Mercredi 26 mars 2025 - Levée des cours et des laboratoires au campus de Rimouski En savoir plus

Pierre Blier

Département de biologie, chimie et géographie
Campus de Rimouski
Téléphone sans frais

  • Biologie
  • Adaptations et évolution du métabolisme énergétique animal
  • Aquaculture génétique – nutrition – conditionnement
  • Co-adaptation et à l’évolution des génomes mitochondriaux et nucléaires

  • Baccalauréat Biologie, Université Laval CANADA.
  • Maîtrise Biologie, Université Laval CANADA en 1987.
  • Doctorat, Université Laval CANADA en 1992 .
  • Stage postdoctoral au Technical University of Nova Scotia, Halifax, 1992
  • Professeur invité au Département de biologie marine, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California at San Diego, 1999-2000
  • Professeur invité à l’Institut des Sciences de l’Évolution de Montpellier, Université Montpellier2, 2007-2008
  • Professeur invité à l’Institut Linus Pauling de l’Oregon State University 2014-2015

S’intéresse aux adaptations et à l’évolution du métabolisme énergétique animal, à l’aquaculture (génétique, nutrition, conditionnement) et à la co-adaptation et à l’évolution des génomes mitochondriaux et nucléaires.

Doctorat :

  • Dupont-Cyr, Bernard-Antonin,  Élaboration de lignées d’omble chevalier (Salvelinus alpinus), d’omble de fontaine (S. fontinalis) et de leurs hybrides pouvant synthétiser efficacement l’huile de lin en acides gras hautement insaturés, co-directrice Nathalie Le François
  • Christen, Félix, Optimisation du contenu en oméga-3 et des capacités antioxydantes de la chair des ombles d’élevage, pour le développement d’un aliment fonctionnel reconnu pour ses bienfaits sur la santé cardiovasculaire
  • Milbergue, Myriam de l’Université du Québec à Rimouski, Régulation endocrinienne de l’acclimatation hivernale chez les passereaux résidents, codirecteur : François Vézina
  • Rodriguez, Enrique, Topologie et micro-environnement du Système de Transport des Électrons chez les mitochondries des bivalves: À la recherche des causes de la longévité extrême.
  • Vandermeeren, Emmanuelle, Gestion du stress oxydant dans la tolérance au stress thermique chez l’omble de fontaine (Salvelinus fontinalis)

Codirection :

  • Bettinazzi, Stefano  de l’Université de Montréal , Physiologie mitochondriale et système de double hérédité uniparentale des mitochondries chez les bivalves, superviseure Sophie Breton de l’université de Montréal, co-directeur Pierre Blier
  • Cassidy, Alicia de l’Université de Moncton, Contrôle du métabolisme des protéines par les voies de signalisation cellulaire chez l’omble chevalier en période de restriction alimentaire et de croissance compensatoire, directeur Simon Lamarre de l’Université de Moncton, co-directeur Pierre Blier

Maitrise :

  • Caouette-Houle, Mirelle, La croissance compensatoire comme outil de production aquacole de l’omble chevalier (Salvelinus alpinus), codirectrice Nathalie Lefrançois
  • Gabriel Leduc, Prédicteurs métaboliques et physiologiques de la réponse au stress chez  Salvelinus fontinalis,  Salvelinus alpinus et leurs hybrides
  • Hunter-Manseau, Florence, Adaptations thermiques des fonctions mitochondriales chez les ectothermes: l’importance du complexe Pyruvate Déshydrogénase (cPDH)
  • Saint-Pierre, Amélie, Gestion du stress oxydant chez des populations sauvages d’omble de fontaine
  • Centre de la science de la biodiversité du québec
  • Réseau aquatique Québec
  • American Physiological Society
  • Mitochondrial Physiology Society
  • Unité de recherche sur les ombles chevaliers du Québec
  • Éditeur associé de Journal of Aquatic Food Products and Technology
  • Directeur du laboratoire de Physiologie animale intégrative
  • Dupont-Cyr, B. A., N. R. Le Francois, F. Christen, V. Desrosiers, A. Savoie, G. W. Vandenberg, F. Dufresne et P. U. Blier, 2022
    Linseed oil as a substitute for fish oil in the diet of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus), brook charr (S. fontinalis) and their reciprocal hybrids.
    Aquaculture Reports 22 : Article Numéro100949.
  • Lemieux H. et P. U. Blier, 2022
    Exploring thermal sensitivities and adaptations of oxidative phosphorylation pathways
    Metabolites 12(4) : Article Numéro 360.
  • Rodríguez E., A. Radke, T. M Hagen, P. U Blier, 2022
    Supercomplex organization of the electron transfer system in marine bivalves, a model of extreme longevity
    The Journals of Gerontology: Series A 77 (2) : 283–290.
  • Bettinazzi S., L. Milani, P. U. Blier, S. Breton, 2021
    Bioenergetic consequences of sex-specific mitochondrial DNA evolution
    Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 288 (1957) : Article Numéro 20211585.
  • Devereaux M. E. M., K. L. Campbell, D. Munro, P. U. Blier et M. E. Pamenter, 2021
    Burrowing star-nosed moles (Condylura cristata) are not hypoxia tolerant
    Journal of Experimental Biology 224 (19) ; Article Numéro jeb242972
  • Rioux P. et P. U. Blier, 2021
    Descriptions of centrifugation manipulations in the literature illustrate the need for better laboratory training of biologists
    Bioscene 47 (2): 44-49.
  • Mortz M., A. Levivier, N. Lartillot, F. Dufresne et P. U.  Blier, 2021
    Long-lived species of bivalves exhibit low MT-DNA substitution rates
    Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 8 : Article number 626042.
  • Rodríguez E., M. Hakkou, T. M Hagen, H. Lemieux et P. U. Blier, 2021
    Divergences in the control of mitochondrial respiration are associated with life-span variation in marine bivalves
    The Journals of Gerontology: Series A 76 (5) : 796–804.
  • Christen F, F. Dufresne, G. Leduc, B.-A. Dupont-Cyr, G. W. Vandenberg, N. R. Le Francois, J.-C. Tardif, S. G. Lamarre et P. U. Blier, 2020
    Thermal tolerance and fish heart integrity: fatty acids profiles as predictors of species resilience
    Conservation Physiology 8 : Article Number: coaa108 DOI: 10.1093/conphys/coaa108
  • Pichaud N., A. Ekström, S. Breton, F. Sundström, P. Rowinski, P. U.  Blier et E. Sandblom, 2020
    Adjustments of cardiac mitochondrial phenotype in a warmer thermal habitat is associated with oxidative stress in European perch, Perca fluviatilis
    Scientific Reports 10 (1) : Article number 17697
  • Bettinazzi S, S. Nadarajah, A. Dalpé, L. Milani, P. U. Blier et S. Breton, 2020
    Linking paternally inherited mtDNA variants and sperm performance
    Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences 375 (1790) : Article numéro 20190177.
  • Tremblay N., P. U. Blier et C. Rosas, 2020
    Evolutionary and integrative approaches for revealing adaptive mechanisms in marine animals along environmental gradients
    Frontiers in Physiology 11 : Article numéro 764.
  • Hunter-Manseau F., V. Desrosiers, N. R. Le François, F. Dufresne, H. W. Detrich III, C. Nozais et P. U. Blier, 2019
    From Africa to Antarctica: Exploring the metabolism of fish heart mitochondria across a wide thermal range
    Frontiers in Physiology 10 : Article numéro 1220.
  • Jarrold, M.D.,  L. J. Chakravarti, E. M. Gibbin, F. Christen, G. Massamba-N’Siala, P. U.  Blier et P.Calosi, 2019 Life-history trade-offs and limitations associated with phenotypic adaptation under future ocean warming and elevated salinity
    Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 374 (1768) : Article numéro  20180428. 
  • Menu-Courey K.,  F. Noisette, S. Piedalue, D. Daoud, T. Blair, P. U. Blier, K. Azetsu-Scott et P. Calosi, 2019
    Energy metabolism and survival of the juvenile recruits of the American lobster (Homarus americanus) exposed to a gradient of elevated seawater pCO2
    Marine Environmental Research 143 :  111-123.
  • Pichaud N., A. Ekstrom, S. Breton, F. Sundstrom, P. Rowinski, P. U.  Blier et E. Sandblom, 2019
    Cardiac mitochondrial plasticity and thermal sensitivity in a fish inhabiting an artificially heated ecosystem
    Scientific Reports  9 : Article numéro 17832.
  • Rodriguez E., C. Degletagne, T. M. Hagen, D. Abele et P. U. Blier, 2019
    Mitochondrial traits previously associated with species maximum lifespan do not correlate with longevity across populations of the bivalve Arctica islandica
    Frontiers in Physiology 10 : Article numéro 946.
  • Bettinazzi S., E. Rodríguez, L. Milani, P. U. Blier et S. Breton, 2019
    Metabolic remodelling associated with mtDNA: insights into the adaptive value of doubly uniparental inheritance of mitochondria
    Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286: 20182708.
  • Jarrold, M.D., L. J. Chakravarti, E. M. Gibbin, F. Christen, G. Massamba-N’Siala, P. U. Blier et P.Calosi, 2019
    Life-history trade-offs and limitations associated with phenotypic adaptation under future ocean warming and elevated salinity
    Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 374 (1768), Article number Y 
  • Pichaud N., R. Bérubé, G. Côté, C. Belzile, F. Dufresne, G. Morrow, R. M. Tanguay, D. M. Rand et P. U. Blier, 2019
    Age dependent dysfunction of mitochondrial and ROS metabolism induced by mitonuclear mismatch
    Frontiers in Genetics 10 : article no 130
  • Dupont-Cyr, B.-A., F. Dufresne, F. Christen, V. Desrosiers, É. Proulx, N. R. Le François, G. W. Vandenberg et P. U. Blier, 2018
    Hybridization between char species (Salvelinus alpinus and Salvelinus fontinalis): a fast track for novel allometric trajectories
    Biology Open (2018) 7 : bio033332. doi:10.1242/bio.033332
  • Milbergue M. S., P. U. Blier et F. Vézina, 2018
    Large muscles are beneficial but not required for improving thermogenic capacity in small birds
    Scientific Reports 8 : Article number 14009.
  • Cassidy A. A, P. U. Blier, N. R. Le François, P. Dionne, P. J. Morin et S. G. Lamarre, 2018 
    Effects of fasting and refeeding on protein and glucose metabolism in Arctic charr.
    Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 226 : 66-74.
  • Dupont-Cyr B.-A., H. Tveiten, G. W. Vandenberg, P. U. Blier, R. L. Roy, Le François, N. R., 2018
    Characterization of the growth rate of adult wolffishes Anarhichas minor and A. lupus: Is avoidance of paternal care at the origin of the expression of a sexual size dimorphism?
    Aquaculture 497 : 24-31.
  • Christen F., V. Desrosiers, B.-A. Dupont-Cyr, G. W. Vandenberg , N. R.Le François, J.-C. Tardif , F. Dufresne , S. G.Lamarre et P. U. Blier, 2018
    Thermal tolerance and thermal sensitivity of heart mitochondria: Mitochondrial integrity and ROS production
    Free Radical Biology and Medicine 116:11-18.
  • Cortes P. A., F. Bozinovic et P. U. Blier, 2018
    Mitochondrial phenotype during torpor: Modulation of mitochondrial electron transport system in the Chilean mouse–opossum Thylamys elegans
    Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology
    221 : 7–14.
  • Blier P. U., D. Abele, D. Munro, C. Degletagne, E. Rodriguez, T. Hagen, 2017
    What modulates animal longevity? Fast and slow aging in bivalves as a model for the study of lifespan
    Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology 70 : 130-140.
  • Morin C., E. Rodríguez, P. U. Blier et Samuel Fortin, 2017
    Potential application of eicosapentaenoic acid monoacylglyceride in the management of colorectal cancer
    Marine Drugs 2017, 15(9), 283; doi:10.3390/md15090283
  • Kake-Guena S. A., K. Touisse, B.E. Warren, K.Y. Scott, F. Dufresne, P.U. Blier et H. Lemieux, 2017
    Temperature-related differences in mitochondrial function among clones of the cladoceran Daphnia pulex
    Journal of Thermal Biology 69 : 23–31.
  • Lemieux H., P. U. Blier et E. Gnaiger, 2017
    Remodeling pathway control of mitochondrial respiratory capacity by temperature in mouse heart: Electron flow through the Q-junction in permeabilized fibers
    Scientific Reports 7 (1) : Article number 2840
  • Morin C., L. Charbonneau, N. Ouellet, H. Ouellet, P. U. Blier, F. Dufresne et S. Fortin, 2017
    Eicosapentaenoic acid monoglyceride resolves inflammation in an ex vivo model of human peripheral blood mononuclear cell
    European Journal of Pharmacology 807 : 205-211.
  • Baris T. Z., D. N. Wagner, D. I. Dayan,  X. Du,  P. U. Blier, N. Pichaud, M. F. Oleksiak et D. L. Crawford, 2017
    Evolved genetic and phenotypic differences due to mitochondrial-nuclear interactions
    PLoS Genetics 13(3): e1006517.
  • Ekström A.,  E. Sandblom, P. U.  Blier, B.-A.  Cyr, J. Brijs, N. Pichaud, 2017 
    Thermal sensitivity and phenotypic plasticity of cardiac mitochondrial metabolism in European perch, Perca fluviatilis
    Journal of Experimental Biology 220 (3) : 386-396.
  • Gibbin E. M., L. J. Chakravarti, M. D. Jarrold, F. Christen, V. Turpin, G. M. N’Siala, P. U.  Blier et P. Calosi, 2017
    Can multi-generational exposure to ocean warming and acidification lead to the adaptation of life history and physiology in a marine metazoan?  
    Journal of Experimental Biology 220 (4) : 551-563.
  • Savoie A., N. R. Le François, S. G. Lamarre, F. Dupuis  et P. U. Blier, 2017
    Preliminary investigations of the physiological adjustments associated with compensatory growth in juvenile brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis)
    Journal of Applied Aquaculture 29 : 16-32.
  • Baris T.Z.,  P. U.Blier, N.  Pichaud, D. L. Crawford et M. F. Oleksiak, 2016  
    Gene by environmental interactions affecting oxidative phosphorylation and thermal sensitivity  
    American Journal of Physiology – Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology
    311 (1) : R157-R165.
  • Chakravarti L.J.,  M. D. Jarrold, E. M.  Gibbin, E. Christen, G. Massamba-N’Siala, P. U.  Blier et P. Calosi, 2016   
    Can trans-generational experiments be used to enhance species resilience to ocean warming and acidification?  
    Evolutionary Applications 9 (9) : 1133-1146.
  • Cortés P.A., L. D.  Bacigalupe, F.  Mondaca, V. Desrosiers et P. U  Blier, 2016.  Mitochondrial phenotype of marsupial torpor: Fuel metabolic switch in the Chilean mouse-opossum Thylamys elegans. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology 325 (1) : 41-51.
  • Morin C, P. U. Blier et S. Fortin, 2016. MAG-EPA reduces severity of DSS-induced colitis in rats. American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 310  (10) :  G808-G821.
  • J. N. Wolff, N. Pichaud M. F. Camus, G. Côté, P. U. Blier, D. K. Dowling, 2016.  Evolutionary implications of mitochondrial genetic variation: mitochondrial genetic effects on OXPHOS respiration and mitochondrial quantity change with age and sex in fruit flies. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 29 (4) : 736–747.
  • Dufresne F., A. Barroux, D. Ditlecadet, P. U. Blier, 2015. Quantitative variation for metabolic traits among brook trout populations inhabiting different environments. Journal of Zoology 297 (3) : 194-203.
  • Kake-Guena S. A., K. Touisse, R. Vergilino, F. Dufresne, P.  U. Blier et H. Lemieux, 2015. Assessment of mitochondrial functions in Daphnia pulex clones using high-resolution respirometry. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology 323 (5) : 292–300.
  • Lamarre S. G., R. J. Saulnier, P. U. Blier, W.R. Driedzic, 2014. A rapid and convenient method for measuring the fractional rate of protein synthesis in ectothermic animal tissues using a stable isotope tracer. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 182 : 1–5.
  • Morin C., E. Rousseau, P. U. Blier et S. Fortin, 2015. Effect of docosahexaenoic acid monoacylglyceride on systemic hypertension and cardiovascular dysfunction.  American Journal of Physiology – Heart and Circulatory Physiology 309 (1) :  H93-H102.
  • Morin C., P. U.  Blier et S. Fortin, 2015. Eicosapentaenoic acid and docosapentaenoic acid monoglycerides are more potent than docosahexaenoic acid monoglyceride to resolve inflammation in a rheumatoid arthritis model. Arthritis Research and Therapy 17 (1) : article number 142
  • Munro D., A. L. Martel,  P. U. Blier, 2015. Cold counteracting membrane fatty acid remodeling is not expressed during quiescence in the bivalve Mercenaria mercenaria.Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 466 : 76–84.
  • Munro D.  et  P. U.  Blier, 2015. Age, diet, and season do not affect longevity-related differences in peroxidation index between Spisula solidissima and Arctica islandica.  Journals of Gerontology – Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 70 (4) :  434-443.
  • Blier P., 2014. Fish Health: An Oxidative Stress Perspective. Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal 5 (1) : 1000e105  (
  • Morin C.,  R. Hiram, E. Rousseau, P. U. Blier et S. Fortin, 2014. Docosapentaenoic acid monoacylglyceride reduces inflammation and vascular remodeling in experimental pulmonary hypertension. American Journal of Physiology – Heart and Circulatory Physiology  307 : H574-H586.
  • Munro D., N. Pichaud, F. Paquin, V. Kemeid et  P. U. Blier, 2013. Low hydrogen peroxide production in mitochondria of the long-lived Arctica islandica: underlying mechanisms for slow aging. Aging Cell 12 (4)  : 584-592. 
  • Pichaud N., J. W. O. Ballard, R. M.  Tanguay et P. U. Blier, 2013.  Mitochondrial haplotype divergences affect specific temperature sensitivity of mitochondrial respiration  Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes 45 (1-2) : 25-35.
  • Doucet-Beaupré H.,  P. U. Blier,  E. G. Chapman, H.  Piontkivska, F. Dufresne, B .E. Sietman, R. S. Mulcrone, W. R. Hoeh, 2012. Pyganodon (Bivalvia: Unionoida: Unionidae) phylogenetics: A male- and female-transmitted mitochondrial DNA perspective. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 63 (2) : 430-444.
  • Munro D. et P. U. Blier, 2012. The extreme longevity of Arctica islandica is associated with increased peroxidation resistance in mitochondrial membranes. Aging Cell 11 (5)  : 845-855
  • Pichaud N., P. Rioux et P. U. Blier, 2012. In situ quantification of mitochondrial respiration in permeabilized fibers of a marine invertebrate with low aerobic capacity. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology – Part A: Molecular and Integrative Physiology 161 (4) : 429-435.
  • Pichaud N., J. W. O. Ballard, R. M. Tanguay et P. U. Blier, 2012. Naturally occurring mitochondrial dna haplotypes exhibit metabolic differences: insight into functional properties of mitochondria.  Evolution 66 (10) : 3189–3197.
  • Simard M. A. , A. Paquet, C. Jutras, Y. Robitaille, P. U. Blier, R. Courtois et A. L. Martel, 2012. North American range extension of the invasive Asian clam in a St. Lawrence River power station thermal plume.  Aquatic Invasions 7 (1) : 81-89.
  • Stewart D.T., M. Jha, S. Breton, R. W. Hoeh et P. U. Blier, 2012. No effect of sperm interactions or egg homogenate on sperm velocity in the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis (Bivalvia: Mytilidae).  Canadian Journal of Zoology 90 (11) : 1291-1296.
  • Hébert-Chatelain É., N. Pichaud, J.W.O. Ballard, R. M. Tanguay, G. Morrow et P. U. Blier, 2011 Functional conservatism among Drosophila simulans flies experiencing different thermal regimes and mitochondrial DNA introgression. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 316 B (3) : 188-198. 
  • Lemieux, H., A. L. Bulteau, B. Friguet, J.-C. Tardif et P. U. Blier, 2011. Dietary fatty acids and oxidative stress in the heart mitochondria. Mitochondrion 11 (1) : 97-103.
  • Pichaud N., J. W. O. Ballard, R. M. Tanguay, P. U. Blier, 2011. Thermal sensitivity of mitochondrial functions in permeabilized muscle fibers from two populations of Drosophila simulans with divergent mitotypes . American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology 301 (1) : R48-R59.
  • Savoie, A., N. R. Le François, S. G.  Lamarre, P. U.  Blier, L. Beaulieu et C. Cahu, 2011. Dietary protein hydrolysate and trypsin inhibitor effects on digestive capacities and performances during early-stages of spotted wolffish: Suggested mechanisms. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology – A Molecular and Integrative Physiology 158 (4) : 525-530. 
  • Doucet-Beaupré H., C. Dubé, S. Breton, H.O. Pörtner et P.U. Blier,  2010. Thermal sensitivity of metabolic enzymes in subarctic and temperate freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionoida) .  Journal of Thermal Biology 35 (1) : 11-20
  • Doucet-Beaupré H., S.  Breton, E.G. Chapman, P.U. Blier, A.E. Bogan, D.T. Stewart et W.R.  Hoeh. 2010 .  Mitochondrial phylogenomics of the Bivalvia (Mollusca): searching for the origin and mitogenomic correlates of doubly uniparental inheritance of mtDNA. BMC Evolutionary Biology    10  Article Number: 50   
  • Koedijka R.M., N. R. Le François, P.U. Blier, A. Foss, A. Folkvorda, D. Ditlecadete, S. G. Lamarre, S.O. Stefansson et A. K. Imsland, 2010. Ontogenetic effects of diet during early development on growth performance, myosin mRNA expression and metabolic enzyme activity in Atlantic cod juveniles reared at different salinities. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology – Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 156 (1) : 102-109.
  • Lamarre S.G., P.U. Blier, W.R. Driedzic, N.R. Le Francois, 2010. White muscle 20S proteasome activity is negatively correlated to growth rate at low temperature in the spotted wolffish Anarhichas minor . Journal of Fish Biology    76  (7)  : 1565-1575.       
  • Lemieux H., J.-C. Tardif et P.U. Blier, 2010. Thermal sensitivity of oxidative phosphorylation in rat heart mitochondria: Does pyruvate dehydrogenase dictate the response to temperature? .  Journal of Thermal Biology    35 (2) : 105-111     
  • Lemieux, H., Tardif, J.-C., Dutil, J.-D., Blier, P.U.  2010. Thermal sensitivity of cardiac mitochondrial metabolism in an ectothermic species from a cold environment, Atlantic wolffish (Anarhichas lupus) .  Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 384 (1-2) : 113-118
  • Martel A.L. , A. Simard, A. Paquet, C. Jutras, Y. Robitaille, R. Courtois et P. U. Blier, 2010. The Asian clam, Corbicula fluminea, in eastern Canada: discovery of a large population near Gentilly, Québec, in the St. Lawrence River. Tentacle 18 : 41-42.
  • Pichaud N., E. Hébert-Chatelain,  J. W. O Ballard, R. Tanguay, G. Morrow et P.U.  Blier, 2010. Thermal sensitivity of mitochondrial metabolism in two distinct mitotypes of Drosophila simulans: evaluation of mitochondrial plasticity.  Journal of Experimental Biology    213 (10) : 1665-1675.    
  • Simard, M. A., A. Paquet, C. Jutras, Y Robitaille, P. U. Blier, R. Courtois et A. L. Martel, 2010. La petite corbeille d’Asie au Québec : une première mention pour cette espèce aquatique envahissante à la limite nord de son aire de répartition. Le Naturaliste Canadien 134 (2) : 92-98.
  • Breton S., H. Beaupré-Doucet, D.T. Stewart, H. Piontkivska, M. Karmakar, A.E. Bogan, P.U. Blier et W.R.  Hoeh, 2009. Comparative Mitochondrial Genomics of Freshwater Mussels (Bivalvia: Unionoida) With Doubly Uniparental Inheritance of mtDNA: Gender-Specific Open Reading Frames and Putative Origins of Replication. Genetics    183 (4) : 1575-1589  
  • Côté, J., P.U. Blier, A. Caron et F. Dufresne, 2009. Do territorial male three-spined sticklebacks have sperm with different characteristics than nonterritorial males?  Canadian Journal of Zoology 87 (11) : 1061-1068 
  • Ditlecadet D, P.U. Blier, N. R. Le Francois et F. Dufresne, 2009 . Digestive capacities, inbreeding and growth capacities in juvenile Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus. Journal of Fish Biology 75 (10) : 2695-2708.    
  • Gaudreau C. M., N. R. Le Francois, D. Ditlecadet, H. Tveiten et P. U.  Blier, 2009.  Characterization of the early-stages of the wolffish hybrid Anarhichas minor x Anarhichas lupus: conservation and aquaculture applications . Aquatic Living Resources    22 (3) : 371-377.   
  • Pichaud, N., S. Briatte, V. Desrosiers, J. Pellerin, M. Fournier et P.U. Blier, 2009
  • Metabolic Capacities and Immunocompetence of Sea Scallops (Placopecten magellanicus, Gmelin) at Different Ages and Life Stages. Journal of Shellfish Research 28(4):865-876.
  • Breton S., Stewart D. T. et Blier P. U., 2009. Role-reversal of gender-associated mitochondrial DNA affects mitochondrial function in Mytilus edulis (Bivalvia: Mytilidae). Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part B. Molecular and Developmental Evolution 312(2): 108-117.
  • Galtier, N., Blier P.U. et Nabholz B. 2009. Inverse relationship between longevity and evolutionary rate of mitochondrial proteins in mammals and birds. Mitochondrion 9 (1) : 51-57.
  • Galtier N., Jobson R. W., Nabholz B. , Glemin S. et Blier P.U. 2009. Mitochondrial whims: metabolic rate, longevity and the rate of molecular evolution. Biology Letters 5 (3) : 413-416.
  • Lamarre S. G., Le Francois N. R., Driedzic W. R. et Blier P. U. 2009. Protein synthesis is lowered while 20S proteasome activity is maintained following acclimation to low temperature in juvenile spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor Olafsen). Journal of Experimental Biology 212 (9) : 1294-1301.
  • Chopelet J., Blier P. U. et Dufresne F. 2008. Plasticity of growth rate and metabolism in Daphnia magna populations from different thermal habitats. Journal of Experimental Zoology-A -Ecological Genetics and Physiology 309A:553–562.
  • Ouellet J.-F., Guillemette M. et Blier P.U. 2008. Physiological and morphological aspects of takeoff aptitudes of female common eiders (Somateria mollissima) during the pre-laying period. Canadian Journal of Zoology 86 : 462-469
  • Desrosiers, V., Le François, N. R., Tveiten, H., Andreassen, I., et Blier, P. U. 2008. Ontogenesis of catabolic and energy metabolism capacities during the embryonic development of spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B. 150 (2) : 200-206
  • Desrosiers V., Le François N. R., Blier P. U. 2008. Trypsin-like Enzyme from Atlantic Wolffish (Anarhichas lupus) Viscera: Purification and Characterization. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology 17 (1): 11-26.
  • Dutil J.-D., Jabouin C., Larocque R., Desrosiers G. et Blier P. U., 2008. Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) from cold and warm environments differ in their maximum growth capacity at low temperatures. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65 (12) : 2579-2591.
  • Le François, N. R., Lamarre S. G., Tveiten H., Blier P. U. et Bailey J. 2008. Sperm cryoconservation in Anarhichas sp., endangered cold-water aquaculture species with internal fertilization. Aquaculture International 16:273–279
  • Savoie, A., Le François, N. R., Cahu, C. et Blier, P. U. 2008. Metabolic and digestive activity profiles of newly hatched spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor Olafsen) : Effect of temperature. Aquaculture Research, 39(4) : 382-389.
  • Jha, M., Côté, J., Hoeh, W. R., Blier, P. U. et Stewart, D. T. 2008. Sperm motility in Mytilus edulis in relation to mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms: Implications for the evolution of doubly uniparental inheritance in bivalves. Evolution, 62(1) : 99-106.
  • Hébert-Chatelain, E., Breton, S., Lemieux, H. et Blier, P. U. 2008. Epitoky in Nereis (Neanthesvirens (polychaeta: Nereididae): A story about sex and death. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology – B Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 149(1) : 202-208.
  • Lemieux, H., Blier, P. U. et Tardif, J. 2008. Does membrane fatty acid composition modulate mitochondrial functions and their thermal sensitivities? Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology – A Molecular and Integrative Physiology, 149(1) : 20-29.
  • Côté, G., Perry, G., Blier, P.U. et Bernatchez, L. 2007. The influence of gene-environment interactions on GHR and IGF-1 expression and their association with growth in brook charr, Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill). BMC Genetics, 8.
  • Desjardins, M., Le François, N. R., Fletcher, G. L. et Blier, P. U. 2007. High antifreeze protein levels in wolffish (Anarhichas lupus) make them an ideal candidate for culture in cold, potentially ice laden waters. Aquaculture, 272(1-4) : 667-674.
  • Lemieux, H. et Blier, P. U. 2007. Trypsin activity measurement in fish and mammals: Comparison of four different methods. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, 16(4) : 13-26.
  • Le François, N. R., Lamarre S. G., Tveiten H., Blier P. U. et Bailey J.. 2007. Sperm cryoconservation in Anarhichas sp., endangered cold-water aquaculture species with internal fertilization. Aquaculture International 16(3) : 273-279.
  • Breton, S., Doucet-Beaupré, H., Stewart, D. T., Hoeh, W. R. et Blier, P. U. 2007. The unusual system of doubly uniparental inheritance of mtDNA: Isn’t one enough? Trends in Genetics, 23(9) : 465-474.
  • Lamarre, S. G., Le François, N. R., Lemieux, H., Falk-Petersen, I. et Blier, P. U. 2007. The digestive and metabolic enzyme activity profiles of a nonmetamorphic marine fish species: Effects of feed type and feeding level. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 64(6) : 849-856.
  • Blier, P. U., Dutil, J., Lemieux, H., Bélanger, F. et Bitetera, L. 2007. Phenotypic flexibility of digestive system in atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology – A Molecular and Integrative Physiology, 146(2) : 174-179.
  • Blier, P. U., Breton S., Desrosiers V. et Lemieux, H. 2006. Functional conservatism in mitochondrial evolution: Insight from hybridization of arctic and brook charrs. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution, 306(5) : 425-432.
  • Breton S., Burger G., Stewart D.T., Blier P.U. 2006. Comparative analysis of gender-associated complete mitochondrial genomes in marine mussels (Mytilus spp.). Genetics 172 (2): 1107-1119.
  • Dutil J.D., Godbout G., Blier P,U. Groman D. 2006. The effect of energetic condition on growth dynamic and health of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). Journal of Applied Ichthyology 22 (2): 138-144
  • Ditlecadet D., Dufresne F., LeFrançois N.R., Blier P.U. Applying microsatellites in two commercial strains of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) : potential for selective breeding program. Aquaculture 257 (1-4): 37-43
  • Le François, N.R. Lamarre, S.G. et Blier P.U. 2005. Is white muscle anaerobic glycolysis capacity indicative of competitive ability in Arctic charr. Journal of Fish Biology 66: 1167-1176.
  • Le François N.R., Lamarre S.G. et Blier P.U. 2004. Tolerance, Growth and haloplasticity of the Atlantic wolfish (Anarhichas lupus) exposed to various salinities. Aquaculture 236: 659-675.
  • Breton S., Dufresne F., Desrosiers G. et Blier P.U. 2004. Morphological variation of Nereis (Neanthes) virens (Polychaeta : Nereididae) populations. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 84: 983-985.
  • Lamarre S.G., LeFrançois N.R., Falk-Peterson I.B. et Blier P.U. 2004. Can digestive and metabolic enzyme activity levels predict growth rate and survival of newly hatched Atlantic wolffish (Anarhichas lupus Olafsen) ? Aquaculture Research 35: 608-613.
  • Ouellette, D., Desrosiers G., Gagné J.-P., Gilbert F., Poggiale J.-C., Blier P.U. et Stora G. 2004. Effects of temperature on in vitro sediment-reworking processes by a gallery-biodiffusor, the polychaete Nereis (Neanthesvirens (Sars). Marine Ecology – Progress Series 266: 608-613.
  • Blier P.U., Dufresne F., Burton R.S. 2001. Natural selection and the evolution of mtDNA-encoded peptides: evidence for intergenomic co-adaptation. Trends in Genetics 17 (7): 400-406.

Premier cycle :

  • BIO11110 Introduction aux techniques de laboratoire en biologie
  • BIO14021 Biologie, philosophie et société
  • BIO21199 Métabolisme énergétique
  • BIO31410 Techniques analytiques en écologie
  • BIO38818 Stage en biologie
  • BIO38919 Activité de synthèse en biologie
  • BIO41319 Physiologie de la conservation
  • BIO42418 Physiologie intégrative et évolutive
  • SCI30007 Introduction à la recherche
  • SCI40007 Micro-thèse

Deuxième cycle :

Troisième cycle :

  • ENS95004 Initiation à l’enseignement postsecondaire