Mercredi 26 mars 2025 - Levée des cours et des laboratoires au campus de Rimouski En savoir plus

Magella Guillemette

Département de biologie, chimie et géographie
Campus de Rimouski
Téléphone sans frais

  • Biologie
  • Écologie des oiseaux côtiers

  • Ph. D., Université Laval

S’intéresse à l’écologie, la physiologie et le comportement des oiseaux en général mais particulièrement des oiseaux côtiers. L’effet du dérangement humain et la conservation des habitats marins d’oiseaux et de mammifères sont d’autres centres d’intérêt.


  • Pelletier, David, Résilience et vulnérabilité chez le fou de Bassan du golfe du Saint-Laurent: caractérisation des réponses comportementales et physiologiques aux changements globaux en fonction du succès de reproduction pluriannuel
  • Guillemette M. et D. Pelletier, 2022
  • Egg-laying increases body temperature to an annual maximum in a wild bird
    Scientific Reports 12 : Article number: 1681.
  • Pelletier D. et M. Guillemette, 2022
    Times and partners are a-changin’ relationships between declining food abundance, breeding success, and divorce in a monogamous seabird species
    PeerJ 10:e13073
  • Khamassi S., L. Coussau, M. Guillemette et  D. Robert, 2020
    Evidence of post-larval growth-selective mortality in Atlantic mackerel revealed by the collection of young-of-the-year juveniles ingested by the northern gannet
    Marine Ecology Progress Series 650:95-106.
  • Champoux L., J.-F. Rail, M. Houde, M. Giraudo, É. Lacaze, C. D. Franci, G. D.Fairhurst, K. A. Hobson, P. Brousseau, M. Guillemette, D. Pelletier, W. A. Montevecchi, S. Lair, J. Verreault et C. Soos, 2020
    An investigation of physiological effects of the deepwater horizon oil spill on a long-distance migratory seabird, the northern gannet
    Marine Pollution Bulletin 153 : Article numéro 110953.
  • Pelletier D., Y. Seyer, S. Garthe, S. Bonnefoi, R. A. Phillips et M. Guillemette, 2020
    So far, so good… Similar fitness consequences and overall energetic costs for short and long-distance migrants in a seabird
    PLoS ONE 15 (3) : Article numéro e0230262.
  • Guillemette M.,  F. Grégoire, D. Bouillet, J.-F. Rail, F. Bolduc, A. Caron et D.  Pelletier, 2018
    Breeding failure of seabirds in relation to fish depletion: Is there one universal threshold of food abundance?
    Marine Ecology Progress Series 587 : 235-245.
  • Guillemette M.,  E. T. Polymeropoulos, S. J. Portugal et D.  Pelletier, 2017
    It takes time to be cool: On the relationship between hyperthermia and body cooling in a Migrating Seaduck
    Frontiers in Physiology 8 : Article number 532.
  • Fairhurst G.D. , L. Champoux, K. A. Hobson, J.-F. Rail, J. Verreault, M. Guillemette, W. Montevecchi, P. Brousseau, C. Soos, 2017. Feather corticosterone during non-breeding correlates with multiple measures of physiology during subsequent breeding in a migratory seabird. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology -Part A : Molecular and Integrative Physiology 208 : 1-13.
  • Guillemette M., A. J. Woakes, J. Larochelle, E. T. Polymeropoulos, J.-M. Granbois, P. J. Butler, D. Pelletier, P. B. Frappell et S. J. Portugal, 2016. Does hyperthermia constrain flight duration in a short-distance migrant?  Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 371 (1704)  : Article number 20150386.
  • Portugal S.J., J. A. Green, L. G. Halsey, W. Arnold, V. Careau, P. Dann, P. B. Frappell, D. Grémillet, Y. Handrich, G. R. Martin, T. Ruf, M. M. Guillemette, P. J. Butler, 2016. Associations between resting, activity, and daily metabolic rate in free-living endotherms: No universal rule in birds and mammals. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 89 (3) : 251-261.
  • Viain A.  et M.  Guillemette, 2016. Does water temperature affect the timing and duration of remigial moult in sea ducks? An experimental approach . PLoS ONE 11 (5) :  Article number e0155253
  • Varennes É.,  S. A. Hanssen, J. C.  Bonardelli et M. Guillemette, 2015. Functional response curves of avian molluscivores: High intake rates maintained even at low prey density. Marine Ecology Progress Series 526  :207-212.
  • Varennes É., S. A. Hanssen, J. C. Bonardelli et M. Guillemette, 2015. A large molluscivore bird (Common Eider, Somateria mollissima) is able to discriminate quality of blue ussels (Mytilus edulis) based on size and provenance. Canadian Journal of Zoology 93: 655–663.
  • Varennes É., S. A. Hanssen, J. C. Bonardelli et M. Guillemette, 2015. Blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) quality of preferred prey improves digestion in a molluscivore bird (common eider, Somateria mollissima) . Canadian Journal of Zoology 93 (10) : 783-789.
  • Viain A., M. Guillemette,  J.-P.L Savard, 2015. Body and organ mass dynamics during remigial moult in a wing–foot-propelled diving sea duck: The common eider (Atlantic) (Somateria mollissima dresseri). Canadian Journal of Zoology 93 (10) : 755-764.
  • Franci C.D., M. Guillemette, T. Pelletier, O. Chastel, S. Bonnefoi et J. Verreault, 2014. Endocrine status of a migratory bird potentially exposed to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill: A case study of northern gannets breeding on Bonaventure Island, Eastern Canada. Science of the Total Environment 473-474 : 110-116.
  • Viain A., J.-P.L Savard, S. Gilliland, M. C.  Perry, M. Guillemette, 2014. Do seaducks minimise the flightless period?: Inter- and intra-specific comparisons of remigial moult. PLoS ONE 9 (9) : Article number e107929
  • Ouellet J.-F., C. Vanpé, M. Guillemette, 2013. The Body Size-Dependent diet composition of north american sea ducks in winter . PLoS ONE 8 (6) , art. no. e65667
  • Varennes E.,  S. A. Hanssen, J. Bonardelli, M. Guillemette,2013. Sea duck predation in mussel farms: The best nets for excluding common eiders safely and efficiently . Aquaculture Environment Interactions 4 (1) : 31-39
  • Guillemette M., S. E. Richman, S. J. Portugal et P. J. Butler,  2012. Behavioural compensation reduces energy expenditure during migration hyperphagia in a large bird. Functional Ecology 26 (4) : 876-883.
  • Guillemette M.  et P. J. Butler , 2012. Seasonal variation in energy expenditure is not related to activity level or water temperature in a large diving bird. The Journal of Experimental Biology 215 : 3161-3168.
  • Portugal S. J., J.A.  Green, C. R. White, M. Guillemette et P. J. Butler, 2012. Wild geese do not increase flight behaviour prior to migration. Biology Letters 8 (3)  : 469-472.
  • Portugal S.J. et M. Guillemette,  2011. The use of body mass loss to estimate metabolic rate in birds. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology – A Molecular and Integrative Physiology 158 (3) : 329-336.
  • Ouellet, J.-F., M. Guillemette et M. Robert,  2010. Spatial distribution and habitat selection of Barrow’s and common goldeneyes wintering in the St. Lawrence marine system. Canadian Journal of Zoology 88 (3) : 306-314. 
  • Rigou Y. et M. Guillemette, 2010. foraging effort and pre-laying strategy in breeding common eiders. Waterbirds 33(3):314-322
  • Ouellet, J.-F. M. Guillemette et P. U. Blier, 2008. Morphological and physiological aspects of takeoff aptitudes of female common eiders (Somateria mollissima) during the pre-laying period . Canadian Journal of Zoology 86 :  462-469.
  • Pelletier D, M. Guillemette, JM Grandbois et P.J. Butler, 2008. To fly or not to fly: high flight costs in a large sea duck do not imply an expensive lifestyle. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences. 275 (1647) : 2117-2124.
  • Pelletier D, M. Guillemette, JM Grandbois et P.J. Butler, 2008. To fly or not to fly: high flight costs in a large sea duck do not imply an expensive lifestyle.  Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences. 275 (1647) : 2117-2124.
  • Bourget D., J.P.L. Savard et M. Guillemette, 2007. Distribution, diet and dive behavior of barrow’s and common goldeneyes during spring and autumn in the St. Lawrence estuary . Waterbirds 30 (2): 230-240
  • Guillemette, M., D. Pelletier, J.-M. Grandbois et P. J. Butler, 2007.  Flightlessness and the energetic cost of wing molt in a large sea duck.  Ecology 88 (11) : 2936-2945 
  • Larsen J.K. et M. Guillemette, 2007. Effects of wind turbines on flight behaviour of wintering common eiders: implications for habitat use and collision risk. Journal of Applied Ecology 44 (3): 516-522
  • Pelletier, D., M. Guillemette, J.-M. Grandbois et P.J. Butler, 2007. It is time to move: linking flight and foraging behaviour in a diving bird.  Biology letters 3(4):357-359.
  • Bolduc F., M. Guillemette et R. D. Titman, 2005. Nesting success of common eiders Somateria mollissima as influenced by nest-site and female characteristics in the Gulf of the St. Lawrence.  Wildlife Biology  11 (4) : 273-279.    
  • Guillemette M. et J.-F. Ouellet 2005. Temporary flightlessness as a potential cost of reproduction in pre-laying Common Eiders Somateria mollissima. Ibis 147 : 301-306.
  • Guillemette M., A.J., Woakes v. Henaux, J.-M..Grandbois et P. J. Butler P.J. 2004. The effect of depth on the diving behaviour of common eiders. Canadian Journal of Zoology 82 : 1818-1826.
  • Guillemette M. et J. K. Larsen 2002. Post-development experiments to detect anthropogenic disturbances: the case of sea ducks and wind parks. Ecological Applications 12 : 868-877.
  • Guillemette M. et P. Brousseau. 2001. Does culling predatory gulls enhance the productivity of breeding common terns? Journal of Applied Ecology 38: 1-8

Premier cycle :

  • BIO27700 Exploitation, altération et protection des océans
  • BIO54494 Ornithologie
  • SCI30007 Introduction à la recherche

Deuxième cycle :

  • FAU60693 Travail dirigé
  • FAU61197 Méthodologie de la recherche
  • FAU70496 Évaluation et aménagement de l’habitat
  • FAU71116 Communication scientifique
  • FAU71217 Proposition de recherche
  • FAU71417 Séminaire de recherche
  • FAU72396 Études d’impact et législation environnementale