Dominique Robert
Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski
Campus de Rimouski
Téléphone sans frais
- Écologie halieutique
- Océanographie des pêches
- Recrutement et dynamique des stocks de poissons marins
- Relations prédateur-proie
- Alimentation, croissance et survie larvaire
- Distribution des stocks exploités commercialement
- Marquage satellite.
- Stage postdoctoral, Station de recherche halieutique de Maizuru, Université de Kyoto, Japon, 2008-2009
- Ph. D. océanographie, Université Laval, Québec, Canada, 2008
- B. Sc. biologie, Université Laval, Québec, Canada, 2002
- Daigo Kamada (Memorial University), Écologie trophique du capelan de Terre-Neuve
- Liang Zhu (Memorial University, co-direction avec Jon Fisher), Prey field of silver hake in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and south coast of Newfoundland
- Violaine Shikon (Memorial University), Capelin early life dynamics in White Bay, Newfoundland
- Frederick Tulk (Memorial University, co-direction avec Noel Cadigan), covariabilité dans le recrutement des stocks de morue
- Timothée Govare (Memorial University), Prey selectivity in first-feeding capelin larvae
- Carissa Wilson (Memorial University), Lien entre la disponibilité des proies et le recrutement du hareng
Articles publiés / Published articles
- Murphy, H.M., Fisher, J.A.D., Le Bris, A., Desgagnés, M., Castonguay, M., Loher, T., Robert, D. (soumis) Depth distributions, temperature associations, and seasonal migrations of Atlantic halibut in the Gulf of St. Lawrence inferred from pop-up satellite archival tags. Marine and Coastal Fisheries.
- Tulk, F.J., Cadigan, N.G., Brattey, J., Robert, D. (en révision) Spatial synchronicity in recruitment of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) stocks off Newfoundland and Labrador and the Flemish Cap. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
Fisher, J.A.D., Robert, D., Le Bris, A. Loher, T. (soumis) Pop-up satellite archival tag (PSAT) temporal data resolution affects interpretations of spawning behaviour and vertical habitat use. Marine Ecology Progress Series. - Bouchard, C., Mollard, S., Suzuki, K., Robert, D., Fortier, L. (2016) Contrasting the early life histories of sympatric Arctic gadids Boreogadus saida and Arctogadus glacialis in the Canadian Beaufort Sea. Polar Biology 39 : 1005-1022.
Suzuki, K.W., Bouchard, C., Robert, D., Fortier, L. (2015). Spatiotemporal occurrence of summer ichthyoplankton in the southeast Beaufort Sea. Polar Biology 38 : 1379-1389. - Pepin, P.*, Robert, D.*, Bouchard, C., Dower, J.F., Falardeau, M., Fortier, L., Jenkins, G.P., Leclerc, V., Levesque, K., Llopiz, J.K., Meekan, M.G., Murphy, H.M., Ringuette, M., Sirois, P., Sponaugle, S. (2015) Once upon a larva : Revisiting the relationship between feeding success and growth in fish larvae. ICES Journal of Marine Science 72 : 359-373 (Editor’s Choice paper). *Contributions égales.
- Murphy, H.M., Bungay, T., Stern, E.W.P., Winger, P.D., Robert, D. (2015) Measurement of warp loads of bongo plankton samplers. Fisheries Research 162 : 43-46.
- Robert, D., Murphy, H.M., Jenkins, G.P., Fortier, L. (2014) Poor taxonomical knowledge of larval fish diet composition is impeding our ability to assess the existence of a ‘critical period’ driving year-class strength. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 71 : 2042-2052.
- Falardeau, M., Robert, D., Fortier, L. (2014) Could the planktonic stages of polar cod and Pacific sand lance compete for food in the warming Beaufort Sea ? ICES J. Mar. Sci. 71 : 1956-1965.
- Robert, D., Pepin, P., Dower, J.F., Fortier, L. (2014) Individual growth history of larval Atlantic mackerel is reflected in daily condition indices. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 71 : 1001-1009.
- Bouchard, C., Robert, D., Nelson, R.J., Fortier, L. (2013) The otolith nucleus as a tool to discriminate the early life stages of Boreogadus saida and Arctogadus glacialis. Polar Biol. 36 : 1537-1542.
- Fukunishi, Y., Masuda, R., Robert, D., Yamashita, Y. (2013) Comparison of UV-B tolerance among wild and hatchery-reared juveniles of black sea bream (Acanthopagrus schlegeli) and red sea bream (Pagrus major). Env. Biol. Fish. 96 : 13-20.
- Tremblay, J.-É., Robert, D., Varela, D.E., Lovejoy, C., Darnis, G., Nelson, R.J., Sastri, A.R. (2012) Current state and trends in Canadian Arctic marine ecosystems : I. Primary production. Clim. Change. 115 : 161-178.
- Darnis, G., Robert, D., Pomerleau, C., Link, H., Archambault, P., Nelson, R.J., Geoffroy, M., Tremblay, J.-É., Lovejoy, C., Ferguson, S.H., Hunt, B.P.V., Fortier, L. (2012) Current state and trends in Canadian Arctic marine ecosystems : II.
- Heterotrophic food web, pelagic-benthic coupling, and biodiversity. Clim. Change. 115 : 179-205.
- Thanassekos, S., Robert, D., Fortier, L. (2012) An individual based model of Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) early life. II. Length- and growth-dependent mortality. J. Mar. Syst. 93 : 39-46.
- Forest, A., Stemmann, L., Picheral, M., Burdorf, L., Robert, D., Fortier, L., Babin, M. (2012) Size distribution of particles and zooplankton across the shelf-basin system in Southeast Beaufort Sea : combined results from an Underwater Vision Profiler and vertical net tows. Biogeosciences 9 : 1301-1320.
- Geoffroy, M., Robert, D., Darnis, G., Fortier, L. (2011) Polar cod (Boreogadus saida) aggregation behaviour in the Amundsen Gulf (southeastern Beaufort Sea) in winter. Polar Biol. 34 : 1959-1971.
- Robert, D., Levesque, K., Gagné, J.A., Fortier, L. (2011) Change in prey selectivity during the larval life of Atlantic cod in the southern Gulf of St Lawrence. J. Plankton Res. 33 : 195-200.
- Robert, D., Takasuka, A., Nakatsuka, S., Kubota, H., Oozeki, Y., Nishida, H., Fortier, L. (2010) Predation dynamics of mackerel on larval and juvenile anchovy : is capture success linked to prey condition ? Fish. Sci. 76 : 183-188.
- Oshima, M., Robert, D., Kurita, Y., Yoneda, M. et al. (2010) Early growth dynamics and recruitment success in Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus off the Pacific coast of northern Japan. J. Sea Res. 64 : 94-101.
- Kasai, A., Kurikawa, Y., Ueno, M., Robert, D., Yamashita, Y. (2010) Hydrodynamics and primary production in the Yura Estuary, Japan. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 86 : 408-414.
- Robert, D., Castonguay, M., Fortier, L. (2009) Effects of preferred prey density and temperature on feeding success and recent growth in larval mackerel of the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 377 : 227-237.
- Robert, D., Castonguay, M., Fortier, L. (2008) Effects of intra- and inter-annual variability in prey field on the feeding selectivity of larval Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus). J. Plankton Res. 30 : 673-688.
- Castonguay, M., Plourde, S., Robert, D., Runge, J.A., Fortier, L. (2008) Copepod production drives recruitment in a marine fish. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 65 : 1528-1531.
- Duplisea, D.E. and Robert, D. (2008) Prerecruit survival and recruitment of northern Gulf of St. Lawrence Atlantic cod. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 65 : 946-952.
- Robert, D., Castonguay, M., Fortier, L. (2007) Early growth and recruitment in Atlantic mackerel : discriminating the effects of fast growth and selection for fast growth. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 337 : 209-219.
Premier cycle :
- BIO27302 Écologie marine
- BIO27321 Écologie marine
- BIO38818 Stage en biologie
- BIO38919 Activité de synthèse en biologie
- SCI30007 Introduction à la recherche
- SCI40007 Micro-thèse
Deuxième cycle :
- OCE75120 Dynamique des ressources halieutiques
- OCE75518 Travaux dirigés en évaluation des stocks exploités
- OCE77020 Sujet spécial en océanographie
Troisième cycle :