring widths and stable isotopes from the northern Quebec taiga
Climate Dynamics 49 : 4107–4119. - Boucher E., A.Nicault, D. Arseneault, Y. Bégin et M. P. Karami, 2017
Decadal variations in Eastern Canada’s taiga wood biomass production forced by ocean-atmosphere interactions
Scientific Reports 7 (1) : Article number 2457 - Boucher Y., I. Auger, J. Noël, P. Grondin et D. Arseneault, 2017
Fire is a stronger driver of forest composition than logging in the boreal forest of eastern Canada
Journal of Vegetation Science 28 (1) : 57-68. - Danneyrolles V., S. Dupuis, D. Arseneault, R. Terrail, M. Leroyer, A. de Römer, G. Fortin, Y. Boucher et J.-C. Ruel, 2017
Eastern white cedar long-term dynamics in eastern Canada: Implications for restoration in the context of ecosystem-based management
Forest Ecology and Management 400 : 502-510. - Erni S., D. Arseneault, M.-A. Parisien et Y. Begin, 2017
Spatial and temporal dimensions of fire activity in the fire-prone eastern Canadian taiga
Global Change Biology 23 (3) : 1152-1166. - Whitman E., M.-A. Parisien, D. T. Price, M.-H. St-Laurent, C. J. Johnson, E. R. delancey, D. Arseneault et M. D. Flannigan, 2017
A framework for modeling habitat quality in disturbance-prone areas demonstrated with woodland caribou and wildfire
Ecosphere 8 (4) : Article number e01787 - Danneyrolles V., D. Arseneault et Y. Bergeron, 2016
Pre-industrial landscape composition patterns and post-industrial changes at the temperate-boreal forest interface in western Quebec, Canada
Journal of Vegetation Science 27 (3) : 470-481. - Danneyrolles V., D. Arseneault et Y. Bergeron, 2016
Long-term compositional changes following partial disturbance revealed by the resurvey of logging concession limits in the northern temperate forest of eastern Canada Canadian
Journal of Forest Research 46 (7) : 943-949. - Laflamme J., A. D. Munson, P. Grondin, D. Arseneault, 2016
Anthropogenic disturbances create a new vegetation toposequence in the Gatineau River Valley, Quebec
Forests 7(11), 254; doi:10.3390/f7110254 - Portier J., S.. Gauthier, A. Leduc, D. Arseneault et Y. Bergeron, 2016
Fire regime along latitudinal gradients of continuous to discontinuous coniferous boreal forests in eastern Canada
Forests 7(10), 211; doi:10.3390/f7100211 - Autin J., F. Gennaretti, D. Arseneault et Y. Bégin, 2015
Biases in RCS tree ring chronologies due to sampling heights of trees
Dendrochronologia 36, Article number 25333, p. 13-22 - Nicault A., E. Boucher, D. Tapsoba, D. Arseneault, F. Berninger, C. Bégin, J. L. DesGranges, J. Guiot, J. Marion, S. Wicha, Y. Bégin, 2015
Spatial analysis of black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) radial growth response to climate in northern Québec – Labrador Peninsula, Canada (Article)
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 45 (3) : 343-352. - Nicault A., E. Boucher, D. Tapsoba, D. Arseneault, F. Berninger, C. Bégin, J. L. DesGranges, J. Guiot, J. Marion, S. Wicha, Y. Bégin, 2015
Spatial analysis of black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) radial growth response to climate in northern Québec – Labrador Peninsula, Canada
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 45 (3) : 343-352. - Gennaretti F., D. Arseneault et Y. Bégin, 2014
Millennial stocks and fluxes of large woody debris in lakes of the North American taiga
Journal of Ecology 102 (2) : 367-380. - Gennaretti F., D. Arseneault, et Y. Begin, 2014
Millennial disturbance-driven forest stand dynamics in the Eastern Canadian taiga reconstructed from subfossil logs
Journal of Ecology 102 (6) : 1612-1622. - Gennaretti F., D. Arseneault, A. Nicault, L. Perreault, et Y. Beǵin, 2014
Volcano-induced regime shifts in millennial tree-ring chronologies from northeastern North America
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111 (28) : 10077-10082. - Héon J., D. Arseneault et M.-A. Parisien,2014
Resistance of the boreal forest to high burn rates
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111 (38) 13888-13893. - Naulier M., M. M .Savard, C. Bégin, J. Marion, D. Arseneault et Y. Bégin, 2014 Carbon and oxygen isotopes of lakeshore black spruce trees in northeastern Canada as proxies for climatic reconstruction
Chemical Geology 374-375 : 37-43. - Terrail R., D. Arseneault, M.-J. Fortin, S. Dupuis et Y. Boucher, 2014
An early forest inventory indicates high accuracy of forest composition data in pre-settlement land survey records
Journal of Vegetation Science 25 (3) : 691-702. - Arseneault, D., B. Dy, F. Gennaretti, J. Autin et Y. Bégin. 2013, Developing millennial tree ring chronologies in the fire-prone North American boreal forest. Journal of Quaternary Sciences. DOI: 10.1002/jqs.2612
- Savard, M. M., C. Bégin, J. Marion, D. Arseneault, et Y. Bégin. 2012 Evaluating the integrity of C and O isotopic series in sub-fossil wood deposited in boreal lakes – Required work for reconstructing long climatic series. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Paleoecolecology, 348-349: 21-31.
- Dupuis, S. D. Arseneault et L. Sirois. 2011. Change from presettlement to present-day forest composition reconstructed from early land survey records in eastern Québec, Canada. Journal of Vegetation Science, 22 : 564-575.
- Arseneault, D. 2010. Les longues séries dendrochronologiques dans le Nord-est de l’Amérique du Nord. In Payette, S. & Filion, L. (eds) Dendroécologie : concepts, méthodes et applications. Presses de l’Université Laval, Québec.
- Boucher, Y., D. Arseneault, L. Sirois et L. Blais. 2009. Logging patterns and landscape changes over the last century at the transition between boreal and deciduous forest zones in eastern Canada. Landscape Ecology, 24 : 171-184.
- Arseneault, D., Boucher, É. & Bouchon, É. 2007. Asynchronous forest-stream coupling in a fire-prone boreal landscape. Journal of Ecology, 95:789-801.