Xiangbing Kong
- Doctorat en génie Civil, Université Laval, 2015-2019
- Maîtrise en génie géotechnique, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2011-2014
- Transport des sédiments
- Érosion côtière
- Interaction des forces entre la structure côtière et les vagues
- Développement de solutions d’adaptation innovantes
- Infrastructures de transport construites sur le pergélisol
Chaire de recherche industrielle de l’UQAR – Transports Québec. (en cours)
Industrial research chair in Coastal Engineering in cold climates
The Quebec’s coastline is highly populated. In recent years, coastal erosion has become a major economic issue as well as a public safety issue for Quebec. L’Université du Québec à Rimouski (UQAR) and the Ministère des Transports (MTQ) are joining forces to create a research chair in coastal engineering dedicated to the design, construction and maintenance of coastal infrastructure.
The Coastal Engineering Research Chair will develop cutting-edge knowledge from which will emanate innovative and environmentally friendly solutions to reduce the vulnerability of populations and coastal infrastructure to environmental hazards. Its framework will focus on 3 main areas of research: 1) design of coastal and riparian infrastructure adapted to hazards, 2) development of innovative technical solutions, adapted to the Quebec and Canada context, to measure and reduce the impact of coastal and riparian hazards and 3) preventive or curative maintenance, repair and rehabilitation of coastal and riparian infrastructure.
I am currently looking for graduate student (MASc and PhD canadiate) and one professional researcher who can join the team as soon as possible. I welcome motivated applicants that are enthusiastic about coastal engineering in cold climate, from a variety of backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives. Background of numerical modeling and fluid dynamics is an asset.
If you have interest in our team, please send me an email with 1) cover letter, 2) research interest and 3) complete CV.
À venir
- Président et co-président des sessions techniques, 6th European Conference on Permafrost, Catalonia, Spain; 2021 Regional Conference on Permafrost & 19th International Conference on Cold Regions Engineering, Boulder, USA
- Membre du comité exécutif de l’Association internationale du pergélisol – Éducation et sensibilisation
- Membre du conseil d’administration de l’Association canadienne du pergélisol (2019-2021)
- Membre de l’Association des ingénieurs et géoscientifiques professionnels de l’Alberta (P.Eng)
- Membre de la Société canadienne de géotechnique
- Membre de la Société canadienne de génie civil
- Membre de l’association des transports du Canada
Liste des publications sélectionnées
- Kong, X., Doré, G., Calmels, F., and Lemieux, C.(2021). Modeling the thermal response of air convection embankment in permafrost regions. Cold Regions Science and Technology. 182: 103169.
- Kong, X., Doré, G., Calmels, F., and Lemieux, C. (2021). Field and numerical studies on the thermal performance of air convection embankments to protect side slopes in permafrost environments. Cold Regions Science and Technology. 189: 103325.
- Kong, X. and Doré, G. (2021). Thermal stabilization of embankments built on thaw sensitive permafrost. Journal of Cold Regions Engineering. 35(3): 04021010.
- Doré, G., L’Hérault, E ., Kong, X., Roy-Léveillée, P. (2021). Expertise pour le pavage de la piste d’atterrissage de Puvirnituq. Rapport produit pour le compte du Ministère des Transports du Québec. Département de génie civil et de génie des eaux et Centre d’études nordiques, Université Laval, Québec, 36 p.
- Kong, X., Doré, G., Calmels, F., and Lemieux, C. (2020). Investigation on the heat extraction capacity of the heat drain for thermal stabilization of embankments on thaw sensitive permafrost. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 177:103075.
- Kong, X., Doré, G., and Calmels, F. (2019). Thermal modeling of heat balance through embankments in permafrost regions. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 158, 117-127.
- Kong, X., Doré, G., Calmels, F., and Lemieux, C. (2019). Development of design tools for convective mitigation techniques to stabilize embankments built on thaw sensitive permafrost. Cold Regions Engineering 2019. pp. 607-615.
- L’Hérault, E., Doré, G., Kong, X., Baron Hernandez M. F., Lemieux, C., Brooks, H. et Allard, M. (2019). Adapter la conception et développer des outils de gestion intégrés pour soutenir l’adaptation aux changements climatiques des infrastructures de transport du Ministère des Transports du Québec en région de pergélisol au Nunavik (CC19.1). Rapport d’étape no.2 réalisé pour le compte du Ministère des Transports du Québec. Département de génie civil et de génie des eaux et Centre d’études nordiques, Université Laval, Québec, 223 p.
Liste des communications sélectionnées
- Kong, X., Doré, G., and Bilodeau, J. (2022). Inuvik–Tuktoyaktuk Highway (ITH) test section for the mechanical response of road embankments over permafrost, GRINCH Colloquium, June 2022, Montreal, QC, Canada.
- Kong, X., Doré. G., and Calmels, F. (2019). Thermal stabilization of embankments built on thaw sensitive permafrost.18th International Conference on Cold Regions Engineering/8th Canadian Permafrost Conference, August 2019, Quebec, QC
- Kong, X. and Doré, G. (2019). Design tools for convective techniques to stabilize embankments built on thaw sensitive permafrost. GRINCH Colloquium, April 2019, Waterloo, ON, Canada.
- Kong, X., Doré, G., Calmels, F., and Lemieux, C. (2018).Thermal response of air convection embankment (ACE) over ice-rich permafrost at Beaver Creek experimental road site, Yukon, Canada. 5th European Conference on Permafrost, June 2018, Chamonix-Mont Blanc, France
- Kong, X. and Doré, G. (2018). Development of design tools for convective mitigation techniques to preserve permafrost under north transportation infrastructures. Arquluk Symposium, February 2018, Whitehorse, YT, Canada.
- Kong, X. and Doré, G. (2017). Thermal modeling of the effect of climate warming on transportation infrastructure built on thaw-sensitive permafrost. ASCE CTA, September 2017, Duluth, MN, USA.