Chan Wang Park
- Ingénierie
- Télécommunications
- Circuits pour RF, Micro-onde, Onde-millimètre
- Amplificateur et linéariser « 4G, 5G et the Internet of Thing »
- Système de communication par satellite
- Système de communication sans fil
- Modélisation et caractérisation des composants
- Doctorat en électronique, micro-ondes (Université de Lille 1, France)
- Mastère, E.N.S.T. (Telecom ParisTech), Système de Radiocommunications spatiales, France
- BSc. Han Yang Université (Électronique et Télécommunication), Corée du Sud
À venir
- Circuits pour RF, Micro-onde, Onde-millimètre
- Double band, triple band coupler, divider
- Filter, wideband attenuator, wide band phase shifter
- Anti-collision Radar for autonomous Vehicles
- Amplificateur et linéariser «4G, 5G et the Internet of Things»
- Double band, triple band, Multi band High Power Amplifiers,
- Digital Predistortion Liearizer
- Système de communication par satellite
- Develop the Micro-satellite
- Develop the Nano-satellite
- Système de communication sans fil
- Modélisation et caractérisation des composants
- High Power Large Signal Transistor Modeling,
- Microwave Circuits Behavior Modeling: Artificial Neural Networks,
- Source pull and Load-pull measurement
- Nasri, Fathi, “Conception et réalisation d’un filtre pour le contrôle d’harmoniques d’un amplificateur de puissance”, Mémoire de maîtrise, UQAR, Canada.
- Wang, Zhebin, “Conception et Analyse des dispositifs multi bandes et d’amplificateur de puissance pour les applications de communication sans fil“ Mémoire de maîtrise, UQAR, Canada.
- Gao, Shengjie, “La caractérisation du transistor par le tuner source and load pull pour l’amplificateur de puissance classe F inverse“ Mémoire de maîtrise, UQAR, Canada.
- Ntoune Ntoune, Roger Sandrin, “Implantation d’un réseau de neurones sur FPGA pour la modélisation et la linéarisation des amplificateurs de puissance RF”, Mémoire de maîtrise, UQAR, Canada.
- MBOMBOLO, Steven Eden Fila, 2012 mars “Étude et conception d’une rectenna pour un transfert d’énergie sans fil point à point par faisceaux micro-ondes¨, Mémoire de maîtrise, UQAR, Canada.
- Doufana, Mohamed. 2008. “Approche par réseau de neurones pour la linéarisation par prédistorsion adaptative des amplificateurs de puissances RF“. Mémoire de maîtrise, UQAR, Canada
À venir
- MiTeC Telecom, Canada
- Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
- University of Surrey, U.K.
- Saudi Telecom
- L.G. Télécom ( R&D Center, ancien : Gold Star Electric)
Unités de recherche
- CREER (Centre de Recherche en électronique radiofréquence),
- SYTACom (Centre de Recherche sur les systèmes et les technologies avancées en
- Communications)
- LREE (Laboratoire de Recherche en Énergie Éolienne), UQAR.
- Regroupement Stratégique du FRQNT
Associations professionnelles
- Membre de l’Ordre des Ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ) à titre d’ingénieur (ing.).
- Membre de l’IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).
- Participation of International Student High Efficiency Power Amplifier Design Competition in USA (3rd place winner)
- Participation of Regional Student Paper Competition in RF and Microwave : Winner of Anritsu Award, In annual CRÉER symposium (Centre de Recherche en Électronique Radiofréquence) in Québec, Canada, 2012
Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture
1. Shengjie Gao, Zhebin Wang and Chan Wang Park. (2014). Characterization of Transistor Using Multi-Harmonic Source & Load Pull Tuners for InverseClass-F Power Amplifier, International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 56(10): 2313-2320, 2014
2. Zhebin Wang and Chan-Wang Park. (2014). Novel Wideband High Efficiency High Power Amplifier Using Microstrip Radial Stub for 4G Communication Systems, International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology letters. 56(6): 1412-1418, 2014
3. Zhebin Wang and Chan-Wang Park. (2013). Novel Multiband matching network using Resonators for Multiband Power Amplifier Applications, International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology letters, 55(10): 2469-2475, 2013
4. Zhebin Wang and Chan-Wang Park. (2013). Pi-shaped Quarter Wavelength Structure for Multi-band Applications, International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies from Cambridge University Press and the European Microwave, 5(06): 735-748, 2012
5. Mohammed Bahoura and Chan-Wang Park. (2012). FPGA-implementation of dynamic time delay neural network for power amplifier behavioral modeling. Journal of Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing (AICSP), Springer. 73(3): 819-828. (Article par invitation), 2012
6. Sulav Adhikari, Anthony Ghiotto, Chan-Wang Park, and Ke Wu, “Magnetically Tunable Frequency-Modulated Substrate Integrated Waveguide Oscillator,” IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques. (Submitted)
Actes de colloques avec arbitrage
1. Sameer Sharma and Chan Wang Park. (2016). A Dual Band-notched Ultra Wideband Antenna using Split Ring Resonators, URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference 2016, Seoul, Korea
2. Sameer Sharma and Chan Wang Park. (2016), A Compact Wideband Concentric SRR-based Metamaterial Antenna with Dual-band Characteristics. URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference 2016, Seoul, Korea
3. Chan Wang Park, Multi-band Structure of Power Amplifier for future MIMO 5G Wireless Communication System, 2015 CKC Conference, Kananaskis, AB, July 2015
4. Hoang V. Nguyen, Shengjie Gao, Zhebin Wang and Chan Wang Park. (2015). Characterization Using Multi-Purpose Source & Load Pull Tuners (MPT) for Inverse Class-F PA First-Pass Design. EDICON (Electronic Design Innovation Conference) Beijing, Chine, April 2014
5. Chan-Wang Park. (2014). First-Pass Design of High Efficiency Power Amplifier for LTE with Source-pull and Load pull measurement system. 2014 NI Week, Austin, États-Unis, 2014
6. Chan-Wang Park. (2014). Neural Network Modelling for Power Amplifier and lineariser and a Methodology to design High Efficiency Power Amplifier with LTE Advanced signal and MIMO technique for 5G. 2014 CKC Conference, Niagara Falls, Canada, 2014
7. Zhebin Wang and Chan-Wang Park. (2013). Novel substrate integrated waveguide type High Power Amplifier using Microstrip to SIW transition. Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference. Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, Seoul, Korea, 2013
8. Zhebin Wang and Chan-Wang Park. (2013). Novel Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) Type High Power Amplifier Using Microstrip-to-SIW Transition. Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, Seoul, Korea, 2013
9. Zhebin Wang, Dousset David, Shengjie Gao, and Chan-Wang Park. (2013). High Power Added Efficiency Half Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide Power Amplifier with the Second Harmonic Suppressed. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium proceeding. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Seattle, USA, 2013
10. Zhebin Wang and Chan-Wang Park. (2013). Novel half mode substrate integrated waveguide power amplifier. Proceeding in IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology (WAMI). IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology (WAMI) Conference, Orlando, USA (1-4), 2013
11. Shengjie Gao and Chan-Wang Park. (2012). Contour method to shift the tunable region of source/load pull tuners in power amplifier characterization. Proceeding of Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference. 2012 Asia – Pacific Microwave Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2012
12. Zhebin Wang, and Chan-Wang Park. (2012). Novel Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW)-Based Power Amplifier Using SIW-Based Filter to Suppress Up to the Fourth Harmonic. Proceeding in Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, Kaohsiung, Taïwan,2012
13. Shengjie Gao and Chan-Wang Park. (2012). Large Signal Characterization of GaN HEMT Transistor by Multi-Harmonic Source & Load Pull Tuner System. Proceeding in ARFTG Microwave Measurement Symposium. 80th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Symposium, San Diego, USA, 2012
14. R. S. Ntoune Ntoune, Mohammed Bahoura and Chan-Wang Park. (2012). Power Amplifier Behavioral Modeling by Neural Network and their implementation on FPGA. Proceeding in IEEE 76th Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2012-Fall. IEEE 76th Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2012-Fall, Quebec city, QC., Canada, Sep. 3-6, 2012
15. Zhebin Wang, S. Adhikari, D. Alain Dousset Chan-Wang Park and K. Wu. (2012). Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) Power Amplifier Using CBCPW-to-SIW Transition for Matching Network. Proceeding in IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium. 2012 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Montreal, Canada
16. Zhebin Wang and Chan-Wang Park. (2012). Multiband Pi-shaped Structure with Resonators for Triband Wilkinson Power Divider and Tri-band Rat-Race Coupler. Proceeding in IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium. 2012 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Montreal, Canada
17. R. S. Ntoune Ntoune, Mohammed Bahoura and Chan-Wang Park. (2012). FPGA-Implementation on Pipelined Neural Network of Power Amplifier Modeling. Proceeding in IEEE International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS), Montreal, Canada, June 17-20, 2012
18. Zhebin Wang and Chan-Wang Park. (2012), Novel Wideband GaN HEMT Power Amplifier Using Microstrip Radial Stub to Suppress Harmonics. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium proceeding. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Montréal, Canada, 2012
19. Zhebin Wang and Chan-Wang Park. (2012). Concurrent tri-band GaN HEMT power amplifier using resonators in both input and output matching networks. Proceeding in IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology (WAMI). IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology (WAMI) Conference, FL., USA, 2012
20. M. Bahoura and Chan-Wang Park. (2011). FPGA-implementation of high-speed MLP neural network. Proceeding in 18th IEEE International Electronics, Circuits and Systems Conference (ICECS), Beirut, Lebanon, December 11-14, 2011
21. Zhebin Wang, Shengjie Gao, Fathi Nasri, and Chan-Wang Park. (2011). GaN Power Amplifier with Harmonic Controlled by Dual Band-Notched UWB Bandpass Filter. Proceeding in European Microwave Conference. European Microwave Conference, Manchester, U.K., 2011
22. Fathi Nasri, Z. Wang, S. Gao, and Chan-Wang Park. (2011). Analysis and Design of Dual Band-Notched Inter-digital Hairpin UWB Band-pass Filter. Proceeding in IEEE 11th Mediterranean Microwave Symposium, IEEE 11th Mediterranean Microwave Symposium, Tunisia, 2011
23. Mohammed Bahoura and Chan-Wang Park. (2011). FPGA-Implementation of an Adaptive Neural Network for RF Power Amplifier Modeling. Proceeding in IEEE 9th International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS), Bordeaux, France, 2011
24. Fathi Nasri, S. Gao, Z. Wang, and Chan-Wang Park. (2011). A novel UWB band-pass with dual notched filter for harmonic control application. Proceeding in IEEE International Conference on IEEE International Conference on Microwave Technology & Computational Electromagnetics, Beijing, China, 2011
25. Zhebin Wang, J. S. Jang, and Chan-Wang Park. (2011). Tri-band Rat-race Coupler using resonators, IEEE International Conference on Microwave Technology & Computational Electromagnetics. Tri-band Rat-race Coupler using resonators, Beijing, China, 2011
26. Steve Eden Fila Mbombolo and Chan-Wang Park. (2011). An Improved Detector Topology for a Rectenna. Proceeding in IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Innovative Wireless Power Transmission. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Innovative Wireless Power Transmission: Technologies, Kyoto, Japan, 2011
27. Shengjie Gao, Z, Wang et Chan-Wang Park, Concurrent Dual -Band Power Amplifier with Second Harmonic Controlled by Gate and Drain Bias Circuit, IEEE International Conference on IEEE International Conference on Microwave Technology & Computational Electromagnetics, Beijing, China, 2011
28. Zhebin Wang, Fathi Nasri, and Chan-Wang Park. (2011). Compact Tri-band Notched UWB Bandpass Filter Based on Interdigital Hairpin Finger Structure. Proceeding in IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology (WAMI). IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology (WAMI) Conference, FL., USA, 2011
29. Zhebin Wang, and Chan-Wang Park. (2011). Dual-Band GaN HEMT Power Amplifier Using Resonators in Matching Networks. Proceeding in IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology (WAMI). IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology (WAMI) Conference, FL., USA, 2011
30. Zhebin Wang, S. Gao, F. Nasri, and Chan-Wang Park. (2011). High Power Added Efficiency Power Amplifier with Harmonic Controlled by UWB Filter with Notched Band at 6.42 GHz. Proceeding in IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology (WAMI). IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology (WAMI) Conference, FL., USA, , 2011
31. Zhebin Wang, J. S. Jang, and Chan-Wang Park. (2011). Compact Dual-Band Wilkinson Power Divider Using Lumped Component Resonators and Open-Circuited Stubs. Proceeding in IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology (WAMI). IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology (WAMI) Conference, FL., USA, (1-4), 2011
32. Zhebin Wang, Jae-Sik Jang, and Chan-Wang Park. (2011). Tri-Band Wilkinson Power Divider Using Resonators. Proceeding in IEEE Radio and Wireless Week (RWW), IEEE Radio and Wireless Week (RWW), Phoenix, AZ., USA, 2011
33. Shengjie Gao and Chan-Wang Park, A Novel Method for Designing an Inverse Class F Power Amplifier by Controlling Up To Fifth Harmonic. 2010 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Applied Electromagnetics in Malaysia, Nov. 09-11, 2010
34. Shengjie Gao, Zhebin Wang, and Chan-Wang Park, A Novel RF Tunable Impedance Matching Network for Correcting the Tested Result Deviation from Simulated Result. 2010 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Applied Electromagnetics in Malaysia, 09-11 Nov. 2010
35. Zhebin Wang, Jae-Sik Jang, and Chan-Wang Park, Compact Dual-band Wilkinson Power Divider Using Lumped Component Resonators in π-typed Sections. 2010 IEEE Power Amplifier Symposium in Phoenix, AZ, USA, 13-14 September 2010:
36. Zhebin Wang, Shengjie Gao, and Chan-Wang Park, Simple Method for Tunable Load Impedance Matching Network of Power Amplifier. 2010 International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology, in China, 8-11 May 2010.
37. Mohamed Doufana, Chan-Wang Park, and Mohammed Bahoura, A Neural Network On‐Line Adaptive Predistorter for Power Amplifier. 2010 IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology (WAMI) Conference in Florida, USA, April 12-13, 2010
Invited presentation
Chan-Wang Park, Characterisation of transistor by multi-harmonic load-pull and source-pull tuner to design high efficiency GaN RF Power Amplifier, IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium (IWS 2015), Technical Workshops (Challenges and Promising Future of GaN for 5G Radio), Shenzhen, Chine, 2015
[1] Fathi Nasri et Chan-Wang Park, “Filtre coup bande à base des lignes couplées inter digitées,” 83e Congrès de l’Acfas, Rimouski, Qc., Canada, May 2015
[2] Zhebin Wang, Shengjie Gao, and Chan-Wang Park, “Concurrent Tri-Band GaN HEMT Power Amplifier Using Resonators in both Input and Output Matching Networks,” Symposium 2011 in conjunction with the 17th Annual National Executive Forum on Microelectronics, TEXPO Research Competition, Gatineau, Quebec, Canada, 19-20, Oct. 2011
[3] Roger Sandrin NTOUNE NTOUNE, Mohammed Bahoura and Chan-Wang Park, “Modeling of Power Amplifiers by using FPGA based Neural Networks,” Concours Étudiant de Posters du CREER, Sep. 2011
[4] Shengjie Gao and Chan-Wang Park, “Method for Designing a High Efficiency Power Amplifier by Shaping Drain Waveform,” Student Poster, CREER, Montreal, Qc., Canada, Sep. 2011
[5] Zhebin Wang and Chan-Wang Park, “Developing and Analysis of Resonator Combined Circuits for Multiband Applications,” Student Poster, CREER, Montreal, Qc., Canada, Sep. 2011
Premier cycle :
- GEN16104 Instrumentation
- GEN22208 Circuits électriques II
- GEN28105 Électromagnétisme
- GEN43405 Principes de communication
- MAT10209 Algèbre vectorielle et linéaire
- MAT10309 Calcul différentiel
- MAT10409 Calcul intégral
- MAT19101 Mathématiques d’ingénierie I
- MAT19222 Mathématiques d’ingénierie II
Deuxième cycle :
- 6DIG973 Sujets spéciaux
- 8INF829 Séminaire de maîtrise en informatique I
- ING74515 Technologie des hyperfréquences
- ING74815 Sujets spéciaux en génie électrique
- ING74922 Lectures dirigées
- ING75922 Conduite de projet de recherche
- ING76215 Lectures dirigées
- ING76515 Projet de développement technique
- ING76615 Projet d’intervention en entreprise
Troisième cycle :