Rachid Ghilal
Unité départementale des sciences de la gestion
Campus de Lévis
Téléphone sans frais
- Administration des affaires
- Finance
- Ph. D., Programme de doctorat conjoint de Montréal -UQAM, HEC, McGill, Concordia (2012)
- MBA recherche en finance, UQAM (2003)
- Ingénieur génie civil – EHTP (1997)
Mes intérêts de recherche s’articulent autour des thèmes suivants : Le machine learning appliqué à la finance, les Fintechs, la finance décentralisée (DeFi), les fonds négociés en bourse, la performance de l’investissement responsable.
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- Ghilal et al.,2021. Are Strategies for International Diversification by Country, Industry and Region Equivalent? ACRN Journal of Finance and Risk Perspectives 2021
- Mnasri, Hmaitane, Ghilal & Mzali, 2020 “The impact of corporate social responsibility on oil and gas firms’ access to finance” Journal of Accounting and Finance (ISSN# 2158-3625)
- Nach, H, R. Rachid, D. Salampasis (2019 ) “FinTech Research : A Scoping Review” in “Transformation Dynamics in FinTech: An Open Innovation Ecosystem Outlook” ed. Dr. Dimitrios Salampasis,. Anne-Laure Mention. Book series Open Innovation: Bridging Theory and Practice
- Marhfor, Ghilal, Mzali, Bouslah, 2020, Corporate Social Responsibility and Stock Price Informativeness: The Public Interest Perspective, CJAS-Inter-18- 0175.R2
- Echchakoui, S., Ghilal, R. 2019 “How salesperson’s perceived attributes can be used by sales managers to monitor and motivate sales force in relationship marketing?” European Research on Management and Business Economics
- Echchakoui, S., Ghilal, R. 2019 “How salesperson’s perceived attributes can be used by sales managers to monitor and motivate sales force in relationship marketing?” European Research on Management and Business Economics
- Echchakoui, S., & Ghilal, R., 2018, Investments in customer relationship marketing: Exchange framework analysis. In the proceedings of Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, ASAC, Toronto 2018
- Ghilal, R, & Marhfor, A, 2018, The Financial Crisis and its Impact on Comovements of Financial Markets: Evidence from Exchange-Traded Funds. Journal of International Business and Economy. JIBE 2018 Fall issue
- Ghilal Rachid, Nach, Hamid, 2018, La technologie de la chaine de blocs : Fondements et applications, Dans Les reconfigurations de l’échange marchand, Chapitre de livre. Contribution à ouvrage collectif, Ed. Myriam Ertz, Damien Hallegatte et Julien Bousque. Presse de l’université du Québec, PUQ
- Echchakoui, S., & Ghilal, R., How firm’s profitability is analyzed in relationship marketing. Journal of International Business and Economy (2018)
- Nach, Hamid & Ghilal, Rachid (2017), Blockchain and Smart contracts in the logistic and transportation industry: The demurrage and maritime trade use case. In the proceedings of the First Annual Toronto FinTech Conference. Toronto, Canada. Oct. 20-21, 2017
- The Monitoring Role of Financial Analysts: An International Evidence. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 5, 90-101. En collaboration avec A. Marhfor et B. Mzali
- Rachid Ghilal. (2015), Investment Sensitivity to Stock Prices and Analyst Coverage. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 5, 90-101. En collaboration avec A. Marhfor et B. Mzali.
- Ghilal, R., Hmaittane, A. (2014), L’investissement socialement responsable : portrait actuel et perspectives futures. Organisations et territoires, Volume 23, numéro 1 et 2-2014
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Premier cycle :
- FIN10014 Gestion financière I
- FIN20014 Gestion financière II
- FIN20214 Gestion du fonds de roulement
- FIN20221 Diagnostic financier et gestion du fonds de roulement
- FIN20514 Valeurs mobilières
- FIN30014 Gestion de portefeuille
- FIN30521 Programmation et analyse des données
- FIN30614 Gestion financière internationale
- FIN40014 Activité de synthèse en finance
- FIN40124 Stage d’intégration en finance
- SEG43020 Stage III